The 'not so famous' movie quotes


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burmafrd;1547041 said:
I SAID ANYTHING which includes TV and all other media.

Go ahead. Name names.

What are you complaining about? The Emmys? A stupid TV show like Will and Grace won several -- that show was wildly popular (even though I hated it) - like most shows that are that popular win those awards .

Are you complaining about the Tony Awards? B/c those have always been very gay.

The Grammys? I don't see anything even remotely gay in most categories.

So what is the problem?


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blindzebra;1547045 said:
And they were correct, it was blah...mainly because it couldn't live up to the hype.

Crash was a better movie, not great, but it was better than Brokeback.

And The Departed was a great movie as well...not better than Raging Bull, but right there with Goodfellas and Taxi Driver.

Again, I'd like to hear what you didn't like about Brokeback.


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You really seemed to be invested in Brokeback. Why is that?

as regards nominatins maybe I should have said publicity and buzz and all that garbage. What I remember was how the gays were talking up Brokeback like it was some kind of all time classic movie- which is was not even CLOSE to being. Spartacus hinted at it and was a great movie and was made more then 40 years ago. Brokeback was a very over rated movie that was not remarkable for anything other then being about a couple of gay cowboys.


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burmafrd;1547056 said:
You really seemed to be invested in Brokeback. Why is that?

as regards nominatins maybe I should have said publicity and buzz and all that garbage. What I remember was how the gays were talking up Brokeback like it was some kind of all time classic movie- which is was not even CLOSE to being. Spartacus hinted at it and was a great movie and was made more then 40 years ago. Brokeback was a very over rated movie that was not remarkable for anything other then being about a couple of gay cowboys.

I thought Brokeback was excellent film making and a compelling story -- ya see, I like stories about people -- their situation was compelling -- it is a love story with tremendous boundaries -- that's a pretty common theme in movies.

I'm sure that gay people really connected with the film on levels that I -- and I assume you -- can't really understand. Many likely found something in the film that was struck some chords with their own experiences. If they made a film about some small group you were a member of, wouldn't you likely react similarly?

Tell me. Did you see this movie?

Mavs Man

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abersonc;1547037 said:
What other gay themed movies were nominated for best picture?

Please tell me b/c I see only one.

He may have been speaking more of the best actor/actress categories, though it wasn't true this year.


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I never thought WIll and Grace was all that much. LA Law had a bisexual theme many years ealier with Amanda Donaho that was much better done.
Nuts, Chicago Hope did it better. If you are talking cinematography, and setting and the like, Open Range was MUCH better then Brokeback Mountain.

Mavs Man

All outta bubble gum
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burmafrd;1547111 said:
I never thought WIll and Grace was all that much. LA Law had a bisexual theme many years ealier with Amanda Donaho that was much better done.
Nuts, Chicago Hope did it better. If you are talking cinematography, and setting and the like, Open Range was MUCH better then Brokeback Mountain.

I thought Open Range was really well made. But I could have done without the forced love story between Costner and Annette Benning.


Gif Dude
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Blake: We're adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody want to see second prize? [Holds up prize]
Blake: Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired.

Blake: PUT THAT COFFEE DOWN! Coffee is for closers.

"Glengarry Glen Ross"

Joe Hallenbeck: This is the nineties. You don't just go around punching people. You have to say something cool first.

Joe Hallenbeck: Hey flash, rescue attempt?

[Hallenbeck and Dix are trying to tell the bodyguards in a car about a bomb]
Joe Hallenbeck: Now what are you doing?
Jimmy Dix: I'm drawing them a picture.
Joe Hallenbeck: What's that?
Jimmy Dix: It's a bomb.
Joe Hallenbeck: It doesn't look like a bomb, it looks like an apple with lines coming out of it. What are they gonna say, "don't open the briefcase, it's full of fresh fruit"?
Jimmy Dix: Do you want to draw the **** thing?
[Dix shows Hallenbeck the draw of a bomb with "bom" written below]
Jimmy Dix: Happy?
Joe Hallenbeck: Are you kidding me?
Jimmy Dix: [shows the drawing to the bodyguards] Always criticizing my ****. I can't do nothing right.

