Simpson 'Heartbroken' Over Romo Split.**Merge**

casmith07;2841636 said:
I don't think he'll do it again. He seems like a guy that just likes nice girls in general, so we'll see what he comes up with next.
He's a man who has already proven, more than once, that beautiful celebrity women are attracted to. He may not hook up with another celeb, but the possibility is real and shouldn't be ignored by those who don't want to find themselves shocked by the latest tabloid fodder.
Hes not as dumb as I thought, 29 years old its all down hill. find another one go younger her best years are behind her ( pun included ).
Romo/Simpson Split: Tony Was Bored With Jessica and Papa Joe?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
By Hollie McKay

Pop diva Jessica Simpson told Pop Tarts last year that she had the same dreams as "every normal person" to make records, babies and "hopefully get married soon." But it looks like that won't be happening any time soon with her now ex-boyfriend Tony Romo.

Simpson was undoubtedly suffering the 29th birthday blues on Friday having been dumped just the night before by longtime lover Romo, but a source close to Simpson told Tarts that the "sudden" split wasn’t so sudden after all.

"It was a long time coming, he hasn't really been into her and the relationship for awhile, but stayed together because he didn't want to look like a jerk for not having a better reason to break it off," said our source. "And she's trying to save face by saying that it's because of their busy schedules."

Another inside source said that Jessica’s manager/father Joe Simpson’s meddling ways most likely took its toll on the relationship, which is the reason why they split the first time fourteen months ago. We’re told Joe promised he’d take a step back when the couple reunited but he was still too involved in his daughter’s private life.

"At one point Joe was even giving Tony football advice which doesn’t go down well," said an insider. "Tony was a football superstar before he got mixed up in Hollywood, this move will be probably be good at least for his career."

And not to mention the pop princess/country crooner was eager to tie-the-knot again, something Romo apparently wasn’t ready to do.

So while Miss Simpson sought solace and spent the special birthday weekend with her folks, Romo partied like a rockstar at Hollywood hotspot MyHouse on Friday night with a pack of (mostly male) pals. According to an eyewitness, Romo and his entourage drank GreyGoose and took over the dance floor until the club closed and when some hot ladies approached their table Romo certainly didn’t shy away and happily chatted until the early hours.

Reps for Romo and Simpson declined to comment.


Now...if he just drops that nasty golf habit and wears his cap correctly, then everything will be just fine.
Alexander;2841687 said:
Now...if he just drops that nasty golf habit and wears his cap correctly, then everything will be just fine.

They will never get that out of him. :laugh2:
DallasEast;2840579 said:
:eekmouse: :eekmouse: :eekmouse:





Hudson (Bill Paxton) has an excellent line from Aliens which would be great here, but it has curse words and asterisks kill the effect. :( :D .

You guys keep leaving off the end of Western civilization as we know it.

Come on people. Pay attention and try to keep up.

J/K. :)
jobberone;2841708 said:
You guys keep leaving off the end of Western civilization as we know it.

Come on people. Pay attention and try to keep up.

J/K. :)

JonJon;2841223 said:
It's the old "break-up right before a big day to avoid buying a gift" trick. They will be together next week.

Captain Comeback, Part Deux: This time it's for make-up sex.
dfense;2841350 said:
Not to make Tony sound shallow, but did you see the latest pics of Jessica? Especially the red stripe dress pic?

She looked a couple burgers away from pulling and leading on a sweep.

I'd still be all over her if she gave me the time of day. Don't act like you wouldn't be, too.
CactusCowboy;2840560 said:
Good, nothing against her, but he needs to concentrate on football!

So football players shouldn't have wives, girlfriends, kids, or lives? Or is it just Romo that you think shouldn't be given a chance at life? If the price of being our qb is to give up the chance at having personal happiness I would tell Romo to tell the cowboys to cram it. Some things are more important than football and love and have having a personal life qualify. :mad:
starfrombirth;2841781 said:
So football players shouldn't have wives, girlfriends, kids, or lives? Or is it just Romo that you think shouldn't be given a chance at life? If the price of being our qb is to give up the chance at having personal happiness I would tell Romo to tell the cowboys to cram it. Some things are more important than football and love and have having a personal life qualify. :mad:

Sgt. Hulka would like you to "lighten up."
AtomicDog;2841534 said:
Hey Superpunk, is your avatar the flying spaghetti monster? If it is, cool. I got ya. If not nm.

Yes. 5 characters.
I'm half expecting Bobby Carpenter to report on this. If ESPN isn't interested, he can do a piece for E Network.
I wonder who he has on the backburner? hmm

Question, what will get more posts?

a.) the thread when T.O. was released (I think was at least 500)
b.) this one.

Personally I think this one. Maybe the Freddy Kruger outfit at the naval (no Jessica not navel) academy did her i.
Chief;2841822 said:
I'm half expecting Bobby Carpenter to report on this. If ESPN isn't interested, he can do a piece for E Network.
I think that Carp is the guy who's reported as the anonymous source close to Romo saying, "It's always something with Jessica."
ZeroClub;2841728 said:
Captain Comeback, Part Deux: This time it's for make-up sex.
Yes, maybe she was expecting the " ring " and he said no friggin way.
WoodysGirl;2841844 said:
I think that Carp is the guy who's reported as the anonymous source close to Romo saying, "It's always something with Jessica."
That wouldn't surprise ne.
WoodysGirl;2841844 said:
I think that Carp is the guy who's reported as the anonymous source close to Romo saying, "It's always something with Jessica."

Tony: "Geez, it's always something with her. I've had it."

Carpenter: "Yes, she's a drama queen. Always something, huh Tony."

Tony: "She's having a friggin' birthday party with a Barbie-and-Ken theme. Can you believe that? Can you imagine the crap I'll get for that?"

Carpenter: "Tony, I'll be your Barbie and no one will have to know."

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