Wentz was valedictorian of his high school, and basically a 4.0 student at North Dakota State. Intelligence and a high IQ is not his problem.
Wentz is bright, but as a graduate of the same HS Dak came from, and having been one of the better HS students from my era, I can say the average student from Haughton HS is a half a year to two years
behind the elite schools in Louisiana (Benjamin Franklin down in Nyawlins is/was awesome good. Don't know if it survived Katrina). But in 5 years in a good school Dak ended up with a master's degree.
I don't see people talking about Carson Wentz's masters. Wonderlics be damned, Dak made very efficient use of his study time.
That's item one. Item two is that so-called superior athleticism of Wentz. By what measures? Maybe he is bigger. Maybe he is stronger. Maybe he throws the ball 177 yards with his thumb. But Wentz runs like a duck, and I'd hate watching him try to do what Russell Wilson does.