The only thing Jerry can do to restore confidence in the Cowboys is to replace Dak Prescott

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And everyone knows it.
No matter what he says or does, no matter who he signs, fans know that the quarterback position is a problem that will not be fixed until the Cowboys move on from Dak.
He's hit his ceiling, and it's clear that he does fine as long as the Cowboys are whipping weaker teams. But not even the most die-hard Dak supporters can really believe that Dak can make the Cowboys better when they need him to be the reason they take the next step.
If Jerry expects to sell hope to the fans for 2024, he has to make the move that everyone else knows must happen:
He has to find a quarterback who can make the Cowboys better.


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So Dak plays defense? We have a GM problem, aka someone who manages the WHOLE TEAM.
Dak wasn't good in the playoffs at all, but the defense had a historic collapse. The packers until they let up off the gas probably could have dropped 70 points on the Cowboys. The team, yet again, didn't come prepared. Replacing the QB is going to have the same results as Romo. 2nd round ceiling. We should have gotten Harbaugh or even Bellichick, but our organization isn't dedicated to winning, so once again we'll see a soft team that's unprepared to go deep in the playoffs. We might be surprised for a bit when we assemble something that beats up on powder-puff teams and perhaps convincingly, but when we come against the bruisers, they are likely to destroy the Cowboys AGAIN.

People keep screaming about QB replacement, but replace with WHO? We could just as easily be in the same position as Washington and the Giants. Sorry, but that's not going to fix the culture problem and the talent acquisition problem. This year we'll likely hear the SAME dance and circus about going all in while we get worse. Didn't we just create another big hole at LT by letting Tyron walk? Pollard is likely gone too so no run game. We also have holes on defense and a new DC who will want 'his guys', so how exactly are we going to fill those holes through the draft only and grabbing some budget bin players through FA? Do we even have our later round picks? I thought those were the ones we traded for Cooks and Gilmore.

Sorry, the only way to inspire confidence in this team is getting a REAL GM in here and a coach that's not Jerry's buddy. Harbaugh and Bellichick were right there, but we needed to roll with the same crew another year.


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I agree with that guy. If the NFL would make a rule where the offense gets the ball back after the opponent scores that would truly help our team. Those 3 and out when we get the ball back, I blame the defense of not scoring while they were on the field.


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And that which you step on ruins your walk to the barn.

You allowing me to interfere in anyway means you allow me to win.

So ignore me.
It doesn't ruin my walk, I make believe it's you and I start dancing on it. My cows kinda freak out, but me and my Justin work boots enjoy it.


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And everyone knows it.
No matter what he says or does, no matter who he signs, fans know that the quarterback position is a problem that will not be fixed until the Cowboys move on from Dak.
He's hit his ceiling, and it's clear that he does fine as long as the Cowboys are whipping weaker teams. But not even the most die-hard Dak supporters can really believe that Dak can make the Cowboys better when they need him to be the reason they take the next step.
If Jerry expects to sell hope to the fans for 2024, he has to make the move that everyone else knows must happen:
He has to find a quarterback who can make the Cowboys better.
Meh, I am not huge Dak fan but the QB position isn't the only worry of this team. I am not confident because we aren't doing anything and we don't seem to want to do anything. It's early still but I don't have the confidence that they will do anything because in the end, "...we like our guys..."


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I like to play around with the child like attitudes you and your buds share.

To you and them I can be anything.

To the ones here that can have reasonable conversations I am a Cowboys fan.

To you and your buds I can be an Eagles, Texas, Niners or whoever I want fan because I don’t take you seriously. You don’t take me serious, so why not play up the character you created and let it rile you up instead?
You know mountain I admire your passion but you're fighting a battle with a man who has decided to play the NFL game on his terms.

Jerry has decided to put all out generational wealth over winning a super bowl and he realizes that most fans are not like the small group here on the forum they are casual fans that look at the standings at the end of the year and see we're at the top of the division and we're in the playoffs they don't analyze everything like we do they buy a Jersey go to a couple home games and look at it like it's a party atmosphere nothing serious.

He has found that the casual fan spends money and that's who he gravitates to throwing out his declarations that we are going all in playing his best PT Barnum.

