Suns take worst beating in their franchise history...

Rowdy;1981319 said:
Im sorry I had no idea you were in middle school still-that explains alot.;)

and yet you allowed him to get you to lower yourself to his level...........that explains a lot about you as well;)
Biggems;1981323 said:
btw, if the league really thought Bowen was dirty, he would have been fined or suspended......and none of that has happened.

I will admit though, that two plays from Bruce were excessive. The kick to Wally's face and the kick to little Ray Ray's back. I wish I could find a clip of the entire Wally play from start to finish, instead of just the clip of Bruce flying in....then maybe it would make more sense to me as to why he came in the way he did. As far as the kick to Allen's back, well Allen fell on top of Bowen and took his time getting up, neither player likes the other....Bowen kicked him. Bowen owned it afterwards, said he was in the wrong and apologized.

Bruce is consistently on the all-defensive team, 1st or 2nd. If I am not mistaken, don't coaches and peers get a vote on the matter.....if so, that says something about how dirty the league feels Bruce is.

When I think of Dirty players....I think of players who seem to intentionally go out of their way to put other players in compromising positions that can jeopardize their health.

Karl Malone, John Stockton, Dennis Rodman, Rick Mahorn, Eduardo Najera, Raja Bell, Reggie Evans, Danny Fortson, and the dirtiest player in the league at the moment, Mark Madsen. Karl Malone is the dirtiest player I have ever seen in the NBA.

Dude I really appreciate that reply. Thanks for saying that you see a few things that have happened. That was all that I was asking for. I dont see the Suns doing anything this year or for the next few. Enjoy the ride your team is on. At least they have a chance this year and in the few to come for sure.
Biggems;1981325 said:
and yet you allowed him to get you to lower yourself to his level...........that explains a lot about you as well;)

Oh I dont mind lowering myself to his level. I think he was complaining of a kink in his neck from looking up so I was just trying to help.
Rowdy;1981329 said:
I think he was complaining of a kink in his neck from looking up so I was just trying to help.

Sorry kid that was your momma!


slapped an 8th grader down with his own immaturity.

zrinkill;1981334 said:
Sorry kid that was your momma!


slapped an 8th grader down with his own immaturity.


Have a great upcoming week z.;)
Rowdy;1981164 said:
Oh please. I could humor you and the rest of the posters here by posting over 50 quotes alone from sites and sportswriters who aren't even into the Suns whatsoever. Get over yourself.:laugh1:

please do so and provide sources, not just crap you could have typed

zrinkill;1981169 said:

oh my, videos on you tube, MUST BE TRUE right rowdy!!

Rowdy;1981178 said:
LOL!!!! Did you even read some of the comments made? They said those videos didnt even show anything! Go back and read the comments made about Bowen and you will find a never ending sea of truthsayers. Let truth prevail!:laugh2: :laugh1:

thats because the only retards making videos and looking for videos on youtube about a team they hate are the suns fans. We are more interested in the video highlights of manu going for 48 against the suns, one of our many wins against the suns since nash got there, etc.

Rowdy;1981182 said:
For your viewing pleasure! I am really sorry you think the below is from Suns fans but guess what-they aren't!!!

I'd like to see Bowen dealt with off the court. He has no business wearing an NBA uniform.

There's a difference between playing "rough" and intentionally trying to injure people, which is what Bruce Bowen is doing when he sticks his feet under a descending shooter. You're supposed to allow a shooter the space to land; if you don't, it's a foul. But Bowen's actions in this regard are so blatant and dangerous that he should be ejected, suspended, and heavily fined (along with his team) every time he pulls this crap. It's one thing if you want to be a pesty, committed defender. It's an entirely different matter when you're trying to hurt people. These types of plays can end seasons or even careers, not to mention lead to fights. If the NBA really cares about its "image," the health of its players, and the integrity of the game, they should clamp down on Bruce Bowen.

I'm really curious, what was his excuse for the flying kick to Wally's face? You use an outstretched hand to contest a shot. I have never seen anything like that.

I love seeing all the Spurs fans trying to justify "Blackjack Bowen" by saying what he does is just part of ball. Kicking Stoudamire's leg as he goes in for a layup? Purposely undercutting jump shooters (he's done it repeatedly)? A FLYING JUMP KICK TO WALLY'S FACE?! Yes, that's all part of ball, idiots, just like Kobe's magical flying elbow earlier this season was "just part of his shooting movement". Give me a break. Bowen is dirty. He intentionally tries to injure players to compensate for a lack of talent. He's a hard worker and a fierce competitor, I'll give you that, but he's turned to the Dark Side to find success.

