News: Stephen Jones: "Goal is to get Dak signed by week 1"


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
anybody mocking this is not the better plan is ridiculously delusional, i've been saying this all along why sign lamb if you don't have a quality quarterback?

it would be absolute waste because if daks not here in 2025, you need to trade everyone; DIGGS, Lamb, and parsons and move on from Tank and Martin. Go full rebuild. giving market money to Lamb and then no qb? IMHO ie MN and JJ that just DUMB ie trading for Hopkins or Adams with no qb = Dumb.. this is ALL or Nothing IMHO

I've also been saying the reason lambs deal hasnt been finished is they are trying to do both deals at the same time... its package and trying to get the details of both deals right so both can work, well it wouldn't Suprise me if both players and their agents re not on a conference call/zoom all at the same time working on these deals as group.
That would be a hell of a presser with both Dak and Cee Dee in the fold together. Would instill some juice into the smart fans fan base.


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You are spiraling out of control. Keep your composure….
You’re fishing for a like from Rocky.

That’s cute.

You like everything he posts. I’m on your side I think it’s messed up he never returns the favor and likes your stuff.

@Rockport please pay this dude some attention and like a post or 2 of his. Make his year.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Not in my opinion. What good is a really nice car with a really nice engine if you have no wheels? If Dak's problem is pressure situations, he's worthless, not worth more. He seems to play very well in ideal circumstances. Horrible when the pressure is on. Which is why it wouldn't hurt to wait until week 9 to make any decisions.
Dak was second in the NFL in plays under pressure. You should research first.


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From my side of the fence, I think not extending him and making him play out this season was always the smart move. Informing him he would not be the starter and forcing his hand to drop the NTC or lose a year of his career on the sideline would have been diabolical, but a smarter move so they'd get picks. However, IF their plan was to re-sign him all along, then the depth of their incompetence in not getting it done prior to free agency would crush a submarine like an empty tin can.
I give your post #67 a 9.5 out of 10 in common sense. But this post, although makes sense, it's not how Jerry works. Making him play out the season is most likely losing him to FA. They didn't sign him before free agency because what were they going to do with all of the cap space it creates?


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You’re fishing for a like from Rocky.

That’s cute.

You like everything he posts. I’m on your side I think it’s messed up he never returns the favor and likes your stuff.

@Rockport please pay this dude some attention and like a post or 2 of his. Make his year.
You monitor my likes? Damn. :laugh:


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as the price has steadily gone up as Stevie WAITS, now suddenly he has urgency to sign him. What an idiot. Poor business model. Waiting had 0 benefit.


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Sounds like they are going to get it done. Trust me, Stephen Jones knows exactly what it will take to get Dak to sign. I doubt he would make such a statement w/o intent on getting it done. My guess.......Dak signs a 4 year extension $57-58M.

This also tells me they were never going to use extra cap space from Dak's extension to sign any quality free agents. Instead, the savings would be in signing CeeDee and Parsons.
When they sign Dak and Lamb it will give them cap space to sign Micah.


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That would be a hell of a presser with both Dak and Cee Dee in the fold together. Would instill some juice into the smart fans fan base.
its just gut feeling that what they are TRYING to do.. will it unfold that way, meh i don't know. Stay tuned never a dull moment at the star.

No different than Ayuke and Trent brown, yet far less talked about its not DC related =less news converge.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That would be a hell of a presser with both Dak and Cee Dee in the fold together. Would instill some juice into the smart fans fan base.
Or they will break it up into 2 different ones for splash announcements to override some other big event.

Like the opening Thursday night game and the Friday night game in Brazil.



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If Prescott is resigned then the clown show continues. It merely provides more moments of embarrassment from the quarterback against good teams - particularly in the play offs.

Not resigning Prescott would mean ok, the team can finally blow their nose, move on and rebuild another Superbowl team which they had the two seasons prior to last season (aside from the QB position given his below average performances against the 49ers).

It's not a win win situation for fans who understand football but there will either be several more years of embarrassing clown show play from an overpaid and underachieving quarterback or the team is actually serious about trying to win a Superbowl. Either can be enjoyed to a certain extent and of course, heavily securitised and rightly so.
Outstanding reality post.
Spot on.
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Dak lovers once again....................

Keep dreaming and hoping but in the end, he is going into battle (against real teams this season) on a lame duck last year's contract!!!!
Please just blow this thing up already. Trade CD, Parsons and Dak and just hit the reset button or you can keep them all for one year and see how it plays out which we all know is what is going to happen unless CD blows it up and they freak out and sign him.


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Don’t hate the team.

Hate the way it is run.

It being so insular.

Thank God I was a fan through the glory years.
It's all we've got to hang onto bro.
Hopefully our getting old doesn't include bad memory diseases like dementia to affect us.

Cuz then we wouldn't even have the past to remind us that our team did in fact win championships long ago.

That would suck then cuz it would be like not only no future for this team, but as if the past never happened either.
Man, that would suck, lol.

Memories is all we got.
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Dak was second in the NFL in plays under pressure. You should research first.
I'm not talking about his pocket awareness. He's very good from the pocket in almost all situations. I mean big pressure games. Or situations during a game when we're not starting out well. He doesn't respond well. Can we mount a final last second drive? But I'll admit it is very hard to tell if it's QB, team, or a combo of both.