Ricky Williams Fails Drug Test

Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.

Roll another one
Just like the other one.
This one's burnt to the end
Come on and be a friend.

Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.

Ro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oll another one
Just like the other one.
You've been hanging on to it
And I sure would like a hit.

Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me
jackrussell said:
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.

Roll another one
Just like the other one.
This one's burnt to the end
Come on and be a friend.

Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.

Ro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oll another one
Just like the other one.
You've been hanging on to it
And I sure would like a hit.

Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me

Thanks for the Little Feet this morning. LOL
Doomsday101 said:
Ricky knew what the rules where he is not a little kid and given his past he should have been waiting at the door for the drug test. this is just another example of Ricky not caring and doing his own thing. If that is what he wants to do then fine I don't hold that aginst him but if he wants to play in the NFL and make the big bucks then he has to do what is asked of him

Yeah, I can pretty much agree with that, if he knew his travels would interfere with his testing schedule, he should have made arrangements with the NFL or revised his travel plans or whatever. It's just that I think if he really has changed, it's a shame he would a problem, but life is a series of choices and we all have to bear the burden of wrong choices the same as we reap the rewards of right choices.

notherbob said:
Yeah, I can pretty much agree with that, if he knew his travels would interfere with his testing schedule, he should have made arrangements with the NFL or revised his travel plans or whatever. It's just that I think if he really has changed, it's a shame he would a problem, but life is a series of choices and we all have to bear the burden of wrong choices the same as we reap the rewards of right choices.


If he had changed he would have been at the testing facilities. After all the hog wash he expressed after missing a year and then returning to the game he fails to do what he has agreed to. It is a privilege to play in the NFL not a right
Dolphins | Suspension could end Williams' career
Mon, 20 Feb 2006 07:09:01 -0800

Armando Salguero and Barry Jackson, of the Miami Herald, report if Miami Dolphins RB Ricky Williams is indeed suspended for the 2006 season, his NFL career could be over. It is not certain that the Dolphins won't have Williams. He can appeal and would be able to play should he win that appeal. ''There is an appeal process so you can't write him off right away,'' said agent Drew Rosenhaus, who represents several Miami players and was instrumental in winning an appeal for former Dolphins RB J.J. Johnson. However, Rosenhaus and others noted, if the 29-year-old Williams doesn't appeal or loses an appeal, his career is all but finished. He would be 30 and would have missed two of the past three years if he can't return to the league until 2007. ''It's very unlikely he would ever play again or anyone would take a chance on him again,'' Rosenhaus said. The Dolphins had been exploring trading Williams and it is believed the story first surfaced in Denver based on the Denver Broncos' continued study of Williams. ESPN NFL reporter Chris Mortensen said Miami would have lost a ''decent'' bargaining chip, but there's a chance Williams could win an appeal.
notherbob said:
If he is indeed in India and straight and the problem is a missed test, he should be able to make it up, after all, pot stays in your system a long time and would still be detectable days or weeks later.

But he's not allowed to use ANY drugs. Coke, smack, even steroids, leave your system quickly.

Not saying he was using these -- nor would I think he's got an issue with anything but pot - but that should not impact his testing schedule.
SilverStarCowboy said:
It's a shame that alchohol is legal and pot isn't....or should I say scam?
alcohol would cause a failure once in the program.
he could have in fact ended his career by drinking one beer.

the nfl program is pretty tough that way.

then again chances are greater than zero he returned to the bong.
jterrell said:
alcohol would cause a failure once in the program.
he could have in fact ended his career by drinking one beer.

Well, not really. Alcohol leaves the system very quickly. Realistically he could fail by drinking a beer right before the test -- or having been really really drunk the night before a test.

The system is fatally flawed in that urine testing is limited and unbalanced. Drugs like marijuana -- that are pretty much harmless for adults -- are detectable for weeks. Drugs like alcohol which cause far more damage than maryjane -- are detectable for only a few hours.
jterrell said:
then again chances are greater than zero he returned to the bong.

It's a siren call that many, including apparently Mr. Williams, find difficult to resist.
When i was listen to the local radio station this morning they stated he missed a test, and that he was in India. If that is the case he probably has grounds for appeal.
4lifecowboy said:
When i was listen to the local radio station this morning they stated he missed a test, and that he was in India. If that is the case he probably has grounds for appeal.
A missed test is the same as a positive test. He has no grounds for an appeal. He should have gotten tested before he left.
Yeagermeister said:
A missed test is the same as a positive test. He has no grounds for an appeal. He should have gotten tested before he left.

There random test. How do you know he didn't take one the day before left? I read they can test up to 10 times a month.
4lifecowboy said:
There random test. How do you know he didn't take one the day before left? I read they can test up to 10 times a month.

It is up to Ricky this is the NFL not a day care center, he was well aware of the rules. Sorry I just believe people need to take responsibility for their own action and stop pushing it off on others.
4lifecowboy said:
There random test. How do you know he didn't take one the day before left? I read they can test up to 10 times a month.
He can call who he reports to and tell them he's going to be leaving the country. He has to report to someone.
Yeagermeister said:
A missed test is the same as a positive test. He has no grounds for an appeal. He should have gotten tested before he left.

Yes, he does have grounds for an appeal. Have you even bothered to read this thread?
That's called the munchies ...Panama Red (quote from Robert Deniro; in Meet the Parents).:eek::
Rack said:
Yes, he does have grounds for an appeal. Have you even bothered to read this thread?
So if I knew I had to take a drug test, yes I know it's random, and I knew I would fail it I could just leave the country and appeal it?
Yeagermeister said:
So if I knew I had to take a drug test, yes I know it's random, and I knew I would fail it I could just leave the country and appeal it?

No. he can be tested at any time. the league however can't tell him that he can't go on a trip out of the country. he is required to inform the league if he plans to be away. the league can test him if he is out of the country -- but they have to set it up wherever he happens to be. my guess is that if he did miss a test, the appeal will involve his inability to make it to the testing site in time (e.g., inadequate notice, travel interuptions beyond his control).
abersonc said:
No. he can be tested at any time. the league however can't tell him that he can't go on a trip out of the country. he is required to inform the league if he plans to be away. the league can test him if he is out of the country -- but they have to set it up wherever he happens to be. my guess is that if he did miss a test, the appeal will involve his inability to make it to the testing site in time (e.g., inadequate notice, travel interuptions beyond his control).
It's up to him to make it to the testing place not the league to work around him. If he misses the test it's on him.

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