Adult Language Shannon Sharpe Tries To Push A Narrative, But Only Shows His Lack Of Research

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You would think a guy like Cam would be pretty happy with everything he accomplished. All he does is cry about how he has been wronged by everyone his entire life and how salty he is about how much money players make now compared to what he made. Pretty pathetic IMHO.
Oh and by the way Cam makes stuff up all the time he literally lives in a fantasy world so if he says anything I would highly recommend fact checking it first.
Romo played better than his cap hit.

Dak plays worst than his.

Outside of a wedding band and skin tone.......our QBs being compared, have the same look on their hands.
I am really sick of the constant dak talk. I just wish they would do something so we can stop talking about it.
You might have a point here...percentage of the cap. And while you and I may not like it...but Romo was never considered...not even for a MOMENT...a top 5 QB. He was barely top 10. Dak is widely regarded as being a top QB in the NFC.'s watered down...but markets are always about what is available at the time...and maybe the QB market is better for Dak than Romo. But still, when you put MERIT AND HARD WORK in the discussion - including taking your personal time and LEADING - Romo STOLE Jerry's money. Period.
LOLwut? Romo played in QB league with the likes of Brady, the two Mannings and Rogers, all HOFamers or future HOFamers. And the NFC East was much more competitive with Manning, a Reid-coached Eagles and McNabb, and even the Skins fielded playoff teams. Romo was an all-pro runner up MVP to Rogers, with only a tenth of a point difference in QB rating distinguishing them.
LOLwut? Romo played in QB league with the likes of Brady, the two Mannings and Rogers, all HOFamers or future HOFamers. And the NFC East was much more competitive with Manning, a Reid-coached Eagles and McNabb, and even the Skins fielded playoff teams. Romo was an all-pro runner up MVP to Rogers, with only a tenth of a point difference in QB rating distinguishing them.
Dak fans are legit crazies that live in another reality.
Dak can’t be that “DAWG” that Cam is implying he should be because the country club fanbase will not allow it.
Who cares what you think? you didn't offer an opinion or critique that can be replied to. What EXACTLY is the problem with the post?

"The problem with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent people are full of doubt." - Charles Bukowksi
It would be like replying to a child when discussing calculus and he says he likes how the squiggly loops in the number 3 looks so he must know the answer.
You're comment about an undrafted player who came from non D1 football and would throw balls and study film with anyone that had a pulse for 3+ years before he ever even got an NFL start as "someone who never worked for it" was only the start.

There was more, but you can end there and have enough.

Good lordy man, what are you smokin
LOLwut? Romo played in QB league with the likes of Brady, the two Mannings and Rogers, all HOFamers or future HOFamers. And the NFC East was much more competitive with Manning, a Reid-coached Eagles and McNabb, and even the Skins fielded playoff teams. Romo was an all-pro runner up MVP to Rogers, with only a tenth of a point difference in QB rating distinguishing them.
He LOST to all of them. He LOST to Brady in the big game. He LOST to Manning in the big game against him. Did he play well to a point? YES...and then he choked. He ALSO choked against NFC East opponents...something Dak rarely does.

Look I'm uncomfortable championing Dak...literally my 1st post on this board was saying I'm done with Dak. That said, I don't live in a world where I have to demonize someone I don't like. Dak has plenty of flaws...but so did Romo and Romo's flaws were leadership, time on task, CHOKING and being a doting son to Jerry. And Jerry RECIPROCATED by treating Romo like a son and giving him things he didn't earn.

Dak EARNED his contract...even though I don't like it. How? He played through his rookie deal where he was clearly underpaid. He then played under TWO franchise tags. Romo never had to deal with that insecurity. I can go all day on this topic...jerry LOVES Romo until this day.
It would be like replying to a child when discussing calculus and he says he likes how the squiggly loops in the number 3 looks so he must know the answer.
You're comment about an undrafted player who came from non D1 football and would throw balls and study film with anyone that had a pulse for 3+ years before he ever even got an NFL start as "someone who never worked for it" was only the start.

There was more, but you can end there and have enough.

Good lordy man, what are you smokin
I smoke medical. but that's a red herring. You're still doing ad hominem and did nothing but make an irrelevant comment about Romo's bio. Cute. Now, tell me how MY WORDS lacked intelligence. Unless your point is that I can't criticize Romo because he overcame a lot.

I gotta tell you...for someone with superior say a whole lot of NOTHING.
You're entitled to your opinion but I think you’re way off. HE WAS UNDRAFTED. ZERO expectations. He showed enough in 2003 to serve as the 3rd QB; do you know how hard it is to make an NFL roster let alone at the most important position? The only reason he made the fracking roster in 04' is because Quincy decided to fail a drug test; Romo was one decision away from being done. He didn't get Dallas a SB, but he is undoubtedly a success story. Don't belittle what Romo accomplished; he worked his butt off to get better as a player throughout his career and now as a successful broadcaster.

Less supportive with Dak? Jerry's checkbook would disagree with you. Give me a break. Maybe Romo and his agent didn't play hardball with Jerry like Dak and his agent has; you have no idea what the specifics are yet you speak in absolutes like you know.
The expectations game - and exceeded them - are also a LOSS for Romo.

Romo had 3 years to be groomed without seeing the field. 3.5 YEARS....

