Respect is what makes our forum work


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I hope you will allow me a moment to remind all of us here of the importance of respecting each other as fellow Cowboys fans….

When each of us signed up to be a part of this great forum, we agreed to follow its guiding rules. Three of the most important of those rules are as follows:
#8 - You will not personally attack or insult other members.
#9 - You will not troll or antagonize other members.
#10 - You will not stalk or continuously harass other members.

This is a forum. Which means it is purposely and intentionally designed to provide an opportunity for all to offer a variety of opinions. Like all opinion forums, having one set of common views is not going to happen. In fact the variety of opinions are what makes this place work!

Let me make a serious suggestion for anyone who lowers themselves below the standard we have set for mutual respect around here: When someone posts something you disagree with, tell them why you disagree, WITHOUT THE NAME CALLING AND INSULTS. It’s that simple. You can say, “Here’s where I disagree…” or “I think you’re wrong about ____”.

If we allow disrespect, insults, name-calling, etc to happen around here, we are literally destroying this great forum. What makes this place work is not that there is one right way to be a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. This place works because we can disagree without trying to harass, demean or disrespect our fellow fans.

I love this forum and respect everyone who takes the time to offer their opinions- even those I disagree with. If we’re going to keep this forum great, we must all do a better job of respecting each other.
That was good, just like what we talked about. :thumbup:


Rising Star
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I blame Jerry, we are a frustrated and passionate fan base who desperately needs some Ws. ;)


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Thank you. The discipline that is metered out here to people who are harassing members doesn’t show up publicly to all posters. I know we don’t catch all violations, but we do try.
*I've seemingly been getting tagged as of late, by someone sportin' a hard on hammer ,in concerns fer' my inherently overt FEUDIAN nature ,THO*
just saying,ya knowo_O


Well-Known Member
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I hope you will allow me a moment to remind all of us here of the importance of respecting each other as fellow Cowboys fans….

When each of us signed up to be a part of this great forum, we agreed to follow its guiding rules. Three of the most important of those rules are as follows:
#8 - You will not personally attack or insult other members.
#9 - You will not troll or antagonize other members.
#10 - You will not stalk or continuously harass other members.

This is a forum. Which means it is purposely and intentionally designed to provide an opportunity for all to offer a variety of opinions. Like all opinion forums, having one set of common views is not going to happen. In fact the variety of opinions are what makes this place work!

Let me make a serious suggestion for anyone who lowers themselves below the standard we have set for mutual respect around here: When someone posts something you disagree with, tell them why you disagree, WITHOUT THE NAME CALLING AND INSULTS. It’s that simple. You can say, “Here’s where I disagree…” or “I think you’re wrong about ____”.

If we allow disrespect, insults, name-calling, etc to happen around here, we are literally destroying this great forum. What makes this place work is not that there is one right way to be a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. This place works because we can disagree without trying to harass, demean or disrespect our fellow fans.

I love this forum and respect everyone who takes the time to offer their opinions- even those I disagree with. If we’re going to keep this forum great, we must all do a better job of respecting each other.

Ahh so eloquent, so calming, so subtle...

Me, I used to go with "Lets play nice guys". ; )


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Yo, bro! MARINES call it like it is, breakin' bones if need be,,, er,,, as if that perhaps be of a foreign concept to yer' natural nature? One can only but merely guesso_O


Well-Known Member
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I hope you will allow me a moment to remind all of us here of the importance of respecting each other as fellow Cowboys fans….

When each of us signed up to be a part of this great forum, we agreed to follow its guiding rules. Three of the most important of those rules are as follows:
#8 - You will not personally attack or insult other members.
#9 - You will not troll or antagonize other members.
#10 - You will not stalk or continuously harass other members.

This is a forum. Which means it is purposely and intentionally designed to provide an opportunity for all to offer a variety of opinions. Like all opinion forums, having one set of common views is not going to happen. In fact the variety of opinions are what makes this place work!

Let me make a serious suggestion for anyone who lowers themselves below the standard we have set for mutual respect around here: When someone posts something you disagree with, tell them why you disagree, WITHOUT THE NAME CALLING AND INSULTS. It’s that simple. You can say, “Here’s where I disagree…” or “I think you’re wrong about ____”.

If we allow disrespect, insults, name-calling, etc to happen around here, we are literally destroying this great forum. What makes this place work is not that there is one right way to be a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. This place works because we can disagree without trying to harass, demean or disrespect our fellow fans.

I love this forum and respect everyone who takes the time to offer their opinions- even those I disagree with. If we’re going to keep this forum great, we must all do a better job of respecting each other.
Uh oh. What happened Bullet? Hahaha.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Uh oh. What happened Bullet? Hahaha.
Just a few folks lately crossing the respect line with the personal attacks, insults, etc, etc. I think a lot of us are just “hangry” for some real football, lol.

And to clarify, I like a little salt in the discussion around here as long as it stays a disagreement and not some personal attack. We just have to keep the car between the lines. We can keep it real without the low chop blocks some people seem to resort to.


Well-Known Member
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Just a few folks lately crossing the respect line with the personal attacks, insults, etc, etc. I think a lot of us are just “hangry” for some real football, lol.

And to clarify, I like a little salt in the discussion around here as long as it stays a disagreement and not some personal attack. We just have to keep the car between the lines. We can keep it real without the low chop blocks some people seem to resort to.
A few lately? Sames one's different days.


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Just a few folks lately crossing the respect line with the personal attacks, insults, etc, etc. I think a lot of us are just “hangry” for some real football, lol.

