The 'not so famous' movie quotes

Big Dakota

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I get ya's both in the ring, I'll give ya both a ****in' beatin', ya both can **** each other.

Who's an animal? Your mother's an animal, ya son of a *****.

I remember those cheers / They still ring in my ears / After years, they remain in my thoughts. / Go to one night / I took off my robe, and what'd I do? I forgot to wear shorts. / I recall every fall / Every hook, every jab / The worst way a guy can get rid of his flab. / As you know, my life wasn't drab. / Though I'd much... Though I'd rather hear you cheer / When you delve... Though I'd rather hear you cheer / When I delve into Shakespeare / "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse", I haven't had a winner in six months.

Though I'm no Olivier / I would much rather... And though I'm no Olivier / If he fought Sugar Ray / He would say / That the thing ain't the ring, it's the play. / So give me a... stage / Where this bull here can rage / And though I could fight / I'd much rather recite /... that's entertainment.

Jake La Motta: Raging Bull.


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Big Dakota;1545897 said:
Jake La Motta: Raging Bull.

Shocked that one didn't win a best picture award. Of course, that means the academy needed to give him one as a make-up last year for a mediocre film.


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abersonc;1546101 said:
Shocked that one didn't win a best picture award. Of course, that means the academy needed to give him one as a make-up last year for a mediocre film.
Yeah it was a bit of a joke. Ordinary People is a very good movie. Raging Bull is an all-time classic. That being said, I did like The Departed.


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jem88;1546288 said:
Yeah it was a bit of a joke. Ordinary People is a very good movie. Raging Bull is an all-time classic. That being said, I did like The Departed.

In fairness though, at the time, Ordinary People was groundbreaking - not that other folks hadn't been doing that sort of thing but there wasn't a ton of stuff out there that punched you in the gut like that. I was 11 when I saw it (irresponsible parents) and it really bothered me and made me think for a long time.

Also, it was Robert Redford's directorial debut and a young handsome director makes a good story.

But still, Raging Bull it isn't.

I liked the Departed -- or at least the first half of it -- but I really liked Babel a lot more. Little Miss Sunshine too. Of course last year's best movie -- and the one that is going to be the real classic -- didn't get nominated. Of course, I'm talking Borat.


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abersonc;1546411 said:
In fairness though, at the time, Ordinary People was groundbreaking - not that other folks hadn't been doing that sort of thing but there wasn't a ton of stuff out there that punched you in the gut like that. I was 11 when I saw it (irresponsible parents) and it really bothered me and made me think for a long time.

Also, it was Robert Redford's directorial debut and a young handsome director makes a good story.

But still, Raging Bull it isn't.

I liked the Departed -- or at least the first half of it -- but I really liked Babel a lot more. Little Miss Sunshine too. Of course last year's best movie -- and the one that is going to be the real classic -- didn't get nominated. Of course, I'm talking Borat.
This appears to be one of those rare times I disagree with you. I thought Babel was vastly overrated. I've liked Inarritu's previous films (Amores Perros, 21 Grams) but I didn't think much of Babel. I enjoyed Little Miss Sunshine and Borat.


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jem88;1546438 said:
This appears to be one of those rare times I disagree with you. I thought Babel was vastly overrated. I've liked Inarritu's previous films (Amores Perros, 21 Grams) but I didn't think much of Babel. I enjoyed Little Miss Sunshine and Borat.

Maybe I really enjoyed it because I kept shouting -- "that's right Crash -- that's how you do multiple story lines -- booyah!"

Big Dakota

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abersonc;1546101 said:
Shocked that one didn't win a best picture award. Of course, that means the academy needed to give him one as a make-up last year for a mediocre film.

Ya, it was the best picture in 1980 and history has born that out. I feel the same way about Paul Newman. 1956 Around The World in 80 Days wins best picture and Yul Brynner wins best actor for The King and I, while Newman wasn't even considered for Somebody Up There Likes Me. Then in 58 Gigi wins best picture and David Niven wins for Saparate Tables, while Cat On A Hot Tin Roof and Newman were clearly the best picture and actor. But the one that really gets me is 1961 and Maxmilian Shell wins for Judgement At Nuremberg while Newmans protrayal of Fast Eddie Felson in The Hustler was by far the best performance. I can understand Rod Steiger and In The Heat Of The Night swept in 67,It was a great flick, but IMHO Newman and Cool Hand Luke were the best of the year. Some what do they do? Give Newman best actor for The Color Of Money. Sheesh.