Dak - who had rarely taken snaps under center - was a rookie, QB3 (behind Moore), DAY 1 starter who was a 4th round pick when 13-3 in his first year and dueled Aaron Rodgers to the end.

Unless you want to continue to handicap for Romo...Dak BLEW AWAY expectations vs. Romo had 3.5 years to be PERSONALLY groomed by Parcells.

I'm glad you think I'm way off...but I was a daily watcher of the team during the Romo years. I think a ton of people who don't like Dak - for whatever reasons, I have my own - GO OVERBOARD and feel the need to make Dak into some fairy princess that Jerry supported from day 1. NO...when you get 3.5 years to mature, still act goofy and take another 5 years to lead...all while being the highest paid are CODDLED.

NOT way off...SPOT ON.
Dak's leadership. I'll tell you what it is. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullcrap! And he is baffling a lot of his lovers, but there is nothing brilliant about him.
It's not crap. Dak is a sincere most people who lead and then FAIL. Just because he failed doesn't mean he doesn't invest a ton of his personal, time and energy to the team. Not ONE person questions that about Dak, but it WAS a question during the Romo years.
Dak has also had the superior teams. If you look past the post season record you will realize they are completely different quarterbacks in the post season.

Basically Romo had all his teams leading at half and entering the 4th quarter besides the Vikings game when the entire team sucked in his losses. Also got hit with one of the worst calls in post season history(granted Rodgers had plenty of time to walk down the filed and score). Crayton literally dropped 2 tds and nearly 80+ yards of receiving costing them the game.

Dak on the other hand on his losses the team was down at half and entering the 4th sometimes by multiple scores. Although not much he could do when ran ran all over us for nearly 300 yards combined.

But in the end of the day the cowboys didn't get it done. All points back to the front office
I would agree that Dak plays better in the regular season - and when Romo got there - he wasn't nearly as dreadful as Dak in the playoffs. Dak and Romo were both serial chokers ...but Dak's expectations have been higher and I do think he has had better teams year over year...and the org is more stable now. Basically, Romo was also coddled because the rebuild began in 2003 and he got to stay off the field until it was basically done.
They dumped Romo, who sat on the bench for years, and carried the team for years when it stunk, for Dak, who got to stroll into an offense with 3 All Pro linemen and an All Pro Running back as a rookie.
Romo SAT OUT the rebuild and then took over a team mid-season that had THIRTEEN PROBOWLERS in his first year of starting.

Advantage: Romo

And by the way, Cabo Romo ADMITTED he was not a leader on that team.
The expectations game - and exceeded them - are also a LOSS for Romo.

Romo had 3 years to be groomed without seeing the field. 3.5 YEARS....

Dak - who had rarely taken snaps under center - was a rookie, QB3 (behind Moore), DAY 1 starter who was a 4th round pick when 13-3 in his first year and dueled Aaron Rodgers to the end.

Unless you want to continue to handicap for Romo...Dak BLEW AWAY expectations vs. Romo had 3.5 years to be PERSONALLY groomed by Parcells.

I'm glad you think I'm way off...but I was a daily watcher of the team during the Romo years. I think a ton of people who don't like Dak - for whatever reasons, I have my own - GO OVERBOARD and feel the need to make Dak into some fairy princess that Jerry supported from day 1. NO...when you get 3.5 years to mature, still act goofy and take another 5 years to lead...all while being the highest paid are CODDLED.

NOT way off...SPOT ON.
Wow, I mean, this is off the charts. HE WENT TO EASTERN ILLINOIS AND WASN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT TO THE NFL. He actually did see the field in 3.5 years; that's how you get better. You know, practicing, working on your craft, being dedicated to being a better version of yourself. I'll trust a hall of fame coach regarding Romo's progression and career over some guy on an Internet forum.

Groomed?? Did Romo lie in his crib at night and get fed and nourished by the coaching staff until he just magically got it? CODDLED. HAHA. I'm done wasting my time regarding your argument whether or not Romo worked hard to get where he was.

Did I demean what Dak did his rookie year? YOU'RE the one who brought up his rookie year when it wasn't even a discussion between us; and in my opinion, his rookie year was his BEST season. What does that say about him?

Why is it so hard to say that BOTH players have blown away expectations based on what they were projected to do? The difference is, Dak was a projected mid round pick on a mid Mississippi State team as a 2-time All American, and Romo was an undrafted FA that wasn't even supposed to make it. I mean, it's common sense, bro.

The majority of people don't like Dak because of the SALARY he's making and how he's come up big in playoff games. You can absolutely say the same for Romo but in my opinion, Romo didn't have as many loaded teams as Dak has. The NFC was also much stronger during Romo's days, in my opinion. Romo had maybe 2-3 years of a solid offensive line (2007, 2009, 2014)? Don't get me wrong; the front office has done a disservice to both players regarding talent acquisition and bone-headed moves, but I'm going with Romo every time regarding reading coverages, quick release, accuracy, moxie, and DEDICATION TO HIS CRAFT. You have an internal hatred towards Romo and I'm not sure why. Maybe you can enlighten me.
Lol blame the fans. Dak would be a hero if he actually WON anything of importance.
I meant to add jerry too. Jerry would never want a QB that acts like Cam Newton to represent the Cowboys. Dak basically has to code switch(if you dont know what that mean look it up).
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