All I can say is it's a shame that players like Duncan and Parker have to have their team blighted by Bowen's dirtiness and Manu's circus flopping.

i can't lie, i like watching the spurs and i even like bruce, but he's an *******. the vince and francis ones might've been accidental, buthe definitely went out to injure nash and his boot had no business being that high to catch szcerbiak in the face. i mean he's 6-8, even if he's crouching bruce ain't got no 50 in vertical. it was a blatant kick

source? i could have typed crap like this too and claimed it came from david stern, its still not credible

Rowdy;1981236 said:
Posting quotes from around the world from non Suns fans about Bowen are everywhere. I dedicate this Hallmark card to you krilly.:)

I hate Bruce Bowen with a passion..ok he plays good D when he isnt kicking people in the face and ankles..but cmon..he does dumb stuff like that then acts like he’s innocent..Bruce can blow crack him in his face if he ever did sumtin like that..he could put someone’s career in jeopardy..which is what he was probably trying to do .

.kicking people in the face? kicking people’s ankles? kneeing people in the crotch? bowen has been cited on all of those actions and more...sure he’s a great defensive player, but you simply cannot deny the fact that the guy has had too many incidents where he’s caught doing something dirty.

All of you that support Bruce Bowen are a bunch of IGNORANT fools and are EVEN WORSE than him. How on earth can you feel that injuring other players is okay? All you guys know how to say is 'stop whining'. Acting like a 5 year old is really gonna make your argument stronger...

Right. Players never complain. Have you ever watched a Spurs game? Manu Ginobili could write a Lifetime movie about the horrible abuses to which he has been subjected.

.I mean, he is famous for undercutting very talented players after they take a jumpshot. I’ve seen him do it at least two times, and thats a lot since i dont watch a lot of spurs games. But he is definately an amazing defender, but he’s also ruthless in the sense that i believe he is even willing to injury some poor guy to take him out..

"the suns have collectively lost their genitals and grown vaginas" hey must be true right? even though i have no source?

Biggems;1981284 said:
Raja Bell is a dirty scumbag. I may dislike Kobe, but even he said Bell is a cheapshot artist. Kobe has never called Bowen dirty. He has all along called Bowen a great defender.

As far as Bowen trying to hurt Carter.....Carter is made of glass. He gets hurt every other game. He only plays Bowen twice a year. So who is injuring him all those other games? Also that one game where Carter was crying about Bruce....let the video show it was Carter who tripped Bruce intentionally and tried to get Bowen to lose his cool. When Bowen didn't fall down, but Carter did, it was Carter who lost his cool...he got up and ran after Bowen and shoved him to the ground, getting himself ejected. Carter is not only fragile physically, he is fragile emotionally too.......and BRUCE OWNS HIM.

Raja Bell was dirty in Dallas......he brought it to PHX. Bell, Najera, and Juwan Howard all used to undercut guys when they were up in the air going to the basket. That is dirty. Bell gets to PHX and stays dirty. He undercuts Parker while in the air. He clotheslines Kobe. He throws an elbow and Manu's head, causing Manu to fall backwards (to avoid the hit) and falls into Barbosa. Barbosa ends up getting injured on the play. PHX fans cry about Manu flopping and hurting Barbosa, but they neglect to see that their own player was throwing elbows at Manu's face.

Nash takes cheap shots as well. It was beautiful watching him try to play D last year against the Spurs and getting hurt both times. First he got his nose busted up, then he got kneed in the junk. BTW, if anyone other than Nash is guarding Bruce, then the knee doesn't make contact with the nether regions. Blame the Suns for putting Nash on Bruce.

Suns fans cry about Stupidmire and Diaw getting suspended. DONT LEAVE THE BENCH DURING AN ALTERCATION. a rule is a rule. The crybabies in the desert cry foul and want the league to bend the rules just for them. BTW, what Horry did was nothing compared to the clothesline by Bell. Was Raja even suspended for that foul? if so, it was only 1 game. However, a simple shoulder block is worthy of a 2 game suspension? PLEASE.