Joe Hallenbeck: Here, take this
[Hands Dix a gun]
Jimmy Dix: What am I gonna do with this?
Joe Hallenbeck: Point it at the bad guys and shoot!

"Last Boy Scout"


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The Real Mavs Man;1547108 said:
He may have been speaking more of the best actor/actress categories, though it wasn't true this year.

so it is true -- except in the years it isn't?


The Duke
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Gandhi: "An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."

Gandhi: "Mr. Kinnoch, I beg you to accept that there is no people on Earth who would not prefer their own bad government to the good government of an alien power."

Gandhi: "I am a Muslim and a Hindu and a Christian and a Jew and so are all of you.

Man: "I'm going to Hell! I killed a child! I smashed his head against a wall."

Gandhi: "Why?"

Man: "Because they killed my son! The Muslims killed my son!"

Gandhi: "I know a way out of Hell. Find a child, a child whose mother and father have been killed and raise him as your own. Only be sure that he is a Muslim and that you raise him as one."

Edward R. Morrow reporting on Gandhi's death and funeral: "The object of this massive tribute died as he had always lived - a private man without wealth, without property, without official title or office. Mahatma Gandhi was not a commander of great armies nor ruler of vast lands. He could boast no scientific achievements or artistic gift. Yet men, governments and dignitaries from all over the world have joined hands today to pay homage to this little brown man in the loincloth who led his country to freedom. Pope Pius, the Archbishop of Canterbury, President Truman, Chiang Kai-shek, The Foreign Minister of Russia, the President of France... are among the millions here and abroad who have lamented his passing. In the words of General George C. Marshall, the American Secretary of State, "Mahatma Gandhi had become the spokesman for the conscience of mankind, a man who made humility and simple truth more powerful than empires." And Albert Einstein added, "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."

If you haven't seen this movie and paid close attention to the dialog and message, you should.


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sad thing is that in the end what Gandhi wanted was a united India and Pakistan and it did not happen.
Good will and kind words are no match for cold steel and those willing to use it.


The Duke
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abersonc;1547164 said:
Say, you never answered whether or not you saw Brokeback....
Sorry to butt in, but why is that important? If he hasn't seen it, so what? If he has, so what?

I haven't seen it and doubt very seriously that I ever will. I don't care how good someone tells me it is. If someone wants to accuse me of homophobia I hope they'll do it while I'm chatting with my next door neighbor. He was Miss Gay Tucson 2005. I'm sure he'd get a huge kick out of it. I know I would.

Sometimes movies just don't appeal to people. That one doesn't to me.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
[On the opening kick-off, after the holder is kicked in the crotch by the kicker]
Announcer: OH! Somebody's holding a pound of Aunt Betty's nut better, and that's a live ball! - Little Giants

[Tony Robbins puts his hands on Hal's head]
Tony Robbins: [yells] DEVILS COME OUT!
Hal: What the hell are you doing banana hands? - shallow hal

Oh and Hostile is Mr Hompohobia Gay Tuscon :p: ;)

For the record I would not care to see Brokeback mountain. Not a big fan of most westerns (a few here and there) but not a fan of romance movies.


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Hostile;1547191 said:
Sorry to butt in, but why is that important? If he hasn't seen it, so what? If he has, so what?

I haven't seen it and doubt very seriously that I ever will. I don't care how good someone tells me it is. If someone wants to accuse me of homophobia I hope they'll do it while I'm chatting with my next door neighbor. He was Miss Gay Tucson 2005. I'm sure he'd get a huge kick out of it. I know I would.

Sometimes movies just don't appeal to people. That one doesn't to me.

It is fine not to see something. I have no problem with not going to see a movie for one reason or another. I expect the film in question was one many folks did not see because it would make them uncomfortable.

But to have an opinion of a movie, call it over rated, and say another film is better in one or more ways would he hypocritical if the person had not seen the film.


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abersonc;1547048 said:
Again, I'd like to hear what you didn't like about Brokeback.

