Suns take worst beating in their franchise history...

zrinkill;1981266 said:

1stly i read ur post about nash which is pretty ********. Kobe and T-Mac kick out on their shot all the time i dnt see anyone calling them dirty players.if i slow motioned a play from kobe id prob see somethin worse than unintentional contact on a ****in drive to the basket. A dirty player is one that kicks players on defense like bowen or someone who throws their elbow out when they shoot

i don't like either of these teams, but this clip doesn't prove anything. regular play. no proof of bad intentions.
stupid homer...

Hey Moron. Are you that stupid I don't know if you were paying attention rewind it again. You idiot! This is a stupid example. His eye was on the basket the whole time he was using his foot to space out so he could get fouled but Kobe nuts happened to be there. Its not like he intentionally kicked in the nuts he a soccer player if he was trying to kick him he would be on the ground in pain.

ok so one play where nash is not even looking at kobe and coincidentally hits him in the nuts means the suns are a dirty team?

eah, Bowen is the biggest ****** in the NBA. Watch clips of last years series the spurs had with the suns. Nearly everytime Nash drove to the basket, Bowen would hack at his off arm and not once was it called a foul.
I post videos of Bowen and you state they did not happen and anybody who complains about it is just a sorry loser.

You post a video of Nash that seemed like he lifted his leg just like Bowen did to Iverson. I agreed with that assumption.

Ill take the high road on this since its obvious you will not. ;)
Raja Bell is a dirty scumbag. I may dislike Kobe, but even he said Bell is a cheapshot artist. Kobe has never called Bowen dirty. He has all along called Bowen a great defender.

As far as Bowen trying to hurt Carter.....Carter is made of glass. He gets hurt every other game. He only plays Bowen twice a year. So who is injuring him all those other games? Also that one game where Carter was crying about Bruce....let the video show it was Carter who tripped Bruce intentionally and tried to get Bowen to lose his cool. When Bowen didn't fall down, but Carter did, it was Carter who lost his cool...he got up and ran after Bowen and shoved him to the ground, getting himself ejected. Carter is not only fragile physically, he is fragile emotionally too.......and BRUCE OWNS HIM.

Raja Bell was dirty in Dallas......he brought it to PHX. Bell, Najera, and Juwan Howard all used to undercut guys when they were up in the air going to the basket. That is dirty. Bell gets to PHX and stays dirty. He undercuts Parker while in the air. He clotheslines Kobe. He throws an elbow and Manu's head, causing Manu to fall backwards (to avoid the hit) and falls into Barbosa. Barbosa ends up getting injured on the play. PHX fans cry about Manu flopping and hurting Barbosa, but they neglect to see that their own player was throwing elbows at Manu's face.

Nash takes cheap shots as well. It was beautiful watching him try to play D last year against the Spurs and getting hurt both times. First he got his nose busted up, then he got kneed in the junk. BTW, if anyone other than Nash is guarding Bruce, then the knee doesn't make contact with the nether regions. Blame the Suns for putting Nash on Bruce.

Suns fans cry about Stupidmire and Diaw getting suspended. DONT LEAVE THE BENCH DURING AN ALTERCATION. a rule is a rule. The crybabies in the desert cry foul and want the league to bend the rules just for them. BTW, what Horry did was nothing compared to the clothesline by Bell. Was Raja even suspended for that foul? if so, it was only 1 game. However, a simple shoulder block is worthy of a 2 game suspension? PLEASE.

Face it, the Suns and their fans suck.....I don't like em, I dont respect em. They cry more than a baby ward at a hospital. Your owner is classless doing his little chicken dance. Your coach is classless, never giving credit to the opposition and always crying and making excuses. Your team is classless. Your fans are classless. and what do you get for your complete classlessness...........ZERO CHAMPIONSHIPS


soon to be 5 Time Champions

Listen kid-

I'm done with your denying reality. I got caught up in trying to infuse reason into your clouded brain. The last reply I left says it all. I showed you videos and you showed me videos. I agreed with a video that showed something that could have been called a flagrant or whatever. The major difference is you were shown videos that had even more blatant behavior and you simply wont see it.
The only Suns player who was not a cheap shot artist was Marion............and they traded him away. Now they suck even worse than they did when they had him.
Biggems;1981284 said:
Raja Bell is a dirty scumbag. I may dislike Kobe, but even he said Bell is a cheapshot artist. Kobe has never called Bowen dirty. He has all along called Bowen a great defender.

As far as Bowen trying to hurt Carter.....Carter is made of glass. He gets hurt every other game. He only plays Bowen twice a year. So who is injuring him all those other games? Also that one game where Carter was crying about Bruce....let the video show it was Carter who tripped Bruce intentionally and tried to get Bowen to lose his cool. When Bowen didn't fall down, but Carter did, it was Carter who lost his cool...he got up and ran after Bowen and shoved him to the ground, getting himself ejected. Carter is not only fragile physically, he is fragile emotionally too.......and BRUCE OWNS HIM.