Face it, the Suns and their fans suck.....I don't like em, I dont respect em. They cry more than a baby ward at a hospital. Your owner is classless doing his little chicken dance. Your coach is classless, never giving credit to the opposition and always crying and making excuses. Your team is classless. Your fans are classless. and what do you get for your complete classlessness...........ZERO CHAMPIONSHIPS


soon to be 5 Time Champions



Biggems;1981323 said:
btw, if the league really thought Bowen was dirty, he would have been fined or suspended......and none of that has happened.

I will admit though, that two plays from Bruce were excessive. The kick to Wally's face and the kick to little Ray Ray's back. I wish I could find a clip of the entire Wally play from start to finish, instead of just the clip of Bruce flying in....then maybe it would make more sense to me as to why he came in the way he did. As far as the kick to Allen's back, well Allen fell on top of Bowen and took his time getting up, neither player likes the other....Bowen kicked him. Bowen owned it afterwards, said he was in the wrong and apologized.

Bruce is consistently on the all-defensive team, 1st or 2nd. If I am not mistaken, don't coaches and peers get a vote on the matter.....if so, that says something about how dirty the league feels Bruce is.

When I think of Dirty players....I think of players who seem to intentionally go out of their way to put other players in compromising positions that can jeopardize their health.

Karl Malone, John Stockton, Dennis Rodman, Rick Mahorn, Eduardo Najera, Raja Bell, Reggie Evans, Danny Fortson, and the dirtiest player in the league at the moment, Mark Madsen. Karl Malone is the dirtiest player I have ever seen in the NBA.

ya, hey can you remind me of how many times bowen has been suspended biggems? and he is hated in the community right? he never does anything good for children, he tries to hurt them during recess, HORRIBLE guy
zrinkill;1981337 said:
I will ..... my team, filled with classy players,is in first place. :D

classy? no we are DIRTY!! our team leads the league in Ts and dont....oh....STERN HATES THE SUNS!!!

this is how whiny your whole team/organization/fanbase is, EVEN STEVE KERR is saying that he got jobbed by the spurs and barry because he was gonna be there anyways, jeez, talk about your trickle down effect
zrinkill;1981185 said:
I will post them again ..... and people can watch and see for themselves

Now I dare someone to watch those videos and claim that is not the same things that Bowen gets called out for.

:laugh1: I love how people hold a double standard for Bowen and turn a blind eye to Nash and the Suns. And according to some of the logic around here, after searching for some more "dirty suns" vids on youtube I found a few so it must be true!

What it all boils down to is that every time the Spurs have played the Nash led Suns, they have knocked them out of the playoffs.

I don't blame the Suns and their fans for having the Spurs in their head, and I've come to accept the fact that the majority of Suns fans will always looks for an excuse or a reason to complain about the Spurs.

The Suns fans keep buying into the media hype that they should be champs and it makes it even more disappointing when the same "old" Spurs team crushes their dreams.
MC KAos;1981350 said:
please do so and provide sources, not just crap you could have typed

oh my, videos on you tube, MUST BE TRUE right rowdy!!

thats because the only retards making videos and looking for videos on youtube about a team they hate are the suns fans. We are more interested in the video highlights of manu going for 48 against the suns, one of our many wins against the suns since nash got there, etc.

source? i could have typed crap like this too and claimed it came from david stern, its still not credible

"the suns have collectively lost their genitals and grown vaginas" hey must be true right? even though i have no source?


ya, hey can you remind me of how many times bowen has been suspended biggems? and he is hated in the community right? he never does anything good for children, he tries to hurt them during recess, HORRIBLE guy

First off, I didnt type anything you read on here. Come on, I thought you were smarter than that.

Youtube, boobtube who cares where you view video evidence? Please.
sharph20;1981361 said:
:laugh1: I love how people hold a double standard for Bowen and turn a blind eye to Nash and the Suns. And according to some of the logic around here, after searching for some more "dirty suns" vids on youtube I found a few so it must be true!

What it all boils down to is that every time the Spurs have played the Nash led Suns, they have knocked them out of the playoffs.

I don't blame the Suns and their fans for having the Spurs in their head, and I've come to accept the fact that the majority of Suns fans will always looks for an excuse or a reason to complain about the Spurs.

The Suns fans keep buying into the media hype that they should be champs and it makes it even more disappointing when the same "old" Spurs team crushes their dreams.

Are all Spurs fans this clueless or just a few on this forum?? Who cares who won how many games or who is owned or who lost? The more you all bring it up the more I am starting to see that you all hold that as your source of proof that you lump all people who go against you as whiners for losing.

