Romo speaks to the media **merged**


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You are right it is what it is and that has always been the perception that it is all on the QB. Myself I have never agreed with that since I'm one who believes championships are team accomplishment. A QB can lose a game quicker than anyone else on the team but he can't win it by himself. You are right though right or wrong the burden falls to Dak. Defense could give up 40 points in a game while offense scores 38 and the QB will still take the brunt of it and I think that is about as silly as it gets
I totally agree. This is a team game, but the QB gets the most love and the most hate when it comes to wins and losses. My *only* concern and that's because I don't feel like we've had to is that if the game were to fall on Dak's shoulders and the defense has given up 38 points, Zeke can't get going, the OL is out of sync for some reason, can Dak put it on his shoulders and rise of above it? Don't know and hopefully we won't have to. He's a great game manager and I hope that's all he has to be.


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It's hard to say what's going to happen in the long run, but knowing Romo is ready to play and take over for Dak if necessary puts us in a very good place at QB right now. We're ready for the stretch run and beyond.

Yes. I probably in the minorty here.
If he gets in and makes a run. I'll be happy.

If Dak finds a way to win and get us SB. I'll be happy.

Tough tough tough


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I totally agree. This is a team game, but the QB gets the most love and the most hate when it comes to wins and losses. My *only* concern and that's because I don't feel like we've had to is that if the game were to fall on Dak's shoulders and the defense has given up 38 points, Zeke can't get going, the OL is out of sync for some reason, can Dak put it on his shoulders and rise of above it? Don't know and hopefully we won't have to. He's a great game manager and I hope that's all he has to be.

Today? chances are no and that is a guess but he is a rookie and will continue to work and develop as a QB. The things you can't teach a QB Dak already has. You can't make a QB poised and show the calm and cool demeanor when things are not going great for him. Dak has shown that. This is a big move for all rookies going to the NFL where the game is moving much quicker and for most of them it takes time to adjust to that speed to have a better understanding of the different and complex defense but those things can be taught.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Let me break down that explanation.
Steelers and Green Bay are .500 teams right now. Steelers less than that actually. Dak had a nice 50 yard pass to Dez covered by a rookie. Other than his 85 yard screen, it was Zeke all day. And when Zeke doesn't come through for and done again.

You wouldn't be breaking it down that way had Romo been the QB. :thumbup:


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While this is true, they are the loudest and boisterous of posters so it makes it feel as if they are in abundance.

I agree with SD and Zordon 100%. This PC is only going to have these individuals nitpick the hell out of Dak's game and when we inevitably don't win the SB, there will be a a Zillion threads on why Tony would have.

Dak is in a situation that reminds me of Switzer: a lose lose situation. If Switzer won, it was because of Jimmy's players not his. If Switzer lost, it's like "how could you lose with Jimmy's players".

If Dak wins, it will be "Romo would have won too". If Dam loses, we'll hear how Romo would have won.

Is that really a lose-lose though? Either guy would be in that boat. Really the only thing that matters is if we win. He wins the Superbowl as a rookie, I doubt he considers it losing out on anything.

If what you're saying is that Cowboys fans are irrational and never satisfied, I agree with that completely.


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You wouldn't be breaking it down that way had Romo been the QB. :thumbup:
Last time we played in pittsburgh didn't Romo have a game ending int? Not hating just putting things in perspective on how hard it is to win in this league.


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Let me break down that explanation.
Steelers and Green Bay are .500 teams right now. Steelers less than that actually. Dak had a nice 50 yard pass to Dez covered by a rookie. Other than his 85 yard screen, it was Zeke all day. And when Zeke doesn't come through for and done again.

You are calling for one and done on a QB that pretty much hasn't lost yet. Game 1 WRs drop TDs.


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I think Romo was all class and team today, but I would not make light of what Dak did either.
I thought Dak did quite well on the 50 yd pass avoiding the rush and throwing a strike.
He had some tough throws including the tough pass to Dez on the 3rd down late in the game.
On the last drive, he was 3 for 4.
Dak was pretty clutch in the 4th quarter.
I totally agree. This is a team game, but the QB gets the most love and the most hate when it comes to wins and losses. My *only* concern and that's because I don't feel like we've had to is that if the game were to fall on Dak's shoulders and the defense has given up 38 points, Zeke can't get going, the OL is out of sync for some reason, can Dak put it on his shoulders and rise of above it? Don't know and hopefully we won't have to. He's a great game manager and I hope that's all he has to be.
Exactly. This team is good enough to get there. But you need an experienced, seasoned QB who can read and manipulate defenses.

This is the week you will look back and say why did they get so cocky to think the Rook was just going to roll the field. Huge miscalculation coming.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Last time we played in pittsburgh didn't Romo have a game ending int? Not hating just putting things in perspective on how hard it is to win in this league.

It was a pick-six, one of 4 turnovers he had that day. When things start going bad for Romo it snowballs.


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Let me break down that explanation.
Steelers and Green Bay are .500 teams right now. Steelers less than that actually. Dak had a nice 50 yard pass to Dez covered by a rookie. Other than his 85 yard screen, it was Zeke all day. And when Zeke doesn't come through for and done again.

Yes none of those passes at the end of the game on the last drives were any good at all. He only had one good pass.

Your breakdown has no substance. Steelers would be tied for 1st place had they beat us but since we actually beat them, now they aren't that good of a win.

You Romo lovers are comical. You guys are praying for Dak's downfall to somehow prove a trivial point about some aging, gimpy QB who has zero playoff success.


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Exactly. This team is good enough to get there. But you need an experienced, seasoned QB who can read and manipulate defenses.

This is the week you will look back and say why did they get so cocky to think the Rook was just going to roll the field. Huge miscalculation coming.

what Romo did today was very classy.
but one should not put down what Dak has done in the last 9 games.
why would one project a 4-3 record (~63%) for the next 7 games when he was 8-1 in the first 9 games (87%).


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My god, Cowboy fans are so pathetic and disrespectful. It's just sickening to see all these Romo haters being so smug and degrading a guy who gave his body, heart and soul for this franchise and it's sad these people can't see that.


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Last time we played in pittsburgh didn't Romo have a game ending int? Not hating just putting things in perspective on how hard it is to win in this league.

To be fair, the steelers defense averaged 14.2ppg that year.

This was the game that ultimately ended TO's stay in Dallas though. I remember him blowing up on the sidelines after that pick 6


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I wish that Romo had the chance to lead us to a SB. He deserves that. He is right that it is about the team. I hope he had a role to play going forward so that when we do win the SB, he and we can feel that he truly contributed

He has been a great QB for us


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Exactly. This team is good enough to get there. But you need an experienced, seasoned QB who can read and manipulate defenses.

and who is this guy? you couldnt possibly be talking about our backup, cause last time he started a game.. he threw 3 ints, 2 returned for a TD. Dont see that QB who can 'read and manipulate defenses;