The Jerry Sandusky Trial Thread *Sandusky Guilty - Post #93*

nyc-cowboy;4593370 said:
Yes maybe not equally but dayum - you gotta say something.

Hearing about these "secret files" though is just disturbing. I mean it might as well be equal now. If they really knew everything about him and covered it up, and the same people who covered it up fired Paterno; that is a complete slap in the face to society.

Manwiththeplan;4592985 said:
people say that, but child molesters do serve in jail with out getting killed

Sure, some of them make it; but many are also killed. I would imagine Sandusky will be in a pretty harsh jail considering the severity of his crimes. Also, the extent of his child molestation is unbelievable; were talking a serial rapist. This guy is near the top of worst child molesters and EVERYBODY knows who he is now and what he did.

joseephuss;4592907 said:
Is that really a theory anymore? Seems most people don't think Amendola is a good defense attorney.

Can you really be a good defense attorney in this case?
RastaRocket;4593397 said:
Can you really be a good defense attorney in this case?

Sure you can. You may still lose, but you don't put your client out there to do interviews.
joseephuss;4593497 said:
Sure you can. You may still lose, but you don't put your client out there to do interviews.

OK haha, I guess that is true.
joseephuss;4592907 said:
Is that really a theory anymore? Seems most people don't think Amendola is a good defense attorney.

Good point.

Him allowing Sandusky to conduct an interview prior to trial, on national television, was absolutely insane.

And then there's the whole getting a 16 year old girl pregnant thing.
And to those talking about child molesters getting killed in prison -- more often than not they suffer at the hands of prison rape rather than murder.
In line with the rules, I am not posting it, but Witness #9's testimony is absolutely harrowing.

Sandusky is finished. Defense begins their case on Monday morning.
RastaRocket;4592088 said:
So are the same people with these "secret files" the same people that fired Paterno?

If so, that is messed up.

I have stayed out of thread on purpose for a while until I heard some of the testimony and seen what was made public. This is exactly what was bothering me from the start of this thing.

I don't give a rat's *** about Sandusky and he can swing from the highest tree for all I care because he deserves it. But everyone knows I defended Paterno at the start, then after hearing some information I had come to the conclusion that I couldn't defend him any longer because he at least knew something had happened. IT seems like now there is more evidence that Paterno didn't know what we thought he knew. Considering the ambiguous report he got from McQueary plus what victim 6 said on the stand, it seems that there was no rape on that instance. (Unless this was a different victim but I think it was the same one.)

In addition the fact that the school had "Secret" files on Sandusky and the fact that the ones who had those files used Paterno as the initial scapegoat makes me tend to believe that Paterno knew very little about what was going on.

As I said before, He, Paterno, should have went directly to police on the one issue he was told about but I am sure as McQueary said, he watered it down and Paterno went to his immediate superiors. I don't think he knew they would end up making him the fall guy for a cover up.
casmith07;4593572 said:
And to those talking about child molesters getting killed in prison -- more often than not they suffer at the hands of prison rape rather than murder.

Far more fitting IMO. Eye for an eye sort of thing, and getting raped is something that sticks with people more than almost any other crime. Rapists and molesters deserve a lifetime of pain and torment similar to what they put others through.
speedkilz88;4593996 said:
Shouldn't this be in the off-topic forum?

No, this is sports related.

Cajuncowboy;4594149 said:
I have stayed out of thread on purpose for a while until I heard some of the testimony and seen what was made public. This is exactly what was bothering me from the start of this thing.

I don't give a rat's *** about Sandusky and he can swing from the highest tree for all I care because he deserves it. But everyone knows I defended Paterno at the start, then after hearing some information I had come to the conclusion that I couldn't defend him any longer because he at least knew something had happened. IT seems like now there is more evidence that Paterno didn't know what we thought he knew. Considering the ambiguous report he got from McQueary plus what victim 6 said on the stand, it seems that there was no rape on that instance. (Unless this was a different victim but I think it was the same one.)

In addition the fact that the school had "Secret" files on Sandusky and the fact that the ones who had those files used Paterno as the initial scapegoat makes me tend to believe that Paterno knew very little about what was going on.

As I said before, He, Paterno, should have went directly to police on the one issue he was told about but I am sure as McQueary said, he watered it down and Paterno went to his immediate superiors. I don't think he knew they would end up making him the fall guy for a cover up.

Kudos for coming back and saying you were wrong. That takes fortitude.