It suffered from the same problem other highly acclaimed but extremely boring movies had...Out Of Africa and A Thin Red Line for was all style and very little substance, IMO.

In other words the story didn't hold up to the look.

A film can be beautifully shot, look great but still not go anywhere.

Fargo, Road to Perdition and American Beauty got it right, Brokeback didn't.


The Duke
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abersonc;1547197 said:
It is fine not to see something. I have no problem with not going to see a movie for one reason or another. I expect the film in question was one many folks did not see because it would make them uncomfortable.

But to have an opinion of a movie, call it over rated, and say another film is better in one or more ways would he hypocritical if the person had not seen the film.
I don't know about that. Sometimes you see a movie and it just moves you and it's hard to imagine something else being better, especially if you don't think the storyline is one you're interested in.

Let me give you an example. The year "Gandhi" won the Oscar for Best Picture and Ben Kingsley won for Best Actor it was up against "Tootsie" and Dustin Hoffman. My Mom loved that movie and was actually upset that Hoffman lost the Oscar and Tootsie the best movie. To my knowledge she has still never seen Gandhi because it just isn't a story that appeals to her. Is she wrong? Not in my mind, even though I think "Gandhi" was the clearly superior movie. But I am into movies like that because I love History.

It's simply about what you like. In a thread here about the 100 greatest movies of all time someone mentioned 3 movies and said no way were they better than "The Matrix." Is that person wrong? Again, I don't think so. I say that and I will tell you point blank I don't like "The Matrix." I found it boring, unbelievable, and the dialog was crap. That doesn't mean I'm right and the other person is wrong. It's just what we are interested in.

I haven't seen "Brokeback Mountain" and as I said doubt I ever will. I do think it is over rated, because it's not a subject I am interested in. I can see why some people like it. I can understand why some don't and I can easily believe that it can be for a variety of reasons beyond homophobia. I didn't see "Bridges of Madison County" and think it is over rated for much the same reason I think "Brokeback Mountain" is. That doesn't make me right or wrong. It just means I am not into movies where someone is unfaithful to their spouse. I think celebrating that is wrong and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay to see it.

That's just me, no one has to agree.


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GTaylor;1547127 said:
Blake: We're adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody want to see second prize? [Holds up prize]
Blake: Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired.

Blake: PUT THAT COFFEE DOWN! Coffee is for closers.

"Glengarry Glen Ross"

Joe Hallenbeck: This is the nineties. You don't just go around punching people. You have to say something cool first.

Joe Hallenbeck: Hey flash, rescue attempt?

[Hallenbeck and Dix are trying to tell the bodyguards in a car about a bomb]
Joe Hallenbeck: Now what are you doing?
Jimmy Dix: I'm drawing them a picture.
Joe Hallenbeck: What's that?
Jimmy Dix: It's a bomb.
Joe Hallenbeck: It doesn't look like a bomb, it looks like an apple with lines coming out of it. What are they gonna say, "don't open the briefcase, it's full of fresh fruit"?
Jimmy Dix: Do you want to draw the **** thing?
[Dix shows Hallenbeck the draw of a bomb with "bom" written below]
Jimmy Dix: Happy?
Joe Hallenbeck: Are you kidding me?
Jimmy Dix: [shows the drawing to the bodyguards] Always criticizing my ****. I can't do nothing right.

Joe Hallenbeck: Here, take this
[Hands Dix a gun]
Jimmy Dix: What am I gonna do with this?
Joe Hallenbeck: Point it at the bad guys and shoot!

"Last Boy Scout"
Nice one. Glen Gary Glen Ross is a classic.


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blindzebra;1547045 said:
And they were correct, it was blah...mainly because it couldn't live up to the hype.

Crash was a better movie, not great, but it was better than Brokeback.

And The Departed was a great movie as well...not better than Raging Bull, but right there with Goodfellas and Taxi Driver.
Agree with you about The Departed, although I think it's just a shade below Goodfellas and Taxi Driver.

Brokeback was better than Crash, but then again, many movies in recent years were better than Crash.