Raja Bell was dirty in Dallas......he brought it to PHX. Bell, Najera, and Juwan Howard all used to undercut guys when they were up in the air going to the basket. That is dirty. Bell gets to PHX and stays dirty. He undercuts Parker while in the air. He clotheslines Kobe. He throws an elbow and Manu's head, causing Manu to fall backwards (to avoid the hit) and falls into Barbosa. Barbosa ends up getting injured on the play. PHX fans cry about Manu flopping and hurting Barbosa, but they neglect to see that their own player was throwing elbows at Manu's face.

Nash takes cheap shots as well. It was beautiful watching him try to play D last year against the Spurs and getting hurt both times. First he got his nose busted up, then he got kneed in the junk. BTW, if anyone other than Nash is guarding Bruce, then the knee doesn't make contact with the nether regions. Blame the Suns for putting Nash on Bruce.

Suns fans cry about Stupidmire and Diaw getting suspended. DONT LEAVE THE BENCH DURING AN ALTERCATION. a rule is a rule. The crybabies in the desert cry foul and want the league to bend the rules just for them. BTW, what Horry did was nothing compared to the clothesline by Bell. Was Raja even suspended for that foul? if so, it was only 1 game. However, a simple shoulder block is worthy of a 2 game suspension? PLEASE.

Face it, the Suns and their fans suck.....I don't like em, I dont respect em. They cry more than a baby ward at a hospital. Your owner is classless doing his little chicken dance. Your coach is classless, never giving credit to the opposition and always crying and making excuses. Your team is classless. Your fans are classless. and what do you get for your complete classlessness...........ZERO CHAMPIONSHIPS


soon to be 5 Time Champions


Wow. Incredible demonstration of maturity there.
Biggems;1981287 said:
The only Suns player who was not a cheap shot artist was Marion............and they traded him away. Now they suck even worse than they did when they had him.


Personally I think the Suns just play hard like everyone else ...... unfortunately they complain like babies when people play physical with them like they do to others.

And they do have some of the worst crybaby fans in the NBA (look above for proof of that)

Rowdy just does not get it ..... his jealousy clouds his mind.
Rowdy;1981286 said:
Listen kid-

I'm done with your denying reality. I got caught up in trying to infuse reason into your clouded brain. The last reply I left says it all. I showed you videos and you showed me videos. I agreed with a video that showed something that could have been called a flagrant or whatever. The major difference is you were shown videos that had even more blatant behavior and you simply wont see it.

what you have shown is a bunch of sissies like Allen, Terry, Stackhouse and Carter crying......about Bruce. Yet guys like Kobe, Redd, LeBron don't cry. They accept his physical style of play and embrace the challenge of beating him.
Rowdy;1981290 said:
Wow. Incredible demonstration of maturity there.

almost as immature as you have been on this entire called out my favorite player and I am here to defend him

zrinkill;1981292 said:

Personally I think the Suns just play hard like everyone else ...... unfortunately they complain like babies when people play physical with them like they do to others.

And they do have some of the worst crybaby fans in the NBA (look above for proof of that)

Rowdy just does not get it ..... his jealousy clouds his mind.

Owned bro.:)
Biggems;1981298 said:
almost as immature as you have been on this entire called out my favorite player and I am here to defend him


I have been on this thread defending what is truth and what is not and that is Bowen is a dirty player. If some of you wouldnt let your clouded and ignorant fanboy attitude run rampant, you would man up and agree. If you would this wouldnt be strung out forever.
Rowdy;1981304 said:
I have been on this thread defending what is truth and what is not and that is Bowen is a dirty player. If some of you wouldnt let your clouded and ignorant fanboy attitude run rampant, you would man up and agree. If you would this wouldnt be strung out forever.

i know dirty.....and Bowen isnt dirty.

Rodman was a dirty player, even as a Spur.....but Bowen isnt dirty.
Im sorry I had no idea you were in middle school still-that explains alot.;)
Rowdy;1981309 said:
ok-I guess you really made your point there.:)

btw, if the league really thought Bowen was dirty, he would have been fined or suspended......and none of that has happened.

I will admit though, that two plays from Bruce were excessive. The kick to Wally's face and the kick to little Ray Ray's back. I wish I could find a clip of the entire Wally play from start to finish, instead of just the clip of Bruce flying in....then maybe it would make more sense to me as to why he came in the way he did. As far as the kick to Allen's back, well Allen fell on top of Bowen and took his time getting up, neither player likes the other....Bowen kicked him. Bowen owned it afterwards, said he was in the wrong and apologized.

Bruce is consistently on the all-defensive team, 1st or 2nd. If I am not mistaken, don't coaches and peers get a vote on the matter.....if so, that says something about how dirty the league feels Bruce is.

When I think of Dirty players....I think of players who seem to intentionally go out of their way to put other players in compromising positions that can jeopardize their health.

Karl Malone, John Stockton, Dennis Rodman, Rick Mahorn, Eduardo Najera, Raja Bell, Reggie Evans, Danny Fortson, and the dirtiest player in the league at the moment, Mark Madsen. Karl Malone is the dirtiest player I have ever seen in the NBA.

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