The playcalling is so much better right now


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Players would. Linehan has talked of the work he and Garrett put in through out the week in getting ready for a game. HC has say in what they want to do and how he wants to approach different situations within the game. Now for those who feel Garrett does nothing fine then at least be consistent don't blame Garrett for poor play by the offense last season when evidently he had nothing to with it according to you. Playing both sides just looks foolish to credit Linehan when things are going good and blaming Garrett when they are not going well.

Honestly, Dooms, you don't really need to take a question like that seriously. It doesn't deserve a thoughtful answer.


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Players would. Linehan has talked of the work he and Garrett put in through out the week in getting ready for a game. HC has say in what they want to do and how he wants to approach different situations within the game. Now for those who feel Garrett does nothing fine then at least be consistent don't blame Garrett for poor play by the offense last season when evidently he had nothing to with it according to you. Playing both sides just looks foolish to credit Linehan when things are going good and blaming Garrett when they are not going well.

Im not crediting anyone for last year. It was appalling for both Garrett and Linehan. Garrett, however, is conservative by nature. He plays "not to lose". His offensive mindset is "take what the defense give you". I dont see any of that this year save the Giants game.

And Linehan certainly didnt think our cream puff backup last year was capable of handling things if Romo went down.


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Great great point. But you have to look at the offense this year. Its completely different. Its quite clear that linehan is now in full control in his 3rd year. And who was it that thought that our backup QB last year was good enough? That was Garrett and Jerry.

And when you listen to guys like Dak and Zeke speak about the play calling its always linehan. Game plans..........linehan.

Do you see ANYTHING left of Garretts offense? I dont.

Its quite clear that at this point, Lihehan has full control now.

I think they are able to do more, sure. They have a QB who is more mobile and a very dangerous RB that teams are trying to adjust to. Dallas is running a balanced attack as they did in 2014. As for Dak talking about Linehan no doubt they are, and Linehan deserves credit just as Norv Turner deserved credit and it was always Norv, Troy Aikman talked about however Jimmy still had say in what they did and putting the plan together through out the week and getting his team ready to play in all phases of the game. That is what a HC does, not all HC are calling offense or defense Jimmy sure as heck didn't and Jason has not been calling offense for a good while.


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Honestly, Dooms, you don't really need to take a question like that seriously. It doesn't deserve a thoughtful answer.

I agree it just irks me how some can seriously make these comments with no consistency and not give it a second thought. Blows me away


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Honestly, Dooms, you don't really need to take a question like that seriously. It doesn't deserve a thoughtful answer.

Be a man and talk to me directly if you are going to insult me. At least have the stones. I talk directly to you do I not? And AGAIN..................its laughable when you insult a poster that is head and shoulders above you when it comes to accuracy and understanding the game of football. Its not my fault that Dak made you look foolish again. Its not my fault that Lihehan, with full control of the offense is making your hero Garrett look foolish.

You took these stances. No one forced you into them. In fact, people like me tried VERY hard to talk sense into you to no avail.


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I think they are able to do more, sure. They have a QB who is more mobile and a very dangerous RB that teams are trying to adjust to. Dallas is running a balanced attack as they did in 2014. As for Dak talking about Linehan no doubt they are, and Linehan deserves credit just as Norv Turner deserved credit and it was always Norv, Troy Aikman talked about however Jimmy still had say in what they did and putting the plan together through out the week and getting his team ready to play in all phases of the game. That is what a HC does, not all HC are calling offense or defense Jimmy sure as heck didn't and Jason has not been calling offense for a good while.

I like Garrett as a players coach and an administrator. And he is best when he stays out of the way on game day.

That being said, give me another guy.


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I agree it just irks me how some can seriously make these comments with no consistency and not give it a second thought. Blows me away

I gave you all the thought and reasoning that you need.

But granted, I hate Garrett and fully admit my bias.

But its pretty plain to see that less Garrett has produced two of our best seasons thus far.


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I think its pretty obvious that the less Garrett handles when it comes to football stuff, the better this team gets. Garrett is where he should be. Clapping and cheering on the sidelines and smacking helmets while the linehan handles the game plans and the play calling.

