T.O. says Jerry 'blindsided' him - 3/28/09

Yakuza Rich;2707225 said:
Jerry did blindside him if he told him he was going to keep him and then released him (if we believed everything the media told us or speculated upon, you would go insane). And he did technically reneg on his contract.

But, big deal.

Happens all of the time in the NFL because that's the way the league is set up...for better or for worse. And the players know and understand that by now.

Furthermore, Owens did keep quiet for periods of time. In '07 he refused to talk to the media while he was rehabbing his hand. The media's response? 'He's only being quiet because he wants attention!' And he did keep quiet to Mr. Blue Suit by refusing to answer his questions. Mr. Blue Suit's response? Write an article quoting ONE anonymous source 'who regularly speaks to Owens' teammates' that he's jealous of Witten and Romo's relationship.

I don't think there was a conspiracy to get Owens out of Dallas by anyone, but some media members saw him as a great way to get people to read their work or watch their TV show or listen to them on the radio. And it's obvious that they would still love to have Owens in Dallas to provide them with more material. Surely, some people didn't like Owens, but he sure had plenty of supporters in the organization.

I wish I could feel that Owens was the reason why the team went 9-7 last year. It would be very easy to just cut him and see the team perform better next season. But I really don't see Owens as that big of a problem for the team and coaches should be able to work around that. Apparently Jason Garrett wasn't able to.


Great post... I like to see that your fandom doesnt distort reality.
TO is always a victim.......what a savage little female reproductive organ he is.....I swear he could turn McDonald's forgetting his pickles into a slight against his existence with his melodramatic ways.
1fisher;2707265 said:

Sadly, we're supposed to be moving on but some have the first TO story that hits media on email alert. :rolleyes:

This thread will balloon and I will gladly make sure this is my last post in it.
Yeah, Jerry is a liar and a hypocrite, along with most of his followers. I hope that any player or coach of importance will see what he does to players, and refuse to come to this mess.
Doesn't this thread belong in the "Other NFL" threads section? This has nothing to do with us moving forward.
Judas;2707292 said:
Yeah, Jerry is a liar and a hypocrite, along with most of his followers. I hope that any player or coach of importance will see what he does to players, and refuse to come to this mess.

So was Mr.Mom right that you're just pulling our leg with this whole act? I can't tell.
hutch1254;2707298 said:
Doesn't this thread belong in the "Other NFL" threads section? This has nothing to do with us moving forward.

Not when half of the members wanted him gone.
Not when ALL the Moderators voted that it was the right move to cut Owens.

It gets some legs up in heah.


Oh and DCFanatic has got some connections in here ;)
Owens is a lot of things, but he's not a liar. Of course, I think it's pretty easy guess that Jerry wanted to keep Owens here but had to get talked out of it. I still think the Owens drama isn't half of what the media plays it out to be, but we don't really need the constant questions or the big contract. Of course, Jerry should've had the foresight not to give Owens a big contract extension before the year. Even if he was on his best behavior, you don't just dish out big money to 35 year old players with a year left on the deal.
Nav22;2707038 said:
To be fair...

IF Jerry did tell T.O. that he wasn't going anywhere, despite the media speculation... then cut him... then I'd say that qualifies as being "blindsided".

Either way, who cares. He's a Bill now, and I'm too excited about the offseason and the '09 season to give this story a 2nd thought.

Good luck in Buffalo, T.O.

Man oh man, just imagine how different T.O.'s career would've panned out had he decided as a rookie to go the Marion Barber route regarding media access. He'd never have made his way to Dallas, that's for sure. Might still be a 49er today.

Exactly. If Jerry had personally reassured him then I'd think the term "blindsided" is an appropriate one.
McCordsville Cowboy;2707271 said:
Great post... I like to see that your fandom doesnt distort reality.
Where is TO playing now? New England? Indianapolis? Pittsburgh? New York Giants? Philadelphia?