The30YardSlant;4594238 said:
Far more fitting IMO. Eye for an eye sort of thing, and getting raped is something that sticks with people more than almost any other crime. Rapists and molesters deserve a lifetime of pain and torment similar to what they put others through.

Agreed, 100%. It's the basis of why I think rape should be a capital crime, punishable by LWOP or the Death Penalty, whichever the state allows. As much as homicide hurts people, the victim of that crime is gone and will not return. The emotional and mental damage done by rape is in many cases everlasting, and therefore the retributive payback for doing that damage should also be everlasting for the criminal.

Finally, if that timeline is true, it's good to see that the Pennsylvania authorites launched an investigation all the way back in 2009. The arrest not occuring until last year means that they probably had constructed a pretty rock-solid case.

The only thing about this timeline is that this is all that we know. We don't know how many victims are too afraid to come out because of shame, or the extent of his abuse of the victims. Absolutely disgusting.
casmith07;4594366 said:
Agreed, 100%. It's the basis of why I think rape should be a capital crime, punishable by LWOP or the Death Penalty, whichever the state allows. As much as homicide hurts people, the victim of that crime is gone and will not return. The emotional and mental damage done by rape is in many cases everlasting, and therefore the retributive payback for doing that damage should also be everlasting for the criminal.

Outside the death of a child, I can't think of anything more damaging longterm. What's worse is that these were young children he sexually assaulted, and no matter how "normal" or successful they become they have to live with that memory for their entire lives. I can't imagine trying to fall asleep every night with that weighing on my mind. Death may not be better, but it's certainly far less painful.

There's nothing that we can do to Sandusky that would be punishment enough IMO. It really makes me hope that there's an eternal fire-and-brimstone hell waiting for him once his miserable life ends, because nothing else would do his crimes justice. He deserves to suffer far longer than his lifespan will allow.
The30YardSlant;4594412 said:
Outside the death of a child, I can't think of anything more damaging longterm. What's worse is that these were young children he sexually assaulted, and no matter how "normal" or successful they become they have to live with that memory for their entire lives. I can't imagine trying to fall asleep every night with that weighing on my mind. Death may not be better, but it's certainly far less painful.

There's nothing that we can do to Sandusky that would be punishment enough IMO. It really makes me hope that there's an eternal fire-and-brimstone hell waiting for him once his miserable life ends, because nothing else would do his crimes justice. He deserves to suffer far longer than his lifespan will allow.

I disagree. Send him to federal prison and let Bo-Bo and Big Biff have a go at him.
Sandusky is quite clearly guilty, beyond any and all reasonable doubt. No lawyer on the planet could salvage this defense. Perry Mason himself couldn't get Sandusky free of these charges. Having said that.....

Is it just me, or does it seem as though Sandusky hired a complete moron as his legal counsel in these proceedings?
Rogah;4594569 said:
Sandusky is quite clearly guilty, beyond any and all reasonable doubt. No lawyer on the planet could salvage this defense. Perry Mason himself couldn't get Sandusky free of these charges. Having said that.....

Is it just me, or does it seem as though Sandusky hired a complete moron as his legal counsel in these proceedings?

Based on some information, it sounds like he hired a fellow pedophile.
casmith07;4594527 said:
I disagree. Send him to federal prison and let Bo-Bo and Big Biff have a go at him.

What I meant was that he is what, 70 years old? At best he spends around 20 years in prison before dying or getting put in hospice care. The man got to live a relatively full life of freedom wthout psychological trauma. He robbed the kids that he molested of a normal life and no matter what we put him through, it can't compare to going through your entire life with the weight of being a victim of something that horrific.
casmith07;4594623 said:
Based on some information, it sounds like he hired a fellow pedophile.

Probably one of the few people willing to represent him.
The30YardSlant;4594731 said:
What I meant was that he is what, 70 years old? At best he spends around 20 years in prison before dying or getting put in hospice care. The man got to live a relatively full life of freedom wthout psychological trauma. He robbed the kids that he molested of a normal life and no matter what we put him through, it can't compare to going through your entire life with the weight of being a victim of something that horrific.

Yeah, point well taken. You're right, 100%.
Sandusky will go to prison if the jury does the right thing and follows the evidence there is nothing that the defense can do to get a not guilty verdict.

Seeing Sandusky go to the court house with a smile on his face disgusts me. There should be nothing to smile about in this situation. Since he thinks that it's normal and okay for grown men to shower with boys, then he doesn't wrong with his rape/molestation of them. In his mind it's okay.

Whoever covered this up failed to protect those young boys I wonder how they can live with themselves.

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