Video: Stephen A: Jerry Jones wouldn’t treat Tony Romo like he is treating Dak Prescott

Gangsta Spanksta

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Well considering one of the biggest knocks on Dak is his inability to win playoff games or take the team deep into the playoffs, then in that regard in 4 years Daks already accomplished half of what Romo did his entire career.

And then again, Romo faced a better NFC East than what Dak has faced, IMO. That is unless you are saying that Old Eli > Young Eli. Wentz > McNabb.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Stephen A is wrong Dak hasn’t already won as many playoff games as Romo did during his entire career. Romo won 2 playoff games and Dak has won one playoff game. The biggest hold up in resigning Dak is the franchise record amount of money he’s going to have to be paid. The QB money has gone way up since Romo signed his last contract. DLaw signed the richest contract in franchise history back in July and Zeke was made the highest paid RB in the entire NFL. The Cowboys weren’t shelling out these kind of huge franchise record contracts back when they paid Romo in 2012. To top it off Cooper is going to have to be paid a huge contract to keep him. It’s looking like the Cowboys still want to see at least one more year before they commit to a huge franchise record contract with Dak. It appears he’s headed for the franchise tag.


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And then again, Romo faced a better NFC East than what Dak has faced, IMO. That is unless you are saying that Old Eli > Young Eli. Wentz > McNabb.
The Giants won two Super Bowls and Romo failed twice to beat the QB most people consider to be unworthy, so what does that say about Romo? Dak faced 1 SB team in our division so far in his early career.


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I like Dak. I really do. I’m confident he is top 10 in the league. I don’t think you get to demand top of the league money when two seasons ago they had to trade mid season for a WR after having what’s considered top o-line and running back in the league.


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Romo earned Jerry's trust and by now, Dak should have too


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What's an SJW?

Don't feel bad. I had no idea what that stood for either. I hate it when users here use acronyms, either real or made up ones, of things so seldom ever used. Is it that hard to type out those three words. I've no problem using very common ones like OC, DC, HOF or IMO , SOB, or a bunch not mentioned here that are used every day, but SJW, who uses that?


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Don't feel bad. I had no idea what that stood for either. I hate it when users here use acronyms, either real or made up ones, of things so seldom ever used. Is it that hard to type out those three words. I've no problem using very common ones like OC, DC, HOF or IMO , SOB, or a bunch not mentioned here that are used every day, but SJW, who uses that?
A lot of people use that term. Just understand you’re out of the loop on this one instead of making excuses up.


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Romo received what was, and still is, the richest contract in Dallas Cowboys team history

His 2013 contract was 108m total and contained the most guaranteed money in NFL history

Neither Zeke nor D-Law signed a bigger deal and that was 7 years ago!

Rodgers deal, signed the same year (2013), was for 110m, just 2m across the entirety of his deal

The story that Tony was some “aww shucks, pay my o-line, I would play for free because I just want to win”, kinda guy is totally bogus

I was a huge Tony Romo fan. I still am. I love me some Romo, but if you’re going to try to use him against Dak in some way, at least get the facts straight.

For the sake of comparison

  • In 2016, Romo accounted for 14% of the Cowboys salary cap
  • 2020 cap is projected to be 200m
  • Let’s say Dak gets 35m, that’s 17%
  • There won’t be a 35m hit though. QB deals are always structured with huge singing bonuses that spread the impact across the contract
  • Russell Wilson, 35m - last year, the first year of his new deal, he only counted 26m against the cap
  • A similarly structured contract for Dak would make him account for 13% of the cap, less than Romo did in 2016

Romo counted for 14% of the 2016 cap cause they restructured his deal twice. 2014 and 15 they reduced his base and heavily converted 12+mil each year to signing bonus which prorated his later cap hits.
Of course his deal was set up in such a way that they could restructure it as needed. Had they not, his 2016 pre restructure hit for 2016 was 15.1mil. Or a 9.7% cap hit. But, the Cowboys purposely bloated his 14 and 15 years for those restructure options, which they elected to proceed with, the last of which was to sign Greg Hardy.

His cap hit after the restructures was 20.9mil.

Besides, you are comparing two different time frames for a contract.

The initial hit for a QB contract in Daks(2020) vs Romo's in 2016(3rd year of the deal) have two different cap hits due to the structure of most deals being backloaded for cap hits. Most not all, as Romo's deal was structured for the kicking the can down the hall technique they used.

However, we are getting into rarer territory with Dak, since his extension starts on a blank slate, unlike Romo-Wilson and countless others who had at least one year left before free agency.

So his cap hits will be a bit higher than others since no signing bonus was given to him in his final year of his ELC.

D-Law's AAV was higher than Romo's, just had a shorter term. QB's always lead the league in price. D-Law was the first worthy DE of a huge contract since Ware a ~decade ago.

RB position is way devalued compared to a majority of other positions.

Rest of your points I agree with.


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Since you posted this...Stephen A Smith (again, who I do not like) is stating the truth. It is bad optics.

Race is optical. He paid Aikman who had 2 years left on his rookie contract before winning a Super Bowl and before Emmitt who contract ended. He paid Romo and extension on his rookie deal before he was a starting QB. He did not extend Dak after year 1 (13-3 Pro Bowl NFC East Champ) in year 2 (9-7), 3 (10-6 Pro Bowl NFC East Champ, Playoff win), or before year 4 (8-8, Pro Bowl) and started negotiations asking Dak to give a Billionaire a discount.

The above is BAD OPTICS: