you're trying to tell me they can't get lance back here under a cheap contract? you can get guys to sign cheaper deals when they know they cant demand more.. good thing you're not a GM who cares .... not i see some potential in this guy has a strong arm, can run avoid pressure, , and i saw enough throws to see hes improving , yes made soem mistakes with the INTs but at this point hes good 3..sorry but im not changig my mind off your eval.
do you think the league is full of these superstars that the third quarterback. LMAO no that perfect spot fopr a developmental guy if team gets hit hard with injury and needs the 3rd , umm who cares who that is that when you can see the third get live snaps with the 1st team..a true eval...
in my opinion he's better than Greer, DeNucci ,or white a lot more upside than rush BUT NOT READY YET..
took Geno along time to become a starter and not great but manageable.