The end for Jason Garrett


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Here is a realistic scenario...

Richard gets officially promoted to DC and assistant head Coach. Linehan is fired. Jason stays. Jerry and Jason hire another OC to work with Dak and the offense.

Keep in mind I said realistic... Not ideal.
That's the sort of scenario I'm hoping for. Gotta be realistic.


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Funny how the self purported thick skinned people are actually pretty thin skinned when their own style is returned. Someone who is positive can from the start, be ignored, if that is so painful to them.

I was going to stop responding but now I need to much did you drink tonight?


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I was going to stop responding but now I need to much did you drink tonight?

Get real insultive with someone else. I don't drink but a single beer on rare occasion; for New Years; and on our Anniversary.

But you are still wrong, and proud of your insinuations. What a stud, but still wrong. Your ignore meant did your attempt to change directions concerning your own path. Ignore me, by all means...but you started your own problem. I was giving support to my favorite team.

You were deriding both the Cowboys and a pair of fans at least. Good night, Uncle Charlie...oh, yea, you aren't the older one here.


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------If the next few games go badly would you fire Red and see what you have in Richard?

YES and NO!!! I fire The Clapping Carrot before he lucks into a mini winning streak that gives Jerry an excuse to keep him. NO, not Richard.....I do not want him fooling Jerry like The Clapping Carrot did after taking over for Wade.


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Why not Richard? Philly won a SB with a first-time head coach, Pittsburgh also won with Tomlin a first-time head coach, wasn't Tomlin also a defensive back coach?


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No. Because Jones is firmly committed to Garrett. I don't see any way other than losing out the season that he elects to dump him.

The affinity is that deep.

This is his handpicked perfect head coach. Has been since forever.

Diplomatic to the media. Seems intelligent. Carries himself like a professional.

Has the team battlin' and clawin' for wins.

Is capable of maintaining relevance, even if it is at his own expense, making him look like a fool that can't manage a football game.

His ineptitude does not bother the lowbrows in the fanbase like Wade Phillips did.

He is the perfect head coach for Jerry Jones.

Anyone else is a stranger and that is where it gets complicated.

Garrett is done if we miss the playoffs, especially in a very weak division. About as bad as it was in 2015. Garrett and this staff skated by on the Romo injury (even though Wade was fired for that very same reason) that year. There are no excuses this year. No real injuries besides Travis and Looney is a very competent backup. There's nothing left he can turn to and make excuses for. This would now be missed playoffs in 3 of the last 4 years and only 2 playoff trips his entire head coaching career if our season tanks.


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No. Because Jones is firmly committed to Garrett. I don't see any way other than losing out the season that he elects to dump him.

The affinity is that deep.

This is his handpicked perfect head coach. Has been since forever.

Diplomatic to the media. Seems intelligent. Carries himself like a professional.

Has the team battlin' and clawin' for wins.

Is capable of maintaining relevance, even if it is at his own expense, making him look like a fool that can't manage a football game.

His ineptitude does not bother the lowbrows in the fanbase like Wade Phillips did.

He is the perfect head coach for Jerry Jones.

Anyone else is a stranger and that is where it gets complicated.
Great post. I would add to your list of reasons why JG is Jerry's perfect head, and I agree with all your points.

I would add that JG allows Jerry to run the team and pretty much be the puppet master without complaining.

A long time ago I saw a episode of The Simpsons were Homer was trying to convince Mr. Burns to give him a job. I can't remember the exact quite because it's been 20 years but Homer was yelling at Mr. Burns saying, "I'll lick your butt and call it ice cream and if you don't like it, then I will change".

Jerry is the Mr. Burns of the football world and he has his Smithers and Homers exactly where he wants them and for this reason he will not make a coaching change. He's a delusional billionaire that wants to be taken seriously, but not at the expense of his own ego. We're screwed as Cowboys fans.


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Insult away, but also explain away this:

The Cowboys are on pace to allow 281 points this season, a current average of 17.6 per game. Since the NFL moved to a 16-game schedule in 1978, they’ve been at or below that number 10 times: 2009, 2003, 1999, 1998, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1981, 1978. The club made the playoffs all 10 times, reached at least the NFC title game five times and played in three Super Bowls, winning two.
Perfect reason why Garrett should be fired. We have a very strong defense, but a Predictable and basic offense that can’t score points because of Garrett and Linehan.


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Everyone talks about how much we suck. 1 or 2 plays go differently, and we could very easily be 4-3, or even 5-2.

Do we have problems? Yes. Am I frustrated by our lack of success? Of course! But nowadays, most teams are fairly even.


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The offense is being geared up for now. The team already averaged 20 points a game...and is improving there. That should even improve. The point differential for Dallas should be increasing.

Washington has a top ten defense right now. But Dallas is averaging under 18 points being given up. That is also improving too.

As to a general indicator, the following is at least a generalization as relevant as no NFC Championship games:

The Cowboys are on pace to allow 281 points this season, a current average of 17.6 per game. Since the NFL moved to a 16-game schedule in 1978, they’ve been at or below that number 10 times: 2009, 2003, 1999, 1998, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1981, 1978. The club made the playoffs all 10 times, reached at least the NFC title game five times and played in three Super Bowls, winning two.
The point differential is the key. With the outburst we had against Jaguars we were bolstered to 20 points a game offensively which we had been bottom 3 in the league most of the season around 17 points a game.

Worth noting is all of those seasons you mentioned we only had one offense which averaged below 20 points a game which was the Quincy Carter 2003 season which averaged 18 points a game. Which BTW was last time we had a top defensive team which carried a lesser offense.