I heard Holley on the radio this morning talking about how this team would've sank early on without Romo because Romo was changing so much of Garretts plain vanilla calls.

He said that the play they beat the 49ers with on the deep pass to Holley was an audible that Romo changed after Garrett sent the play in.

Holley pretty much was echoing what a lot of us have said about Garrett and his schemes.


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I heard Holley on the radio this morning talking about how this team would've sank early on without Romo because Romo was changing so much of Garretts plain vanilla calls.

He said that the play they beat the 49ers with on the deep pass to Holley was an audible that Romo changed after Garrett sent the play in.

Holley pretty much was echoing what a lot of us have said about Garrett and his schemes.

Everything has already been proven about Garrett. There are no mysteries. What he is good at and what he isnt. The guy has been with us for 10 years.

Cmon, even Jerry Jones figured out that Garrett needed to get away from play calling and the offense. He forced him to do it. And we say Garrett fight the process.


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Is it much better or is the running game so good right now that the defense is selling out against the run only to get burned by the pass. That is the most likely situation. WRs don't run free when in man coverage unless someone falls down.

This 42 yards per-game defense got it's *** handed to them by our running game my multiplying their average rushing by 4.5. When that happens, you go all-in to stop the running game. When that happens, you get WRs running free like we saw several times last night.

Without this running game, Dak would not look quite as good as he does right now. That's not a slight to him. He is doing exactly what he should be doing. Many teams sellout again the run and dare the QB to beat them. Dak is beating them.

Teams have sold out against the run for 3 years now. Including week 1 of this year.

All of this sideways football we are playing has not been a staple of this offense.

We are for the first time really exposing these fronts. It's been there all along and now you see guys wide open.

You don't need a perfect roster to win in the NFL. All of this process and Romo dependent stuff was garbage and now we are putting our guys in position to make plays schematically because our run game commands so much respect.


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I somehow knew this would be Linehan offense now as it was in 2014 but not 2015 that Was Garrett offense. LOL

I'll credit whoever you want me to credit for the offense right now. I'm just pleased it's not the same old bland boring vanilla football and we are taking advantage of defenses cheating and they have to respect our ability to make plays off of the run game that they want to sell out on.

Now when Dez gets back and if they solve the mystery of getting him the football we are going to be unstoppable.

Run game, Beasley, and Dez should be epic the rest of the year.


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Be a man and talk to me directly if you are going to insult me. At least have the stones. I talk directly to you do I not? And AGAIN..................its laughable when you insult a poster that is head and shoulders above you when it comes to accuracy and understanding the game of football. Its not my fault that Dak made you look foolish again. Its not my fault that Lihehan, with full control of the offense is making your hero Garrett look foolish.

You took these stances. No one forced you into them. In fact, people like me tried VERY hard to talk sense into you to no avail.

Let's not make it personal. And let's not sidetrack the thread. You know what I think of your opinions and why. I responded to Dooms to give him my $.02 re: what happens if somebody takes an argument like that seriously. It's really better to just walk around them than it is to step in them.


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Balanced offense where the defense is on its heels because they dont know what is coming, beats chucking it 40 times a game where they do know whats coming.


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I'll credit whoever you want me to credit for the offense right now. I'm just pleased it's not the same old bland boring vanilla football and we are taking advantage of defenses cheating and they have to respect our ability to make plays off of the run game that they want to sell out on.

Now when Dez gets back and if they solve the mystery of getting him the football we are going to be unstoppable.

Run game, Beasley, and Dez should be epic the rest of the year.

There does seem to be a threshold where they're more comfortable taking risks. You could see it happening in the second half of 2014, too, where they'd start going for it on 4th and short on the opponents' side of the field. At the time, it looked like Garrett was going out of his way to make the point that he trusted his team to deliver.

I'm sure they draw up variations of things they might run in those 3rd and 1 situations from conservative to risky. It'd be interesting to know how it is they make the decision when they really dial it up. With Tony back there, you know they have him the controls, mostly. With Dak, probably less so right now. Maybe what we're seeing is a bit more of what Linehan would naturally do with less of a QB filter on it?

Either way, you're right. It sure is fun to watch when the big aggressive plays pay off.


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People talk about Garrett in particular like he is a static human being. It could be possible he has simply become a better coach over the years, granted he had a long way to go when he first started.


