Sorry about the delay. I hate posting from work sometimes.
Make no mistake, Irvin's legal difficulties and suspensions placed a negative light on the franchise. However, his negative actions were strictly off-the-field events which caused him more harm than to the franchise itself. When I think of Irvin's Cowboy career, I think of a man who made personal mistakes which were not purposely directed at the franchise.
I do not make the same comparison with Owens. Owens has
- Voiced unsubstantiated rumors to the media about another teammate's sexual orientation. Why? For what reason?
- Acted unprofessionally to the point that two of his head coaches, Steve Mariucci and Andy Reid, suspended him multiple times. Not for any illegal activities, alleged or otherwise, mind you. No, just for being an idiot. Why? For what reason?
- Agreed in good faith to a $49 million dollar contract with Philadelphia, fully knowledgeable of the fact that it was backloaded and complained vigorously through the media for months.
These are just a few examples which separate Owens from Irvin, but my no. 1 problem with Owens remains his slap at the franchise as I described in an earlier post. A totally unnecessary and uncalled for insult directed straight at the franchise, it's legacy and it's fans. He may as well have dropped his drawers, squatted and defecated on the Star itself. Why? For what reason?
Answer: to massage his ego. Well, **** his ego and the horse it rode in on. Some will forever follow him with a shovel and bucket to clean up after him, but others will not. The franchise survived without him. After his departure, it will continue to survive. In the meantime, Owens wears the uniform. Hopefully, he can play well, keep his mouth shut (please, no more spitting!) and limit his interaction with the media to a minimum.
Yeah, I know. Pipe dream.