Skip wants Cowboys to lose the next 5 games


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And what did we end up with? Yet again? Disappointment and a lesser draft pick. The Garrett specialty. I'm glad that you were happy though.

Well, that's a bit extreme, but sure you do you bud.

Wow dude, you have a bad attitude!
Bad attitude? I want the Cowboys to lose just like you. A close game may not be enough to turn Jerry, I want Philly to knock our faces in the dirt. While we’re at it, I hope Dak throws a few pick 6’s and fumbles a couple times so maybe they’ll get rid of him too.

Keep tanking until Jerry dies. Fortunately for me, I don’t have to hope to tank, as long as Jerry is around the team will suck so bad they’ll lose on their own, just like the past 20 years.

Glad we could finally agree on something.


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lol how are any cowboys fans fairweather fans? The team has sucked for over 2 decades. Kids have been born and possibly finished college the last time the cowboys have won anything. Over the last 20 years, we've won what, 2 or 3 playoff games? How can anyone that has suffered through all of that be a fairweather fan? More like they are smart fans getting tired of being fed turd sandwiches by Jerry Jones who absolutely refuses to change course. Teams have literally won the superbowl, fell off and rebuilt during the time we last did anything. There's a difference between the team having a couple of bad 'rebuild' years and in being in perpetual mediocrity for decades and the "GM/Owner" refusing to do anything about it.
Again, have you seen how many people have already bailed on the team this year? Sure, they’ll be back next year in hopes of a winning season but as soon as they lose a few games they’ll be gone again.


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It isn't tanking when a team is getting roughed up legitimately.
Difference between hoping to lose and losing while trying. Doesn’t matter to me anymore, all the negativity has convinced me to join the tankers. Go Philly!


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The pattern of the Jason Garrett's lead teams are that when their backs are against the wall, they pull off a win. This leads the constant, 8-8 seasons.


Taco Engineer
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This fan base is so bi polar. This same crap happened last year half way through the season. We lose...tank. Next week we win...we can getva WC! Next week we lose...tank. Following week...tank. Next week...we can still win!

It’s nauseating.
I can't imagine being that way in life. How miserable.


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You might need to change the batteries in that calculator you are using.

Skins are 5-3...…….…..we are 3-5 with a loss to them...………..that comes to 2.5 games out of first, not "basically one game".

math is hard.
If we beat Philthy we are 1.5 games out but I know you only think of losing so that becomes difficult for you to imagine. Who cares though? I’m with you, I want Philly to win now, and next year, and the year after until this roster is exactly how I want it, including the coaches and a new GM. As long as Jerry is GM, I hope we tank.


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Dont worry bro, aint nobody going to be talking about the playoffs no more.

Losing at home to the sorry arse Titans took care of that.
Yeah, I’m off the playoffs, I want to lose and lose bad. I want Dak to have a horrendous season as well so he goes out the door with Garrett. When we get a new coach, I hope he sucks too so maybe Jerry will eventually hire a real GM.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Again, have you seen how many people have already bailed on the team this year? Sure, they’ll be back next year in hopes of a winning season but as soon as they lose a few games they’ll be gone again.

Ya know who I've seen "bail"? The Kool-Aid kids. The ones that sanctimoniously told us how great Garrett was and how we didn't know what we were talking about!

You know the ones, the ones you don't see or hear from anymore. The ones that have nothing left but to lurk or hit and run with a comment here or there before running back to the shadows. Or those who tucked tail and ran to find somewhere else to post. Somewhere that hasn't caught on to their fountains of bull**** yet.

Those are the ones that I've noticed. The former know-it-alls and big mouths who told everyone else how right they were and how wrong you were.

Their absence while in hiding is noticeable.


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Ya know who I've seen "bail"? The Kool-Aid kids. The ones that sanctimoniously told us how great Garrett was and how we didn't know what we were talking about!

You know the ones, the ones you don't see or hear from anymore. The ones that have nothing left but to lurk or hit and run with a comment here or there before running back to the shadows. Or those who tucked tail and ran to find somewhere else to post. Somewhere that hasn't caught on to their fountains of bull**** yet.

Those are the ones that I've noticed. The former know-it-alls and big mouths who told everyone else how right they were and how wrong you were.

Their absence while in hiding is noticeable.
You and me are bailing on the Cowboys by hoping they lose but you can call it what you want.


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Isn’t this the fair weather fan Kelce was talking about? I don’t care how people justify it, tanking is a loser mentality and is for losers.
I usually agree with that but in this current situation its probably for the best to lose. Thats not the same as saying I feel the owner/gm/coaches/players should intentionally fail or hold back, but if they lose its probably better than winning now


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I just don't have it in me to root for the cowboys to lose I always want them to win but I just don think this current team will win more than another three games going forward I just think they can stop it from happening this is a bad team that has lost its way and the coaching staff has no idea how to change things


Taco Engineer
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Being bipolar. Will you be in the love game thread against Philly? Myself, you and @Beastsfromthenfceast can cheer for Philly together. We should have plenty of support.
Lol...Can't help ya there. The last thing I would do is jump in line with all the negativity that we have zero control over.

PA Cowboy Fan

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To each his own. I would love nothing more then embarrassing losses the rest of the season. Its about sacrifice.

Obviously your not willing to go through a little pain in order to get to the other side. I guess waving your pom poms a little on Sunday is more important then winning it all some day?
It isn't even pain anymore. That left years ago.

PA Cowboy Fan

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As long as they run the draft the way it is we'll see more and more of what teams like the Raiders are doing. They need to introduce a separate lottery for the bottom 20 picks. That would put an end to tanking.
Well we have no draft pick and I'm still for it.