Terrell Owens to Sign With Cowboys!! *CLOSED*


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Waffle said:
Actually, we've got four playoff appearances to their two over the last decade. But I do get your point though. :)

I just thought the "keeping up with the Commanders" choice was laughable, that's all.

nah - that's funny. : ) it really would be all we're trying to do. but like many, i'm "old school" and pride and teamwork means as much to me as winning. when you see a player like TO it's almost your job to take him down and make him realize he's NOT better than the game. he's NOT the salvation he wishes he were.

he's certainly not better than the cowboys who found a way to win 5 superbowls and go on decade+ long winning season streaks without that type of player on the team.

yet now we've become so desperate for a win we don't mind the ones we laughed at not so very long ago. the funny part is, in no way shape or form does TO = a winning season. yet people say I'M TIRED OF LOSING as if the money and the player can change that all on it's own.

it's a team sport for a reason. i don't respect people who can't give past their own benefit and i don't respect people who are after personal glory over the team. if he happens to help a team i'm sure it's just a mistake, a side effect, of his own glory hunt.

we've won and won very well in the past. we've built up to be one of the msot respected franchises in the world.

the world.

and we did it all w/o his type on the team. now we can't find a way to win without him?

i really and truely hope we've not fallen that far.

the patriots started their run by being a team and playing as such and look what they did. now look what we're doing and it's not even close.

these are definately dark times for the fans that remember the pride we used to have and even if you find yourself rooting for the man to be on the team you still feel dirty about it.

i don't want to win this badly. then again, i know he doens't guarantee a win and i know we can find a way to win without him. teams do it every year and we can too. i hope and pray we don't feed the ego that's already bigger than the game or we're guilty of all those we laughed at when he was on THEIR team.

we can win without him as we've done it. but i'm not sure we can win with him in the environment that's now being created. all i see is a train wreck and like most fans, you can't look away.

this sucks.


The Excellence of Execution
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lets remember..T.O.'s first year in philly was a HUGE success..so if we sign him to a one or two year deal, lets get a great year out of T.O. by winning a bowl, draft a young WR next year in the early rounds and move on


rock music matters
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cajuncowboy said:
SO they sat around the meeting table one day and thought, "on some obscure Thursday night in the middle of March Madness, let's secretly jack the rates sky high for our 10 pm news and tell the advertisers "trust us, it will be worth it." and then we will plant a fake story about TO signing with Dallas and everyone will watch and we will be rich, rich, rich."

Is that your theory?

no. that's my sarcasm dude. you should know it by now.


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Id be willing to bet that TOs "close sources" Heard about it somehow and got ahold of ESPN before the S*** hit the fan


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SkinsFan26 said:
It worked last year, dude! I like the team that Danny has built and I love the coaching staff. I would say that the Boys have a little work to do to catch the Commanders. The wise posters here agree.

Danny has not built a team he has bought one. Out of the last 2 draft picks that were supposed to be the "faces" of the organization, one paid 4 million dollars to get the hell away from you all and the other is looking at a mandatory 3 years in the pen.Nice job!

If you guys are fans of the draft(like I and so many others on here are) then I feel sorry for you. I would hate for my team to constantly throw away draft picks every year for marginal players.


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Bizwah said:
It may be happening.

It may not.

All day long my colleagues were razzing me saying we signed TO. I'm not real thrilled with the idea. It's not that I'm dead set against it. I've just seen him destroy two locker rooms. And the Philly locker room was as tight-knit as any locker room out there.

I began talking to a Chiefs fan. He is pretty down-to-earth and grounded. He asked, "You wouldn't want TO for one year?"

Now, I don't deny that a motivated TO would be a huge upgrade. But how long would it take for him to say something stupid? What if DB got hurt, and we had to go to Romo or Henson? Would TO be patient enough to help or support a young QB? or would he get angry and pout?

What happens the first time BP tells him to shut up?

Philly is Philly....San Fran is San Fran...But this the Dallas Cowboys. This is the NFL's premiere organization. He'll be under the microscope here.

I can't imagine him in this situation.

I'm not dead set against him coming here. I'll cheer for him if he's a Cowboy. But, I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the bomb to go off.

Evidently it was not. I guess TO is Jim Jones or the antichrist because he can turn brothers against brothers.


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jdub2k4 said:
Stop the press! This may be false....


The ranch is reporting that this is not true. Click the link to read (free)

Yeh another great Report by Roy-hasnt found out crap all week and he and Espn broke the false story in less than 10 minutes. Roy is full of BS. He just wants your $100 to get you to read some made up stories or rumors he got off the Zone. Roy got me to subscribe to his BS only once.