And to clarify, I like a little salt in the discussion around here as long as it stays a disagreement and not some personal attack. We just have to keep the car between the lines. We can keep it real without the low chop blocks some people seem to resort to.

Don’t you think it would help if you gave some specific examples?

The term ‘personally attack and insult’ is very vague and can mean many things to different people.

Is calling someone a ‘hater,’ a ‘homer,’ etc. a personal attack, an insult, or disrespectful? If so, one could easily use software to asterisk out those words. But, that leads to a potentially worse situation. One types ‘You are a hater’ and it shows up as ‘you are a ***** ‘ which looks much worse. Sometimes the cure is worse than the illness. Any supposed cure sounds really, really boring.

Specific examples would maybe provide clarity but my guess is you would open up a can of worms. People would be providing you thousands of examples both pro and counter, of ‘what about this then.’ Good luck trying to navigate through the muddy waters and fog of vagueness.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Don’t you think it would help if you gave some specific examples?

The term ‘personally attack and insult’ is very vague and can mean many things to different people.

Is calling someone a ‘hater,’ a ‘homer,’ etc. a personal attack, an insult, or disrespectful? If so, one could easily use software to asterisk out those words. But, that leads to a potentially worse situation. One types ‘You are a hater’ and it shows up as ‘you are a ***** ‘ which looks much worse. Sometimes the cure is worse than the illness. Any supposed cure sounds really, really boring.

Specific examples would maybe provide clarity but my guess is you would open up a can of worms. People would be providing you thousands of examples both pro and counter, of ‘what about this then.’ Good luck trying to navigate through the muddy waters and fog of vagueness.
Ok…That’s a fair question Ninja to give some examples. Here’s some ideas of what I mean. Obviously I can’t use real people as examples but I will try to give some realistic examples.

Fan A says, “When I see the current Cowboys safety depth chart, I see a bottom third of the league group.”
Fan B responds: “When see a post like yours, I see someone who didn’t finish 8th grade.”

That’s obviously oversimplified, but instead of just throwing out cheap shots like that, how about saying something like, “I disagree because….” Or “I totally disagree and here’s my take on why…”. Firing off stuff that’s personal is the line. They key is stay on the topic not the person.

Bottom line, there’s nothing vague about personal attacks or insults. And I like having some salty back and forth around here. I like somebody challenging my opinions. (Well, usually, lol) As long as someone doesn’t get personal, that’s cool. Having a disagreement and talking about it like fellow fans who have different perspectives is totally different than putting somebody down.

Hey you and I have had some dust ups and differences. But I appreciate your perspective, even when I think you’re wrong, LOL! I know you are a Cowboys fan and I appreciate that a lot more than our disagreements.


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Ok…That’s a fair question Ninja to give some examples. Here’s some ideas of what I mean. Obviously I can’t use real people as examples but I will try to give some realistic examples.

Fan A says, “When I see the current Cowboys safety depth chart, I see a bottom third of the league group.”
Fan B responds: “When see a post like yours, I see someone who didn’t finish 8th grade.”

That’s obviously oversimplified, but instead of just throwing out cheap shots like that, how about saying something like, “I disagree because….” Or “I totally disagree and here’s my take on why…”. Firing off stuff that’s personal is the line. They key is stay on the topic not the person.

Bottom line, there’s nothing vague about personal attacks or insults. And I like having some salty back and forth around here. I like somebody challenging my opinions. (Well, usually, lol) As long as someone doesn’t get personal, that’s cool. Having a disagreement and talking about like fellow fans who have different perspectives is totally different than putting somebody down.

Hey you and I have had some dust ups and differences. But I appreciate your perspective, even when I think you’re wrong, LOL! I know you are a Cowboys fan and I appreciate that a lot more than our disagreements.

The simple examples are too easy. It is the gray areas wherein lies the can of worms. What one person finds as a joke can be insulting to another person. I will give you one example which I found quite funny today. Someone started a thread about a player and another person responded with a facetious (I am guessing because I can never know true intent) response like 'Great thread, Bro.' It put a smile on my face because I know these two people from their posts and it makes the site interesting. It is that playful banter. Now one person could see that response as disrespectful (I am sure this person did not in this case), just using it as an example. Good luck trying to police thought and intention.

I can just as easily attack, insult, and disrespect someone using back-handed compliments and being facetious. We all can. And sometimes it sure is funny. Now, some people can take things too far. What is too much and what is too far is the big question. We all know it when we see it.

Growing up as a kid while watching The Jeffersons, I always wanted George to fire that maid since I thought she was insulting the boss and being disrespectful. Now, I find it absolutely hilarious and the show would have been not funny without her the way she was. I worry that we may take away some of that playful back and forth.

I actually find the terms such as 'Dak-lovers,' 'Cult of Dak,' 'Zeke fanboy,' 'Jerry Lover/Hater' as funny. Maybe some don't. I find George Carlin funny. Some don't.

My cousin was overweight. A cousin-in-law told him one day that he was fat. They were very good friends. My cousin was initially hurt by the remark and felt insulted. He thought about it, truly looked at himself, and said, 'yeah, he's right. I am fat and need to lose weight.' He lost weight and thanked him later for telling him the truth and providing incentive. Negative feedback can lead to a positive outcome. In a similar manner, I appreciate all the feedback, more so the negative than the positive. The negative humbles me and tells me how I can approve. The positive can just inflate ego if allowed.

Basically, no one here can truly insult me (try as they may) or disrespect me because my filter does not allow for that. I control what insults me and disrespects me. Now, hurt is a different animal than disrespect and insult.