Trust me brother I followed this team since the '60s there is no hero on our horizon this man has too much money and too much power and is going to do things his way and we just have to sit back watch and hope somebody else implodes kind of like the eagles did last year. Maybe that gets us a little further but you have to have a complete organization from top to bottom with everybody buying in to win the super bowl we don't have anything close.


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I mean, if everyone is being honest with themselves, we've seen Dak play at an MVP level. Even to the point some of y'all disappeared off of this board during that stretch this past season because your negativity had no basis and you knew it. BUT, if we are also being honest with ourselves, Dak inexplicably gets the "deer in headlights" look at the biggest moments and does nothing to elevate the team and has consistently done that throughout his career in big playoff games. The only playoff losses I'd defend him for were the Packers his rookie season and maybe the Rams in 2018. Every other playoff loss Dak has failed to elevate the team and did nothing worthy of a $45m/year contract.

So how do we reconcile those two things? How can someone play so well and then play so bad? He's playing against good NFL players in all of these games. Amazing dime throws are amazing dime throws. Yes, he struggles against zone defenses, but is it really that simple? Does he just not have what it takes between the ears in the biggest moments? It would stand to reason that if he can make those plays and play well enough to be in the MVP discussion that he could eventually string together a stint of elite play long enough to get to and win a Super Bowl. Just the odds alone are in his favor with how many times he's gotten 2 games away and fallen on his face.

Then, we have to consider the fact that without Jimmy, the Jones' family has never been able to identify and draft a good QB. Let alone a great QB better than Dak. Never. We got Quincy Carter, got lucky as Hell with Romo, and then got equally as lucky stumbling into Dak. If Jerry had his druthers we'd have had Paxton Lynch and Johnny Football. Not good. So the question is not only about Dak, it's about trusting the Jones family to do something they've never done and actually acquire a great QB if Dak walks. That seems much less likely than Dak being good enough to win a championship IF the Jones will actually go "all in" and put a great, complete team around him (the closest thing he's had to that was his rookie year, at least offensively).

But the Jones' won't do that, will they? Even this year, as good as we felt for a while, the defense really wasn't that good. We had no linebackers, and we only had 3 defensive linemen who played even decent consistently. We went from having this great safety play from 3 guys to only one playing decent. Micah disappeared towards the end of the year yet again. We had absolutely no running game whatsoever to the point teams obviously were just going to make Dak beat them.

The Dak detractors aren't wrong that one of the worst things that could happen to this team would be the Jones' paying Dak another big contract. But that's not so much because of "Dak sucking" like some say, as it is that they'll pay him but then use that as the reason they can't put all the pieces around him to go "all in", even though we've seen multiple teams do it. Maybe we can strike gold 3 times and Trey Lance can somehow step in and play at a high level, or we can luck out at QB without a top draft pick. But I think the odds of that happening and the Cowboys making a deep run in the playoffs are much lower than if they would just actually go all in for 2 seasons and try and put the OL, running game, and defense around Dak to win it all. Not because Dak is elite and is among the best of the best, but because he's by far the best option the Cowboys have given their track record when it comes to evaluating and acquiring QB talent. And we've seen Dak continue to improve in his career. He's made the throws and all the plays the best QBs make. He has won a few big games against good opponents, they are usually just in the regular season without much on the line. I'd be willing to bet on Dak overcoming whatever mental roadblock that keeps hindering him before I'd put my chips on Jerry actually finding a good QB and then building a great roster around him.

It's a frustrating and terrible situation to be in as a fan. I get both sides of this debate, even though I don't get why some of the vitriol against Dak feels so personal from some. I just have a hard time believing whatever alternative the Cowboys have to Dak being the QB will be better than Dak, given their track record, as sad as that is to say.


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What's Troy supposed to say? As a commentator it would be career suicide for him to say that Dak Prescott is terrible when he has to do interviews.
Don't be silly.
Um, Troy could've been diplomatic and polite without raving about Dak the way he did.

Years ago, Troy was very critical of Dak, especially when it came to his accuracy.

Hmmm, funny how he survived that "career suicide"!!!

Troy essentially called you a know-nothing bozo in regards to Dak Prescott.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:


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I recall, Central Park and all and how Aikman also anointed LeFleur our TE of the future.
Yes, Troy being wrong about a draft prospect is totally the same thing as him raving about a 9-year NFL veteran.

