Suns take worst beating in their franchise history...

Rowdy;1981111 said:
Your argument is weak at best and using the excuse that the Spurs winning a Championship somehow gives reasoning to questionable play is downright stupid kid.

Keep it going man ..... maybe someday someone other than rival fans will believe you .... but probably not. :lmao:
zrinkill;1981131 said:
Keep it going man ..... maybe someday someone other than rival fans will believe you .... but probably not. :lmao:

You are quite comfy sitting in your Spurs forum aint ya? Scared to see the real world? :lmao: :lmao:
Rowdy;1981142 said:
You are quite comfy sitting in your Spurs forum aint ya? Scared to see the real world?

Only in the Suns forums (and maybe the Mavs) is Bowen considered dirty.

So you had better stay in there ......... its scary out here where everyone knows how sore losers the Suns are.

zrinkill;1981161 said:
Only in the Suns forums (and maybe the Mavs) is Bowen considered dirty.

So you had better stay in there ......... its scary out here where everyone knows how sore losers the Suns are.


Oh please. I could humor you and the rest of the posters here by posting over 50 quotes alone from sites and sportswriters who aren't even into the Suns whatsoever. Get over yourself.:laugh1:
zrinkill;1981169 said:

LOL!!!! Did you even read some of the comments made? They said those videos didnt even show anything! Go back and read the comments made about Bowen and you will find a never ending sea of truthsayers. Let truth prevail!:laugh2: :laugh1:
Rowdy;1981178 said:
LOL!!!! Did you even read some of the comments made? They said those videos didnt even show anything! Go back and read the comments made about Bowen and you will find a never ending sea of truthsayers. Let truth prevail!:laugh2: :laugh1:

Ohhh so now it does not matter what Nash does ..... only what people say ....

:lmao: This is to easy.
For your viewing pleasure! I am really sorry you think the below is from Suns fans but guess what-they aren't!!!

I'd like to see Bowen dealt with off the court. He has no business wearing an NBA uniform.

There's a difference between playing "rough" and intentionally trying to injure people, which is what Bruce Bowen is doing when he sticks his feet under a descending shooter. You're supposed to allow a shooter the space to land; if you don't, it's a foul. But Bowen's actions in this regard are so blatant and dangerous that he should be ejected, suspended, and heavily fined (along with his team) every time he pulls this crap. It's one thing if you want to be a pesty, committed defender. It's an entirely different matter when you're trying to hurt people. These types of plays can end seasons or even careers, not to mention lead to fights. If the NBA really cares about its "image," the health of its players, and the integrity of the game, they should clamp down on Bruce Bowen.

I'm really curious, what was his excuse for the flying kick to Wally's face? You use an outstretched hand to contest a shot. I have never seen anything like that.

I love seeing all the Spurs fans trying to justify "Blackjack Bowen" by saying what he does is just part of ball. Kicking Stoudamire's leg as he goes in for a layup? Purposely undercutting jump shooters (he's done it repeatedly)? A FLYING JUMP KICK TO WALLY'S FACE?! Yes, that's all part of ball, idiots, just like Kobe's magical flying elbow earlier this season was "just part of his shooting movement". Give me a break. Bowen is dirty. He intentionally tries to injure players to compensate for a lack of talent. He's a hard worker and a fierce competitor, I'll give you that, but he's turned to the Dark Side to find success.

All I can say is it's a shame that players like Duncan and Parker have to have their team blighted by Bowen's dirtiness and Manu's circus flopping.

i can't lie, i like watching the spurs and i even like bruce, but he's an *******. the vince and francis ones might've been accidental, buthe definitely went out to injure nash and his boot had no business being that high to catch szcerbiak in the face. i mean he's 6-8, even if he's crouching bruce ain't got no 50 in vertical. it was a blatant kick
zrinkill;1981180 said:
Ohhh so now it does not matter what Nash does ..... only what people say ....

:lmao: This is to easy.

Uh dude try reading. Its good for ya. Nobody even contested those videos. Did you make those yourself? If so no one comments that they show anything. I would like to have a third party person who doesnt even watch the NBA do a Google on "Bowen" and "dirty player" and then do one on Nash and see what floods in. :cool:
zrinkill;1981185 said:
I will post them again ..... and people can watch and see for themselves

Now I dare someone to watch those videos and claim that is not the same things that Bowen gets called out for.

Well I took your dare and they are poor attempts to showcase anything. What makes you such a hypocrite is you see Bowen doing absolutely nothing wrong and yet you pull these videos out and in your mind you see everything.

Go figure. By the way that first one was on Barbosa. Are you so desperate that in order to fill a reply with five videos you cannot do it off of one player?:laugh2:
You mind first answering how old you are? I feel like you arent a day over 12 with your replies.

You showed four videos. Two of them are the same one.:rolleyes:
Therefore that leaves two others. One is the typical Raja Bell video where you Spurs fans use that as some sort of "failsafe" reply to Bowen accusations. Thats all you have? Then you show one of Nash that does indeed look like he had his foot out there which wouldnt be right.

Heres a note for yourself: I can see wrongdoing regardless. You cannot. I just proved my point yet again. Until you admit that those videos of Bowen are suspect, you have no grounds for anything you say.
Rowdy;1981208 said:
You mind first answering how old you are? I feel like you arent a day over 12 with your replies.