Not Just For Breakfast Anymore
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iceberg said:
nah - that's funny. : ) it really would be all we're trying to do. but like many, i'm "old school" and pride and teamwork means as much to me as winning. when you see a player like TO it's almost your job to take him down and make him realize he's NOT better than the game. he's NOT the salvation he wishes he were.

he's certainly not better than the cowboys who found a way to win 5 superbowls and go on decade+ long winning season streaks without that type of player on the team.

yet now we've become so desperate for a win we don't mind the ones we laughed at not so very long ago. the funny part is, in no way shape or form does TO = a winning season. yet people say I'M TIRED OF LOSING as if the money and the player can change that all on it's own.

it's a team sport for a reason. i don't respect people who can't give past their own benefit and i don't respect people who are after personal glory over the team. if he happens to help a team i'm sure it's just a mistake, a side effect, of his own glory hunt.

we've won and won very well in the past. we've built up to be one of the msot respected franchises in the world.

the world.

and we did it all w/o his type on the team. now we can't find a way to win without him?

i really and truely hope we've not fallen that far.

the patriots started their run by being a team and playing as such and look what they did. now look what we're doing and it's not even close.

these are definately dark times for the fans that remember the pride we used to have and even if you find yourself rooting for the man to be on the team you still feel dirty about it.

i don't want to win this badly. then again, i know he doens't guarantee a win and i know we can find a way to win without him. teams do it every year and we can too. i hope and pray we don't feed the ego that's already bigger than the game or we're guilty of all those we laughed at when he was on THEIR team.

we can win without him as we've done it. but i'm not sure we can win with him in the environment that's now being created. all i see is a train wreck and like most fans, you can't look away.

this sucks.

I don't want him either. I've thought these "rumors" were bogus from the get go, but they just won't go away. I hope the train wreck is avoided, but signing TO would certainly increase the chances of a derail!!


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I just called the dude at the news station, he was a really nice guy and he confirmed the reports. He said they had an insider with the Cowboys, and he said that NOW on ESPN they are confirming that this is indeed true. He was cool bc he is a packers fan and we were laughing about how TO is gonna destroy the Cowboys, anyways its legit, and ESPN should be reporting it too.


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As far as I'm concerned, the Eagles signed their own death certificate. If they had any class, 1st off they would have taken care of their own, but it took T.O. for them to step up and redo their Running back.

AS soon as T.O. started his mess, they should've released him but they wanted to punish him like a little baby. They got what they deserved.

It's only fitting that the Boys sign T.O. and T.O. becomes a model citizen and top it off by single handedly whipping the Sheagles twice next season enroute to our 6th Super Bowl Victory.


Injured Reserve
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Rack said:
The Ranch report is about as reliable as having Freddy Kreuger as your bowling partner.


But can we really trust the initial link? That is the only place reporting it to my knowledge, and if it were true, you bet ESPN would be all over it, and probably already be on the Yahoo@ Sports page or something by now.


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SkinsFan26 said:
QUIT WHINING ABOUT Commanders OVERPAYING. They are not overpaying.

Uhhhh...making Adam Archuleta the HIGHEST paid safety of all time is overpaying.


Overpaying is paying more for a player than market value. Snyder does this regularly.

Honestly, I don't care what you do or how you do it. I just want the Cowboys in the Super Bowl.

But it's hard not to notice some of the ridiculous contracts Snyder's handing out to average players.


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SkinsFan26 said:
Snyder is not a moron; with the way the salary cap increases that deal is not out of proportion to the impact that Randle El will have on this team. It looks like a lot of money until the distribution of the funds is analyzed. Over 75% of the money is base salary in the last 3 years of the 7 year deal, just like all of the Commanders' recent contracts. The cap hits are low for the first 3-4 years, during which time the player can be evaluated. Then after that time, the team can move on if they wish and find new talent and sign them to a huge, back-heavy deal which does not really hurt the team unless that player is still there 5 years later. The guaranteed money in these contracts is a lot, but that does not hurt the Skins cap number too much. Just Snyder's pockets which are the deepest in the league anyway.

Cap hell does not exist, especially in DC.

QUIT WHINING ABOUT Commanders OVERPAYING. They are not overpaying.
your team sucks and will never win anything with all the old farts your getting...sorry been a long day:(


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Rack said:
The Ranch report is about as reliable as having Freddy Kreuger as your bowling partner.

Is he a lefty, rightie or ambidextrous? :laugh2:;)


Cowboy for Life
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BadKarma said:
Okay...I'll start it off...


lmao!!! :lmao:
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hooskins said:
I just called the dude at the news station, he was a really nice guy and he confirmed the reports. He said they had an insider with the Cowboys, and he said that NOW on ESPN they are confirming that this is indeed true. He was cool bc he is a packers fan and we were laughing about how TO is gonna destroy the Cowboys, anyways its legit, and ESPN should be reporting it too.

LOL, once again..for wanting this to happen you are going all out