Troy essentially called you a know-nothing bozo in regards to Dak Prescott.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:


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I think I'll go outside and ride my unicorn. All these dak threads are hurting my sensitivity.


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I have no loyalty to any player. My loyalty is to the Cowboys.

I have no problems dogging players that don’t show up and bring the Cowboys down. Because I have no loyalty to them therefore it allows me to be honest about them.

When Dak is gone best believe if the next QB sucks and doesn’t show up he will be dogged by me also.

I dogged Romo the same as I dog Dak. They are simply characters in the Cowboys story to me. As with any book there will be hero’s and villain's. We are on a 30 year stretch of villains right now, but a hero will eventually show up that’s worthy of the praise you bestow on Dak.

Until that worthy QB shows up I, along with many others, will be beating the drum for change. Because if you don’t have a reliable and consistent QB then you have nothing. Source? The past 3 decades.
Fair enough! Awesome take!

But how does "beating the drum for change" equate to insulting other fans football intelligence by suggesting "Andy Dalton is the same" or "Cooper Rush has a better win rate" or "Desmond Ridder can do the same"....

I am not saying you are the author of all these trope narratives....just saying you know how to carry the baseline :lmao: :lmao:


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honestly these blowhards in here that keep the Dak sucks narrative alive and well are just that. BLOWHARDS! they are the 10% on this board that makes the most noise and make it a less desirable experience and while it can be annoying at times to me they have as much relevance as this mornings flush.

hopefully they keep their word and get stepping. With that said if Dak wants to play hardball I have no issue with the FO making this his last year. But unlike the BLOWHARDS I know that dak is far from the only problem with my beloved cowboys and probably isnt the biggest
@PAPPYDOG is thinking about moving the NY Jets to Dallas :laugh: :laugh:


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Very well stated.

Hey, who knows if Dak could actually succeed in the playoffs or not, Jerry quite simply doesn't have the foggiest notion of how to build a team around a player using that player's strengths. Look at last season and what Dak had to work w/: A backup RB starting, an aging OL, a big lack of a big bodied WR that you can throw to in order to get you out of trouble. It would be hard for anyone to work under those conditions. I'm not a Dak fan at all, but it's blatantly easy to see the issues w/ the least amount of assessing and evaluating.
Well said yourself.

They always leave themselves woefully short somewhere, and that’s what comes back to bite them. Remember what they went into 2018 with at WR as one small example?

It can be blamed on poor evaluation, but even the best of teams make mistakes.

I’d pin it on it general philosophy. It’s impossible to field a good enough team through draft picks, UDFAs, and vets that are nearly cooked.

NO team is good enough at draft evaluation to pull that off, let alone them.

When you consider they haven’t signed a major free agent in FOURTEEN years, it’s actually surprising they have had as much success as they have.


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Fair enough! Awesome take!

But how does "beating the drum for change" equate to insulting other fans football intelligence by suggesting "Andy Dalton is the same" or "Cooper Rush has a better win rate" or "Desmond Ridder can do the same"....

I am not saying you are the author of all these trope narratives....just saying you know how to carry the baseline :lmao: :lmao:
I say those things to the ones that come at me hostile.

If you come at me hostile then I’ll say things that I know will aggravate you.

You call me an Eagles fan so I’ll end my post with “Fly Eagles Fly” just to irk you.

If someone speaks to me respectfully they will get that in return. I can’t be rude to someone I feel is being sincere with me.


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And everyone knows it.
No matter what he says or does, no matter who he signs, fans know that the quarterback position is a problem that will not be fixed until the Cowboys move on from Dak.
He's hit his ceiling, and it's clear that he does fine as long as the Cowboys are whipping weaker teams. But not even the most die-hard Dak supporters can really believe that Dak can make the Cowboys better when they need him to be the reason they take the next step.
If Jerry expects to sell hope to the fans for 2024, he has to make the move that everyone else knows must happen:
He has to find a quarterback who can make the Cowboys better.
Agree to disagree. Might not like him but he is our best option the next few years. Just live with it and then in 2026 draft Arch Manning when he comes out.


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Munch on this and as Spock said in Star Trek 3 ...............Always Remember!
Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) said 'remember' to Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley) during a mind meld in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan--not in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. And he never said 'always'.

Star Trek Nerd Powers... Deactivate!
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