The Spurs arent in my head. Frankly the Suns are not good enough to win a Championship but how does that relate to Bowen and the way he has played? It doesn't. People such as yourself who lump groups of people as one and the same just shows classless and ignorant behavior.
MC KAos;1981357 said:
classy? no we are DIRTY!! our team leads the league in Ts and dont....oh....STERN HATES THE SUNS!!!

this is how whiny your whole team/organization/fanbase is, EVEN STEVE KERR is saying that he got jobbed by the spurs and barry because he was gonna be there anyways, jeez, talk about your trickle down effect

Life of a suns fans= one second away from being on the ledge. I was really disappointed when I read those comments that Kerr made, who knows maybe he is still secretly working for Spurs. Pop is still working his CIA tactics on him.
Rowdy;1981373 said:
The Spurs arent in my head.


How many post have you made attacking the Spurs on this board?

Yea ...... not in your head at all. ;)
sharph20;1981361 said:
:laugh1: I love how people hold a double standard for Bowen and turn a blind eye to Nash and the Suns. And according to some of the logic around here, after searching for some more "dirty suns" vids on youtube I found a few so it must be true!

What it all boils down to is that every time the Spurs have played the Nash led Suns, they have knocked them out of the playoffs.

I don't blame the Suns and their fans for having the Spurs in their head, and I've come to accept the fact that the majority of Suns fans will always looks for an excuse or a reason to complain about the Spurs.

The Suns fans keep buying into the media hype that they should be champs and it makes it even more disappointing when the same "old" Spurs team crushes their dreams.

BTW-before you decide to play, why dont you read the threads before spouting meaningless gibberish? I already agreed that one video that showed Nash looked like the one where Bowen did the same to Iverson. In other words, that wasnt a blind eye. Yet only biggems has at least been straight about a few of them. Heck, its the Bowen can do no wrong mentality is what I am bringing to the table not anything else. Why dont you ask me if I think the Suns lost that series against the Spurs because of their dirty play?

If you did ask me Id say the Spurs won because they played better than the Suns. That pretty much blows your sorry excuse for what you consider every Suns fan to be.
Originally Posted by MC KAos View Post
oh my, videos on you tube, MUST BE TRUE right rowdy!!
My point all along ..... Rowdy could just never get it ....

Hmm interesting blowout there krill considering you made more examples of the youtube videos being posted for example. :lmao:
Rowdy;1981368 said:
First off, I didnt type anything you read on here. Come on, I thought you were smarter than that.

Youtube, boobtube who cares where you view video evidence? Please.

well, i dont know that, thats why you gotta at least provide a link, or is it that you got that off a suns forum?

Rowdy;1981373 said:
Are all Spurs fans this clueless or just a few on this forum?? Who cares who won how many games or who is owned or who lost? The more you all bring it up the more I am starting to see that you all hold that as your source of proof that you lump all people who go against you as whiners for losing.

The Spurs arent in my head. Frankly the Suns are not good enough to win a Championship but how does that relate to Bowen and the way he has played? It doesn't. People such as yourself who lump groups of people as one and the same just shows classless and ignorant behavior.

thats just our proof that you keep on hating on bruce for absolutely no reason, if we arent in your head, then just leave and stop posting about it! its not that hard, we obviously are in your head, either that or you just really hate bruce bowen for absolutely no reason. otherwise you would be posting videos of kobe and malone throwing bows, bell being dirty, charles oakley being dirty. You are concentrating all your attacks on one player for no reason, so our only conclusion is that your jelous
Rowdy;1981373 said:
Are all Spurs fans this clueless or just a few on this forum?? Who cares who won how many games or who is owned or who lost? The more you all bring it up the more I am starting to see that you all hold that as your source of proof that you lump all people who go against you as whiners for losing.

The Spurs arent in my head. Frankly the Suns are not good enough to win a Championship but how does that relate to Bowen and the way he has played? It doesn't. People such as yourself who lump groups of people as one and the same just shows classless and ignorant behavior.

Okay I will give you the fact that is unfair to lump all the fans of a team into one group, but I honestly believe the fact that we keep beating your team only fuels that fire that leads some Suns fans to complain more about the Spurs and not about the way their team is being run and the questionable moves the Suns front office has made.
Rowdy;1981388 said:
Life of a Suns fan is so much better than most Spurs fans. I can guarantee you most every Suns fan will state when a wrong is a wrong. Spurs fans absolutely will not.


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