Some Dallas fans are delusional about Dak

The best pass of the game against CLE in Week One came in the second half when Deshaun Watson threw a perfectly arcing deep ball to his receiver running a fly route splitting double coverage as Watson was getting blasted by a rushing lineman.

The ball bounced harmlessly from the receiver’s hands to the turf. But it was a perfect snapshot of the kind of guts and determination it takes to be a starting QB in most of the NFL.
awsome. now look up cleveland's record with Watson at the helm.
Where is the video you said you had when a poster talked bad about Dak and you went to his house after your friend in the basement with his computer found out where he lived. You said it was a well know poster that we all know and after you went to his house, you made him cry because you are so tuff and stuff, and your other friend made a video of it. You were going to post if for all to see, so cough it up, show us that "internet energy".

I'm smart enough to not incriminate myself my guy. I have too much to lose. I didn't make it from being on the wrong side of the law to becoming a successful business owner by being dumb and stupid.
Because the other players do not just stand there mouth agape...... Even when they do not play well ...... They are playing ......
He freezes up ...... He was not like this his first few years ....... The Niners broke something in him.
The Niners dominated us in all facets of the game. There's 3 units that plays. Dak is on only one side of those units. He deserves his criticism for his lack of production but what about the other 2 units that he doesn't play on?

In that first playoff game vs the Niners, we committed 15 penalties as a team. I'm not exonerating Dak for his mistakes but please let me know which one of those 15 penalties Dak committed.

I'll patiently wait.....

After you answer that, please give me a list of quarterbacks who were able to overcome their team committing 15 penalties in a playoff game and help winning it.

I'll patiently wait for that answer as well....
ive never seen a supposed top tier QB and now the highest paid player in NFL history with endless excuses :
it’s the defense, it’s the o-line, it’s the WR play, its the running game, it’s the pass rush , it’s the secondary , it’s the entire defense, it’s the play calling, it’s the Chinese food he ate the night before , it’s the weather, it’s the sun in his eyes, it’s the early game, it’s the media, it’s Jerry, it’s the front office, it’s the coaching, it’s the play calling, the dog ate the game plan, etc etc etc rinse and repeat .
So by your theory every quarterback should be held to this standard-right? Then by your standard the only quarterback that makes your case is Mahomes....Which makes your theory wrong in the aspect you presented it. A leader needs the people under him to be successful. For the leader to be.....
I think you might be on the galaxy gas smh. Where did I say or imply every qb should be held to this standard? Show me that and we can talk. No need for the bad faith argument. Dak is considered the leader right? When that’s the case he gets more blame than the rest and that goes for every leader and every qb isn’t the leader just because.
It’s the whole organization.
The problem is the incompetent bozos at the top of the organization are MORE than happy to lay the ENTIRE debacle at the feet of the QB instead of doing their job and putting together a team like EVERY OTHER front office in the NFL that are subjected to the SAME salary cap have to do. The Dak haters ( I am not a Dak lover or hater) are out in full force because the Jones boys have laid the groundwork to blame Daks salary as the reason the team has holes. It's nasty work. If Daks performance is the FIRST thing that comes to mind when digging through the rubble you are pushing a non-football related agenda.
Have no problem with your first sentence.. he didnt help much.. but the loss was not on him.

However.. JJ not being a real GM is nonsense??.. and he surrounds himself with strong people??

Its the opposite.. he surrounds himself with weak people so he can run all over them.. and he is a terrible GM.. he doesnt have to get better because there is no accountability.. what happens if he has a bad offseason?.. absolutely nothing.

Im sure Im not the only fan hoping he gets it right this season.. but three decades tells me.. probably not.
Again….Will McClay.
I'll keep it short..... No quarterback is putting up big numbers except New Orleans. Pretty much all games minus Dallas and one or two more. The teams' defenses are keeping the scores in the teens to low 20's. Thus giving their offense and quarterback a chance to win it in the end. Yet "some" Dallas fans expect Dak to go out and put up 35 or more points a game. Mahomes - Burrow or Allen isn't doing it. All I ask is for our defense to keep the score in the low 20's or no more then 25 to give Dak and our offense a chance. They do that we'll be ok and win most of our games. They don't? Dak won't matter nor any other quarterback in the NFL....FACT!!!!! Just ask Atlanta how they won.....
That’s all well and good for the regular season and I hope you’re correct! But I believe Dak has a choking point just like most golfers. For golfers it may be a $5 bet, $10, or $100 bet or more but most except the greats have a choking point. Dak is the same way, great in the regular season but when the stakes get higher, he disappears and I believe he chokes!! So buckle up, we have six more seasons to watch it!
Pretty much all of them had 1 or's or fumbles....You really think Dak was the only one with turn overs :laugh: Dak had better numbers then most of them also. Including Mahomes-Burrow and maybe Allen. Dak had one bad throw into double coverage. The fumble -it happens...his first of the year. I mean if a running back fumbles for the first time of the year you'd be ready to bench him also.. Dak if given time and given the ball can get us 20 plus in most games. Problem is can the defense keep the opponent under 20 something. It's laughable that some fans in here expect Dak to put up 30or more every game. No quarterback in the league can do this. New Orleans will get cooled down soon also...Dak doesn't have an "S" on his chest.. No quarter back in the league does. Not leaving out Mahomes at times but he had bad throws and should of had 2 int's Sunday if not for one dropped by the corner. And Mahomes fumbles way more than Dak does in a season...Cousin won last night because his defense gave him a chance. In Dallas it's the opposite. Dak is supposed to give the defense a chance :facepalm:
The reason Dak's numbers looked decent to YOU was because NO did what GB did when they destroyed the Cowboys, they went into their prevent defense early and often which allowed Prescott to once again get his while his offense stalled out all day long when they got close to a TD, but came away with a lousy FG. All the DakIes fans out their get that warm and fuzzy feeling when Dakie's stats are off the wall, but they always forget about the toads he gets his stats against or all the prevent defense that he does up against because he can't keep the offense on the field or the number of picks he throws or just performing at a level that against the better teams that expose the bum for what he really is. Prescott is going to continue to be an overpaid, over hyped, underachieving slug for as long as he continues his lousy play in the NFL. He's a step above a Daniel Jones......................
So Dak ain't part of it?
He’s not the problem. The problems we’re seeing, especially on defense have been going on before he became the QB. Our biggest problem is the defense and has been for a long time.
He’s not the problem.
I agree about the defense but this is absolute nonsense. But ok, all arguments have been exchanged countless times, no need to go into it again. Agree to disagree is the only thing we can do in the forum about this matter.
you are awfully chattery after a loss, but only to disappear after a typical...
That’s how it works here it seems. After a win, other than the 1st game of the year, the silence is deafening. After a loss, all the haters come out from beneath their bridges and commiserate with each other and attack anyone who doesn’t want to quit like they do.

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