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Linehan has really got a hot hand right now calling plays. How many times this year have we just seen a guy wide open? Or just the right play call at the right time. Less sandlot and more actual scheme.

We have been missing almost all of our big money players and we are still scheming guys wide open. We never needed to have a perfect football team and something finally clicked with this coaching staff. When you call plays like we are you don't need a perfect roster and you can get guys like T. Will, Butler, and Whitehead in position to make plays.

I don't know if the Giants game was the last straw and someone got chewed out or what but we are finally taking advantage of 8 & 9 man front when presented against us.

Cole Beasley has become our 2014 Dez Bryant. The guy is unbelievable right now. He is wide open almost every play and he is killing it on those WR screens as well.

Ezekiel Elliot looks like the superstar we drafted him to be. 703 yards through 6 games.. Unbelievable. He should easily top Demarco's 1600 yards.

Dak looks great.. I would still go back to Romo but if they stick with Dak i'm 100% ok with it. I just hope we don't lose all of the sideways football that we are playing that is setting everything up. The bootlegs, screens, and all of that I hope we still find a way to do with Romo.

Everything is rolling right now. The Cowboys run game is our Cam Newton/Tom Brady/Denver Defense. We have a question right now that nobody really has an answer for. We are a legit contender.

every play call is amazing when it works and terrible when it doesn't. the playcalling really isn't that much different. Though, as someone else said, being able to run the ball as effectively as the cowboys are makes everything 1000x easier and changes everything, including the other team's defense. that is EXACTLY why they drafted zeke. they knew if they could run like they did in 2014, a lot of things would fall into place. well, good call there, huh? long drives. chunk yardage early on in downs. play-action being super effective. plus, the guy is a FANTASTIC blocker and very good pass catcher. he was a no-brainer for this offense/team. he's easily our MVP.


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Then you have a bad memory. I would rather not name, names but Garrett came under fire from several. I do agree losing Romo and not having a good backup hurt. Defense not getting turnovers last season hurt. Still does not change the fact that it was Garrett catching blame for his offense last season and now once again as it was in 2014 it is Linehan offense.

No, I know there were some who blamed Garrett. I mostly choose to disregard what fans like that have to say because they are obviously not reasonable. It is much like those coming back out of the closet now to dismiss the things Romo has accomplished in his career. There are a lot of good, reasonable fans on here and I pay far more attention to what they have to say that those who show their ignorance.

You and I both know the reasons this team failed last year. Reasonable fans understand such things.


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every play call is amazing when it works and terrible when it doesn't. the playcalling really isn't that much different. Though, as someone else said, being able to run the ball as effectively as the cowboys are makes everything 1000x easier and changes everything, including the other team's defense. that is EXACTLY why they drafted zeke. they knew if they could run like they did in 2014, a lot of things would fall into place. well, good call there, huh? long drives. chunk yardage early on in downs. play-action being super effective. plus, the guy is a FANTASTIC blocker and very good pass catcher. he was a no-brainer for this offense/team. he's easily our MVP.

I disagree.

We are definitely doing more things to take advantage of these 8 & 9 man fronts that we didn't do consistently in the past.

We've never seen our team fool a defense this much. Ever. Not in 2014.. Sure as heck not in 2015.

Dallas is getting guys wide open and catching teams off guard with bootlegs, screens, sprint outs at the Goal line. It's not your line up and just beat the guy across from you brand of footballs. You actually have to use your brain if you're our opponent now.


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No, I know there were some who blamed Garrett. I mostly choose to disregard what fans like that have to say because they are obviously not reasonable. It is much like those coming back out of the closet now to dismiss the things Romo has accomplished in his career. There are a lot of good, reasonable fans on here and I pay far more attention to what they have to say that those who show their ignorance.

You and I both know the reasons this team failed last year. Reasonable fans understand such things.

One of the nice features of the forum software, too, is the ignore feature. You might have had the good sense to have on ignore some of the posters who were making the most of that sort of noise.

The disrespect for Tony makes me sad, too. I don't get why we can't just be happy we've got two good QBs and have to pick one.


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This is why the selection of Zeke in the draft was so important and they realized that last year.