Surely one of the league's elite franchises has jumped at an opportunity to secure this superstar WR, who's such a great lockerroom presence.
Chocolate Lab;2707227 said:
Hey TO, what does a bear do in the woods? :lmao:

This is great. I'm so glad he'd gone and I'm so proud of you, Jerry!

Isnt it hillarious that the guy who is most famous not for his talent, his nickname or his celebrations but his blindsiding of coaches and teammates is now complaining about being blindsided by someone he thought was on his side.

Its so great. I never thought Jerry had it in him.

I cant wait for that first deion interview where he attacks garrett, romo and witten and references all his friends on the team as people who will back him up!! Its going to be great...

It will be worth 5 of these :banjo:

Laufenberg's opinion of him is so spot on..."he is the guy that burns your house down then calls the fire department and says thank god you guys came!!"

So funny, and by the way I am digging though old post game shows for some audio for a video I am making and I found the postgame show where owens was on, it was the Commanders game from november of 2007, this is the interview where he only did it if babe stepped aside and let brad sham ask the questions!!!!!! Its so funny to watch now that I know why he did that!!!

oh, the more I dig back into this team as I rejuvanate myself here, the better it feels.
TO even divides Cowboy forums and we don't even know him!!

Imagine what he does in that locker room with actual players!
SLATEmosphere;2707372 said:
TO even divides Cowboy forums and we don't even know him!!

Imagine what he does in that locker room with actual players!

no need to imagine, Its obvious.

HIs act is an old and tiresome one and That is why he is on a one year deal again.

The most important thing about teammates and sports is trust, you have to be able to trust them. He is the epitmoy of untrustworthy.
T.O. probably was told by Jerry he wasn't going anywhere... Somebody really talked Jerry into that release.
Bleu Star;2707286 said:
Sadly, we're supposed to be moving on but some have the first TO story that hits media on email alert. :rolleyes:

This thread will balloon and I will gladly make sure this is my last post in it.

Not really.... I got a kick outta seeing "Willie" in your posts a few weeks ago and thought I'd bring him back out for an encore!

Tear it up Willie...

SLATEmosphere;2707372 said:
TO even divides Cowboy forums and we don't even know him!!

Imagine what he does in that locker room with actual players!

It's funny, I have an old TV with a VCR at our office, and last night I was watching the old 2005 tape of us beating the Panthers at their place. I saw Torrin "Mother" Tucker in that game -- hadn't thought of him in a while -- and I remembered Parcells talking about what a bad influence he was on Gurode, and how Gurode seemed to do better once his distracting buddy was gone.

And I thought, if a third-rate nobody like Torrin Tucker can be a bad influence on a player, why do people think a drama queen superstar like TO can't?
I sure hope we know what we're talking about.. We may be in search for a new QB if we don't.

One thing we seem to be forgetting, TO has been here for every step of Romo's short career. In fact, a intricate part in even getting him on the field. Perhaps even the dagger that left Drew Henson lying dead on the sideline bench for good and not our current QB in need of replacement.

Aside from that all though, there has been one other constant going on beneath our open eyes.. Tony Romo. His lackluster attitude and his golden eye for the starlight twinkles he seems to always have to date and let interfere with his game.

He can't even keep them at home, he has to bring them to games and propel them right into the spotlight. Doesn't matter if he's been dating them for a year or a day.

Then when he loses it's almost like he's got this "aw shux" attitude, which I bet plays great with the ladies "feeling his pain" after the game.

Reality really is, TO could have been a very convenient finger to point for Romo to divert the attention off of what happen to him.

Then let's not overlook that injury to his finger, which seemed to trigger the start of our problems, not mentally on the field with Romo but physically on the field. Also something I don't think one person can say for certain whether or not he's fully recovered from, if he ever will be.

