Anyone gonna lose their head? Can't see it being the same one as in the comic.
They attack the prison with automatic guns and a tank and kill no one? Aside from that it was a good episode. Gonna miss Herschel.
Excellent episode. I will miss Herschel. I'm glad the prison seems to be a thing of the past.
Poor Morrissey...almost 20 minutes into the Talking Dead and no one misses him.
Thoughts on tonight's premier episode of the season?
I was actuall shouting "SHOOT HIM CARL!" at the TV.
I came across a recent interview by the showrunner of "The Walking Dead" Scott Gimble and it certainly sounds like this coming episode will end the story for several folks.
I thought the Herschel move was a mistake, but oh well, not my decision.
And I think the pure evil of the Governor will be sorely missed. Everyone else in his group was just fodder, built up quickly only to be wiped out.
Now I guess the rest of this season will be taken up by the remaining prison group attempting to reunite.
(Judith included!)