*SPOILERS*The Walking Dead Season 4– First half of season

Anyone gonna lose their head? Can't see it being the same one as in the comic.
Anyone gonna lose their head? Can't see it being the same one as in the comic.

Well considering that Michonne and Herschel are going to be captured. The Gov has Michonne's sword, we know Michonne isn't going to die yet... And they're following the graphic novel quite a bit... Oh and one of the cast members said we're going to see something in this episode that isn't something you would expect to see on TV... I think the compass is pointing in one direction. Plus we saw a picture of the Governor with blood splatters on his face as part of the preview.
I came across a recent interview by the showrunner of "The Walking Dead" Scott Gimble and it certainly sounds like this coming episode will end the story for several folks.
Poor Morrissey...almost 20 minutes into the Talking Dead and no one misses him.
Excellent episode. I will miss Herschel. I'm glad the prison seems to be a thing of the past.
They attack the prison with automatic guns and a tank and kill no one? Aside from that it was a good episode. Gonna miss Herschel.
They attack the prison with automatic guns and a tank and kill no one? Aside from that it was a good episode. Gonna miss Herschel.

I'll have to rewatch the episode but I thought I saw a body flying through the air after a supposed tank shell exploded.

Most of the images seemed to be of the Governor's group taking fire, so consequently you saw a lot of those folks getting pinged.
Poor Morrissey...almost 20 minutes into the Talking Dead and no one misses him.


I noticed that too, but in all fairness he was on the show a couple weeks ago and I think for many his death was a foregone conclusion. Herschel meant a lot to the show and the fans so it makes sense that his death was spotlighted. But when you have so much happening in one episode, "Talking Dead" could probably have gone 2 hours.
I was actuall shouting "SHOOT HIM CARL!" at the TV.

I was, too.

I had to do a double take when Carl was talking about shooting him, and Daryl said something about it being a tough shot. At 50 yards. Uh.... What? 50 yards is a tough shot? Even with iron sites, he should have been able to put one right between his eyes from there.
Carl should've put a bullet through his eyepatch. That would've been priceless!! :eek:
My big gripe and I've made it before. At a prison of all places there should be a lot of sniper rifles which would have come in handy.
I came across a recent interview by the showrunner of "The Walking Dead" Scott Gimble and it certainly sounds like this coming episode will end the story for several folks.

I thought the Herschel move was a mistake, but oh well, not my decision.

And I think the pure evil of the Governor will be sorely missed. Everyone else in his group was just fodder, built up quickly only to be wiped out.

Now I guess the rest of this season will be taken up by the remaining prison group attempting to reunite.

(Judith included!)
Finally, I might be able to watch again. They're out of that DAMN PRISON!

Loved seasons 1 and 2, but made it halfway through 3 till i got bored and turned it off.
The episode was great.

I knew people were going to die and I figured it would be Hershal but that still sucked. I do like that they kept the beheading from the comic, even if it was a different character he beheaded.

My only complaint was I don't like how they had the Gov. just basically manhandle Rick. I don't care if the Gov. wins the fight, that's fine cause the good guy shouldn't always win, but the way he just destroyed him made so little sense to me. You're telling me that Rick, the guy who beat the dog out of Tyrese, is just going to get stomped by the Gov like that? I just don't buy that. Thought the fight could have been a little better but that was my only real complaint.
I thought the Herschel move was a mistake, but oh well, not my decision.

And I think the pure evil of the Governor will be sorely missed. Everyone else in his group was just fodder, built up quickly only to be wiped out.

Now I guess the rest of this season will be taken up by the remaining prison group attempting to reunite.

(Judith included!)

I think once you eliminate the "Can't kill because the show would go down quick" list...


You don't have much left... meaning if you killed one of Herschel's daughters or Glenn or Tyreese even– would anyone care as much as Herschel getting chopped? No. Not really.

And really the Herschel character lasted longer than I thought he would. If the character that played Dale hadn't wanted off the show after Darabont left, Herschel would have perished on the farm and it would have been Dale meeting his end at the prison.

The Herschel and Dale characters that represent the "moral compass" of the show only really work when the group is together in one location. And like you pointed out the rest of the season is going to be about putting the pieces back together. And when that happens there will probably be another "moral compass" ready to take over the job.

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