Romo speaks to the media **merged**

I don't necessarily disagree with what you say, it's how you say it. YOU chew on that, I'd rather have a drink little man.

I'll say it the way I feel like saying it and if it gets under your skin too bad. :D
Of course I was rooting for their success - I am a fan of the team.
Out of e-friendship with Trouty, I am not going to make thread about me, and let you guys have your fun.
Then you were a fan of them while they are on the team. Unless you were rooting against them which indirectly would have been rooting against the team.
The Steelers have lost four in a row and have been a hot mess since Big Ben got injured and came back. They lost to
Miami and couldn't put up 20 against their last three teams before us.

And they also went 0-4 on two point conversions.

Green Bay has also lost 4 of their past 5 and they have been on deterioration mode since last year contrary to popular belief.

Stop exaggerating their greatness right now..

Big Ben looked fine too me...

By the way I'm not exaggerating their greatness, this teams 8-1...
If Jerry wasn't around Garrett would be coaching pee wee football somewhere. He kept the job despite 3 straight 8-8 seasons because Jerry loves him.

And if Garrett wasn't around and Romo was playing under a real OC like Linehan, we wouldn't have been seeing 8-8.. if Romo wasn't around, Garrett would be having more seasons like last year and not 8-8 and even Jerry couldn't justify keeping him, just like when he got rid of his brother...
Romo gives you the best chance come playoff time, even Andy Dalton was great last year in the regular season. Playoffs are a different animal

Romo hasn't played a regular season game in a full year. How does he give us a better chance than a QB who's played as well as Dak with all that time off?
I told you guys. You can't say you weren't warned.

Romo helped him and Rayne's response to that kindness was to take the man's job. This is the character of your new QB.

I'll still root for the team (Go Cowboys!) but sacks given up won't be nearly as hard to take now.
Poe's Law is kicking in big-time for me right now.
True colors are showing up. Pretty crazy how classless some of the "fans" can be.
Yep, but a couple of them only show up here when there is an opportunity to bash Romo or the team in general. As difficult as it s, I'm doing my best to ignore the idiots.
Big Ben looked fine too me...

By the way I'm not exaggerating their greatness, this teams 8-1...

I'm talking about GB and Pittsburgh.. they've been playing like hot garbage and if their coach wasn't stupid enough to try 2 point conversions 4 times it would have been a lot different..
And if Garrett wasn't around and Romo was playing under a real OC like Linehan, we wouldn't have been seeing 8-8.. if Romo wasn't around, Garrett would be having more seasons like last year and not 8-8 and even Jerry couldn't justify keeping him, just like when he got rid of his brother...

That's easy to say but it was mostly the defense that caused us to go 8-8 those years.
Then you were a fan of them while they are on the team. Unless you were rooting against them which indirectly would have been rooting against the team.

lol, it is matter of semantics.
what cowboys fan would not want the team and their players to succeed?
i posted similar sentiments in another thread and a couple romo haters attacked me...
Romo hasn't played a regular season game in a full year. How does he give us a better chance than a QB who's played as well as Dak with all that time off?

There are some good people that want Romo in but there's some that are just lost they were just arguing with me that Romo is better than Brady. They have zero perspective or sense. It's probably cause they were 5 years old when Romo got his first start now they're 15 and it's all they know.
Twitter is blowing up.
All sorts of kudos from various NFL players and mediots.

Even Titan's Olineman Taylor Lewan chimed in

"listening to Tony Romo, the way he held himself, and spoke with so much passion shows the true character of what it means to be a competitor"
Michael Fabiano, ESPN

"Just watched Tony Romo's presser. That's called class, friends. Total team player. Bottom line. As a Cowboys fan, I say ... thanks, Tony."

NFL Network

"The sincerity, honesty, respect and raw emotion displayed by @TonyRomo just now was incredible."
lol i think it is the definition of the word fan.

i am a fan of the team.
tony frustrated me greatly with mistakes, so i have not been a fan.
though this press conference made me like him because it was all class.

i was definitely not a fan of hardy and definitely not a fan of gregory.
i am not a fan of TWill because of all his idiocy.
I can't stand how Jerry has ran our franchise but I root for his success which means the Cowboys success which makes me indirectly a fan of Jerry too.

If your a Romo hater all of these years then you haven't been ultimately rooting for the Cowboys.

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