You showed four videos. Two of them are the same one.:rolleyes:
Therefore that leaves two others. One is the typical Raja Bell video where you Spurs fans use that as some sort of "failsafe" reply to Bowen accusations. Thats all you have? Then you show one of Nash that does indeed look like he had his foot out there which wouldnt be right.

Heres a note for yourself: I can see wrongdoing regardless. You cannot. I just proved my point yet again. Until you admit that those videos of Bowen are suspect, you have no grounds for anything you say.

:lmao: most of the videos that you post are of the exact same play over and over.

This is called good hard defense where incredible athletes are moving at high speeds and slamming into each other in the heat of the moment.

I do not cry when the Suns do it ....(and certainly do not think they are dirty) .... I think you must be way to young to have watched basketball in the 80's and 90's.

If Bowen is dirty then your team is just as guilty. The only difference is Bowen beats people and your team chokes every year.

Get used to these videos. :laugh2:
zrinkill;1981218 said:
:lmao: most of the videos that you post are of the exact same play over and over.

This is called good hard defense where incredible athletes are moving at high speeds and slamming into each other in the heat of the moment.

I do not cry when the Suns do it ....(and certainly do not think they are dirty) .... I think you must be way to young to have watched basketball in the 80's and 90's.

If Bowen is dirty then your team is just as guilty. The only difference is Bowen beats people and your team chokes every year.

Get used to these videos. :laugh2:

Dont change the subject. You posted three videos-not four. Each one is from a different player dude. If all you can do is get your little collection going and come up with one video of each player you suspect, your argument falls to the wayside quite readily.

It also gets weaker when you bring up wins or losses. That has nothing to do with his actions.
Rowdy;1981229 said:
Dont change the subject. You posted three videos-not four. Each one is from a different player dude. If all you can do is get your little collection going and come up with one video of each player you suspect, your argument falls to the wayside quite readily.

It also gets weaker when you bring up wins or losses. That has nothing to do with his actions.

Bull ..... these are just like the video's you posted. Except yours are just the same plays over and over in different order in multiple videos.

Give it up boy ..... you lost. If Bowen is dirty then so are the Suns.
Posting quotes from around the world from non Suns fans about Bowen are everywhere. I dedicate this Hallmark card to you krilly.:)

I hate Bruce Bowen with a passion..ok he plays good D when he isnt kicking people in the face and ankles..but cmon..he does dumb stuff like that then acts like he’s innocent..Bruce can blow crack him in his face if he ever did sumtin like that..he could put someone’s career in jeopardy..which is what he was probably trying to do .

.kicking people in the face? kicking people’s ankles? kneeing people in the crotch? bowen has been cited on all of those actions and more...sure he’s a great defensive player, but you simply cannot deny the fact that the guy has had too many incidents where he’s caught doing something dirty.

All of you that support Bruce Bowen are a bunch of IGNORANT fools and are EVEN WORSE than him. How on earth can you feel that injuring other players is okay? All you guys know how to say is 'stop whining'. Acting like a 5 year old is really gonna make your argument stronger...

Right. Players never complain. Have you ever watched a Spurs game? Manu Ginobili could write a Lifetime movie about the horrible abuses to which he has been subjected.

.I mean, he is famous for undercutting very talented players after they take a jumpshot. I’ve seen him do it at least two times, and thats a lot since i dont watch a lot of spurs games. But he is definately an amazing defender, but he’s also ruthless in the sense that i believe he is even willing to injury some poor guy to take him out..
zrinkill;1981232 said:
Bull ..... these are just like the video's you posted. Except yours are just the same plays over and over in different order in multiple videos.

Give it up boy ..... you lost. If Bowen is dirty then so are the Suns.

I never lost. You cant lose posting truth. You sir have been quite owned.:D
Rowdy;1981236 said:
Posting quotes from around the world from non Suns fans about Bowen are everywhere. I dedicate this Hallmark card to you krilly.:)

I hate Bruce Bowen with a passion..ok he plays good D when he isnt kicking people in the face and ankles..but cmon..he does dumb stuff like that then acts like he’s innocent..Bruce can blow crack him in his face if he ever did sumtin like that..he could put someone’s career in jeopardy..which is what he was probably trying to do .

.kicking people in the face? kicking people’s ankles? kneeing people in the crotch? bowen has been cited on all of those actions and more...sure he’s a great defensive player, but you simply cannot deny the fact that the guy has had too many incidents where he’s caught doing something dirty.

All of you that support Bruce Bowen are a bunch of IGNORANT fools and are EVEN WORSE than him. How on earth can you feel that injuring other players is okay? All you guys know how to say is 'stop whining'. Acting like a 5 year old is really gonna make your argument stronger...

Right. Players never complain. Have you ever watched a Spurs game? Manu Ginobili could write a Lifetime movie about the horrible abuses to which he has been subjected.

.I mean, he is famous for undercutting very talented players after they take a jumpshot. I’ve seen him do it at least two times, and thats a lot since i dont watch a lot of spurs games. But he is definately an amazing defender, but he’s also ruthless in the sense that i believe he is even willing to injury some poor guy to take him out..

Wow ..... how long did it take you to write those.


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