Personally, I think Dallas went about this the wrong way. Fact is, the guy produced for us. And he still produced up to the point of being forced out. Which has many fans still crying out his name and could be something we continue to hear this whole next season, especially if things go wrong for us. IMO the best remedy would have been to cause a real "stink" around the whole matter. I mean it's not like drama wasn't already circulating the entire previous season as it was. At least this would have given it meaning and closed out any doubts fans may have about the former #81 wearing the Star

But that's not what happen. Instead, another "rich boy" who just always has to see his name in the paper for some reason, pulled a crybaby with daddy and got what he wanted instead. Of course though, using the help of Garrett and Romo, two individuals seriously on the hot seat, themselves, after last year's performances.

I'm just saying I hope we didn't listen to the wrong people.
dcfanatic;2707031 said:
Who didn't see this coming.

Two or three people conspired to get him out of the situation?

He never realizes he had any part in all the drama that follows him. It's always everyone else, lol. If he would have been able to shut his mouth publicly then he would still be in Dallas. Period, point blank!

Great job Stephen, Jason and Tony! Great job!!!

By these comments alone someone can sense how desicive TO really is. He always creates situations where you have two sides at the end. One who is with him and one who is against him.

Mow it's the owner on one side and his son on the other. That's what TO is all about. He parts the world in good and bad. He seems to lack the personal ability to recognize nuances between those two extrems.

I only can imagine what kind of decisive effect he had with this mental attitude to our locker room. As much as i like great players like TO is i am happy he is gone. His ghost still lingers though...
Cowboys2008;2707388 said:
I sure hope we know what we're talking about.. We may be in search for a new QB if we don't.

One thing we seem to be forgetting, TO has been here for every step of Romo's short career. In fact, a intricate part in even getting him on the field. Perhaps even the dagger that left Drew Henson lying dead on the sideline bench for good and not our current QB in need of replacement.

Aside from that all though, there has been one other constant going on beneath our open eyes.. Tony Romo. His lackluster attitude and his golden eye for the starlight twinkles he seems to always have to date and let interfere with his game.

He can't even keep them at home, he has to bring them to games and propel them right into the spotlight. Doesn't matter if he's been dating them for a year or a day.

Then when he loses it's almost like he's got this "aw shux" attitude, which I bet plays great with the ladies "feeling his pain" after the game.

Reality really is, TO could have been a very convenient finger to point for Romo to divert the attention off of what happen to him.

Then let's not overlook that injury to his finger, which seemed to trigger the start of our problems, not mentally on the field with Romo but physically on the field. Also something I don't think one person can say for certain whether or not he's fully recovered from, if he ever will be.

Personally, I think Dallas went about this the wrong way. Fact is, the guy produced for us. And he still produced up to the point of being forced out. Which has many fans still crying out his name and could be something we continue to hear this whole next season, especially if things go wrong for us. IMO the best remedy would have been to cause a real "stink" around the whole matter. I mean it's not like drama wasn't already circulating the entire previous season as it was. At least this would have given it meaning and closed out any doubts fans may have about the former #81 wearing the Star

But that's not what happen. Instead, another "rich boy" who just always has to see his name in the paper for some reason, pulled a crybaby with daddy and got what he wanted instead. Of course though, using the help of Garrett and Romo, two individuals seriously on the hot seat, themselves, after last year's performances.

I'm just saying I hope we didn't listen to the wrong people.

Play it willie,

and dude, seriously, you need to rethink this. Umm most of the players have wifes and children at the game. DOwn behind the bench there is a whole section where friends and family sit. I have never heard anyone complain about leonard davis's girfriend before, but she goes to every game and she hung out with kevin burnett's wife and they would do stuff with the pugs and kelly show during the pregames out in the parking lot on the bone.

Nobody cares though. And they shouldnt. Romo's personal life has nothing to do with his football abilities. Its a silly argument and I cant believe adults actually bring this up.

I am suprised you didnt bring up his golf though, I mean he played golf thursday and friday, surely there was film to study.

The guys wanting to get rid of romo now to defend buffalo bill are going to be in a tough spot in a few months.
Hostile;2707037 said:
Blindsided? Almost as soon as the season was over the speculation started. How wrapped up in yourself do you have to be to not see it as a possibility if that many news sources are talking about it?
Your talking about TO here Hos.This guy is more worried about his after football acting career.