A comparison I’ve often made for this season . Which if you recall was Parcells inaugural season and probably his best coaching performance of the 4 seasons he was here uplifting a 5-11 team .

Unfortunately , while that defense was enough to win 10 games that season which was Bills largest win total in his 4 years here we still were an early exit out in the playoffs with probably our worst offense until now.


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Everyone talks about how much we suck. 1 or 2 plays go differently, and we could very easily be 4-3, or even 5-2.

Do we have problems? Yes. Am I frustrated by our lack of success? Of course! But nowadays, most teams are fairly even.
First of all I’d agree we could have one more win over Houston . I’m not sure who else we should have beat? Wash maybe but we certainly didn’t look like the better team. And the mistake in Houston only extends the game to OT. But we’re also a missed kick away against Detroit from being 2-5. But this is a reasonable argument . Coulda woulda shoulda. Personally I think our record is fairly reflective of our team.

Now depending on how we define “ most teams “. I’d say yes, I agree there is a muddle of teams who are looking for a QB or desperately trying to surround a lesser QB. We are in that middle group. But there are a better group of teams which have separated themselves from the pack because they have their QB and most pretty good defense to boot.

I’d place NE, Pitt, KC, LAR, Minn, NO , GB and Phil well above the rest of the pack mostly because of their greater QB’s and overall balance . And I’d place Car Atl, Sea , LAC maybe even Wash or Hou now( the NFC is so much stronger than AFC ) as best of the rest because of their better than average QB and defenses. Atl of course a question mark this year .

So , this elevates about a third of the league above the rest IMO because of their QB. Which I believe is what separates us from the upper third of the NFL level. A better QB. Despite our other weaknesses at S, WR, TE and Even OL this year , a top 10 QB probably elevates us to a more serious contender .

Can we win with Dak? Certainly , but we need so many more of these other pieces in place which is very difficult to maintain in Cap era.
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Haha apologises Bro, I couldn't get past the 2 wins. Can this team score enough to keep up w/ with this part of the schedule?

Anyways, this team has so many excuses for losing they'll roll some tired/lame narrative out there in attempt to justify JG holding his post.

Garrett will throw Linehan to the wolves to buy time before he goes down.


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I really have thought Garrett up until now could survive anything as long as the team didn’t collapse. And all those years with Romo we had a QB who while taking much criticism always had the ability to overcome lesser talent around him at least keeping the team competitive and relevant because he could move the ball and score.

But with Dak who needs much more of a supporting cast of talent and apparently coaching and specific schemes to fit his style appears to be threatening everyone’s job. It’s Already cost our Pro Bowl receivers job and probably forced our HOF TE to retire early.

Now our OC is probably gone. The same one we were applauding just a couple years ago. And for the first time it even appears Garrett could be in jeopardy although I’m not convinced yet as there looks like other scapegoats in place for Jerry.

I’ve been convinced up until now we were all in on Dak and no one could be safe. But this move for Cooper might be a reality check for Jerry to see if Dak can be uplifted with a better receiver. The web has become more tangled now and will be interesting to see how it plays out but I never thought making the playoffs was an ultimatum for retaining Garrett.

I think the bigger question is do we have our franchise QB. And can we uplift him again with more surrounding talent. I believe it’s become a greater concern than our HC for Jerry who up until now appears determined to make Dak work. Stay tuned. More drama to come:)
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I think people are simply over looking what the issue is and it's quite simple. We are simply missing a '2 minute drill' coach to win a game. Someone who doesn't get stuck in the moment and can have clear thoughts about whether we should be trying to get a touch down, take at least one shot at the end zone or when is best to kick a field goal.

If we had someone like this we would be regularly above 500. Other teams call this a head coach


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I think people are simply over looking what the issue is and it's quite simple. We are simply missing a '2 minute drill' coach to win a game. Someone who doesn't get stuck in the moment and can have clear thoughts about whether we should be trying to get a touch down, take at least one shot at the end zone or when is best to kick a field goal.

If we had someone like this we would be regularly above 500. Other teams call this a head coach
We didn’t have this much issue with Romo. Maybe our 2 minute drill is more about our QB than HC?

If only we can find a coach to make Dak great again.


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We didn’t have this much issue with Romo. Maybe our 2 minute drill is more about our QB than HC?

If only we can find a coach to make Dak great again.

Did the QB make the decision not to go on 4 and 1 against Houston?
Did the QB get a play to go for at least one shot at the endzone against Washington?

These plays are the difference between a play off and 8-8

Yes the QB needs to make some better decisions, but your coaching staff need to give you the tools to make some of these decisions.


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Did the QB make the decision not to go on 4 and 1 against Houston?
Did the QB get a play to go for at least one shot at the endzone against Washington?

These plays are the difference between a play off and 8-8

Yes the QB needs to make some better decisions, but your coaching staff need to give you the tools to make some of these decisions.
At Houston we had an opportunity on 3rd and 1. And our best player was stuffed. Going for it on 4th is only a good call if it works.

In Washington in our desperation comeback after Dak practically sealed game with fumble I’d have to believe he had some read options to call audibles if he saw an opportunity.

I can’t be sure from the couch if the right play wasn’t called or the right read wasn’t made?


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2 wins is all you see...... I'm willing to bet anything you want that we win more than 2 games out of that 6 you listed


Red, White and Brew...
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Here is a realistic scenario...

Richard gets officially promoted to DC and assistant head Coach. Linehan is fired. Jason stays. Jerry and Jason hire another OC to work with Dak and the offense.

Keep in mind I said realistic... Not ideal.
This is about right.