The Duke
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Colonel Slade: "You're in no position disagree with me, boy. I got a loaded .45 here. You got pimples."

Slade: "Whoo-ah."

Slade: "Don't shrug, imbecile. I'm blind. Save your body language for the bimbi."

Slade: "I know exactly where your body is. What I'm looking for is some indication of a brain. Too much football without a helmet? Hah! Lyndon's line on Gerry Ford. Deputy debriefer, Paris, peace talks, '68. Snagged a silver star and a silver bar. Threw me into G-2."

Charlie: "G-2? "

Slade: "Intelligence. Of which you have none."

Slade: "Oh, where do I go from here, Charlie? "

Charlie: "If you're tangled up, just tango on."

Slade: "You askin' me to dance, Charlie?"


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abersonc;1546447 said:
Maybe I really enjoyed it because I kept shouting -- "that's right Crash -- that's how you do multiple story lines -- booyah!"
Crash winning best picture has to be the biggest joke in Academy history. A ridiculously overrated movie (I'm tempted to even call it a bad movie.)


The Chairman
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from animal house

dean wormer: fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son.

dean wormer: put a sock in it boy, or else you'll be outta here like s**t through a goose.

neidermeyer: tuck in those damn pajamas!!

neidermeyer: you're all worthless and weak!! now drop and give me twenty!!


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Do you have a boyfriend?

Sort of.

Well the next time you make love, maybe you could think of me?

I haven't made love to him yet.

Well maybe sometime we can make love and you can think of him?

How about you and he make love and you can think of me?

Well as long as I'm in there somewhere.


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jem88;1546733 said:
Crash winning best picture has to be the biggest joke in Academy history. A ridiculously overrated movie (I'm tempted to even call it a bad movie.)

I'd call it a bad movie but I know a ton of folks who loved it. The other nominees were all better - to me, Brokeback was the best film of the group.


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abersonc;1546976 said:
I'd call it a bad movie but I know a ton of folks who loved it. The other nominees were all better - to me, Brokeback was the best film of the group.

Brokeback was overrated...jeesh...critics were afraid to say negative things because they didn't want the homophobic backlash, IMO.


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If you want to be nominated for anything anymore, use a gay theme. No one has the guts to criticise it- at least no one the Hollywood morons would take notice of.


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Actually the best line in Commando is when Arnie holds up his knife and says"Lets Party!"

Staying with the knife theme: Crocodile Dundee- the muggers are acting bad and his girl says- "They have a Knife" MIck laughs and pulls out his outsized Bowie and says "Now THIS is a Knife".


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blindzebra;1547006 said:
Brokeback was overrated...jeesh...critics were afraid to say negative things because they didn't want the homophobic backlash, IMO.

Actually, it was a very well-made film with a compelling story line. That was an example of good film-making - was it the best film ever? No. to say that critics didn't say negative things is absurd. Slate, Salon, Village Voice, Time, the Washington Post - all gave it blah reviews.

I'd like to hear your critique of the movie. What didn't you like about it?


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burmafrd;1547029 said:
If you want to be nominated for anything anymore, use a gay theme. No one has the guts to criticise it- at least no one the Hollywood morons would take notice of.

What other gay themed movies were nominated for best picture?

Please tell me b/c I see only one.


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Blah reviews are one thing. OUT and OUT panning- not a bit. And brokeback was ok, but certainly not great. It was the gay theme that attracted attention- if not for that no one would have cared much at all for that movie.


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abersonc;1547033 said:
Actually, it was a very well-made film with a compelling story line. That was an example of good film-making - was it the best film ever? No. to say that critics didn't say negative things is absurd. Slate, Salon, Village Voice, Time, the Washington Post - all gave it blah reviews.

I'd like to hear your critique of the movie. What didn't you like about it?

And they were correct, it was blah...mainly because it couldn't live up to the hype.

Crash was a better movie, not great, but it was better than Brokeback.

And The Departed was a great movie as well...not better than Raging Bull, but right there with Goodfellas and Taxi Driver.