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I know there is a lot of negativity on the site, but that is to be expected when you think about how long it has been since the Cowboys had any real post-season success.

Every so often Cowboys fans think, "This is our year!" only to have injuries, disappointing player performances, bad coaching decisions or bad referee calls erode and deflate enthusiasm until online articles and discussions shift right back to "what went wrong" topics.

Cowboys fans hear enough insults and negative comments from fans of other teams that it can be hard at times to endure it among Cowboys fans as well.

Everyone has to realize though that fans are always going to complain no matter the situation with the only difference being that some complain more often or more loudly than others.

That does not make people bad fans though.

Can it be annoying at times when the level of frustration in some fans severely exceeds your own? Of course, but I would rather be surrounded by fans who care enough to be frustrated than bandwagon fans who simply disappear when things go bad.

You can say a lot of things about Cowboys fans, and fans of other teams regularly do, but 25+ years of no Super Bowl appearances, much less wins, and yet we are all still here caring enough to voice our opinions on how to fix the endless loop of Cowboys season failures.

Hopefully this is the Cowboys year, but if it is not, I am sure a lot of Cowboys fans will know how to fix it, and will be glad to share their solutions with other Cowboys fans.

I can deal with the ups and downs of Dallas Cowboy fandom, it's what being a fan is all about.

What frustrates me more than anything (and makes it hard to enjoy this site) are the constant posts by the same posters stating player x sucks and this is why I am right... followed by the other same posters responding why player x is the best.

No matter what the topic they bring their player x views into the discussion. It's gotten so bad that I realized it's not about trying to change someone's mind, but more so ti try to prove they are right so they can pound their chest. Nothing is going to change either sides view... neither side brings anything new to the argument..both sides have personalized it to the point it has nothing to do with Cowboy fandom... it's solely about the love / hate feelings of a particular player. Not the Dallas Cowboys.

I have been a Cowboys fan for 45 years and have never seen anything like this. I miss the days when I I could come to this site and discuss Xs and Os of the last game...speculate on the upcoming game, make fun of our rivals, and feel like one with my Cowboy brothers and sisters. For me, it is truly sad it has to be this way.


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No, you don't. You are constantly berating and attacking good posters and telling out and out lies about them. You pay attention only to your own little feelings.
I don’t expect the bottom dwellers to like me.


Well-Known Member
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I refer to the extremes as “emotional insurance.” For the people who take out “negative insurance,” they get to rejoice if the team wins or say “I told you so” if they lose. The “positive insurance” crowd gets to chastise everyone else for being “bad fans” when the losses pile up. Either way, it’s a form of protecting feelings.
Now, isn't Reality strange?:)


Well-Known Member
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No sir, it was you that missed the point. The GM is responsible for all that you are naming. It doesn't matter if he is calling plays or not, he is responsible. The GM hires the people who take care of the minutae. It is up to him to hire competent people and get good players. He insists on having this responsibility, BTW. Jerry is fully responsible for the 3 super bowls, and fully responsible for the 27 years of ineptitude following.

There's a difference between responsible and being the only person who is involved in the final product. My point which you DID miss, was that Jerry can hire and direct all he wants, but unless he does every job on the team he has to depend on others to get to the desired goal - winning the SB.
That was my point, Jerry can only hire and fire and direct, he can't do it all...

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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I know there is a lot of negativity on the site, but that is to be expected when you think about how long it has been since the Cowboys had any real post-season success.

Every so often Cowboys fans think, "This is our year!" only to have injuries, disappointing player performances, bad coaching decisions or bad referee calls erode and deflate enthusiasm until online articles and discussions shift right back to "what went wrong" topics.

Cowboys fans hear enough insults and negative comments from fans of other teams that it can be hard at times to endure it among Cowboys fans as well.

Everyone has to realize though that fans are always going to complain no matter the situation with the only difference being that some complain more often or more loudly than others.

That does not make people bad fans though.

Can it be annoying at times when the level of frustration in some fans severely exceeds your own? Of course, but I would rather be surrounded by fans who care enough to be frustrated than bandwagon fans who simply disappear when things go bad.

You can say a lot of things about Cowboys fans, and fans of other teams regularly do, but 25+ years of no Super Bowl appearances, much less wins, and yet we are all still here caring enough to voice our opinions on how to fix the endless loop of Cowboys season failures.

Hopefully this is the Cowboys year, but if it is not, I am sure a lot of Cowboys fans will know how to fix it, and will be glad to share their solutions with other Cowboys fans.
At least we care enough to complain


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Nothing wrong with being critical of a player or the coach or the owner. It’s posters like yourself who are ALWAYS negative about EVERYTHING that bring down the forum.
Name me one member here who has posted something negative about Micah?
See TALENT speaks and shuts up all.....


Devil's Advocate
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Meh, I don't care about the complainers, I'm probably viewed as one. I dislike the "pie in the sky" guys. I'll take any win, no matter how ugly, but even in a win there can be room for improvement. We have been winning ugly lately and that won't do it in the playoffs, we need to start hitting on all cylinders.

Now back to our regular scheduled programming.


Devil's Advocate
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I have an honest question -- have we ever had a past or present player or coach, or someone who represents them on the Zone?

I'm not sure I would ever reveal who I was if it was the case judging by the mob mentality on some posts. Imagine for example if Dak's brother, Tad, who Twitters all the time, were to post here with all the recent Dak bashing threads. LOL

I'm pretty sure some media members browse this board sometimes for ideas? Or is that a no too?

Tad would get destroyed on this board. He's almost relevant because of his brother, otherwise he'd just be another loser. Wait......


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Well, I'm sure it wasn't Reality's intention for this to turn into a bash Rocky thread, though to be honest, I'm surprised he didn't see it coming. lol Whatever the case, maybe we can make this the civility thread, if only to prove it can be done?


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Meh, I don't care about the complainers, I'm probably viewed as one. I dislike the "pie in the sky" guys. I'll take any win, no matter how ugly, but even in a win there can be room for improvement. We have been winning ugly lately and that won't do it in the playoffs, we need to start hitting on all cylinders.

Now back to our regular scheduled programming.
Pointing out things that can be improved is one thing: Making negative blanket statements, flat out lies to support your point of view about a player or players (or CZ poster), and making fatalistic proclamations of doom in the first 3 minutes of a game or the first game of the season is just irritating to everyone else.


Well-Known Member
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If ever there was a year when we had a chance to do something special, this is it. There isn’t a dominant team in the league. There are 7-8 very good teams, of which we are one.

Although the last quarter century doesn’t encourage optimism, let’s see what happens.


Devil's Advocate
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Pointing out things that can be improved is one thing: Making negative blanket statements, flat out lies to support your point of view about a player or players (or CZ poster), and making fatalistic proclamations of doom in the first 3 minutes of a game or the first game of the season is just irritating to everyone else.

I hope I haven't done that and you are are referring to someone else.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Who else.......LOL.....not surprising considering.
