The QB salary argument


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I hear you on the FO but I rather you make cheaper mistake than big mistakes. If you lose $1 you'll be like eh but you'll most likely be ok but most people lose $5000 dollars aren't going to be as nonchalant about it. That's my take on mistakes regarding the salary cap. Dak is Kirk cousins to me in skills and talent and I don't believe that's a 40million QB sorry. I rather just start over or get someone cheaper to put up good enough stats to Dak. Even if that cheaper player fails that means we can get a crack at a top QB talent so I'm ok with that personally.

I’ve said in other threads. If they do move on from Dak. I do want a highly drafted QB. I don’t want a retread scrub. If you’re going to move on from Dak. Go for the gold. Don’t settle for some guy off the street.


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I didn't that is the game i said we were lucky to win (and we were)...miracle onside kick and all..

If you’re expecting 100% success rate on last minute drives. You’re kidding yourself. The defense needs to make a play. That’s the point. The guys who we already have invested in. Have to make a play. They don’t. They never do.


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Here’s one of my issues if the team decides to not pay Dak.

I have heard all the arguments that Dak wants too much money and it will hamstring the salary cap.

Well, Dak is one of the best players on the team (he is you know it’s true) and he plays the most important position in football.

So we are supposed to move on from Dak and risk the very real possibility of having worse QB play. So we can “sign other players and get better play on the rest of the team”


sign other players like who? DeMarcus Lawrence?

like Jaylon Smith?

like Tyrone Crawford?

These scrub bums have massive deals and DO NOTHING.

so y’all want to risk having worse QB play so our wonderful GM’s Jerry and Stephen can turn around and sign some more scrub, bum defenders who make a ton of cash and DO NOTHING?

How about DeMarcus Lawrence and Jaylon Smith and Tyrone Crawford actually play up to their contract? If those 3 guys actually played to their level of pay. The cowboys defense would be legit good rather than giving up 5 touchdown passes yesterday.

But I’m supposed to hope for the cowboys to sign a worse QB or risk drafting one when they’ve shown little ability to do so, so they can turn around and give the money to defenders, despite the cowboys front office burning cash consistently on BUMS on defense?

that’s supposed to make sense?

Y’all worried about the cap are worried about the wrong cap management issue. Don’t throw 20 mil on DE’s who don’t get sacks.

don’t throw millions at a linebacker who doesn’t know where he is going and has made zero plays.

don’t throw nearly 10 mil at a BACKUP level DL player.

it’s a joke.

Hope is the cure for ALL things. Trash Dak and let him walk because he’s a bum who can easily be replaced since according to the trolls, playing QB in the NFL is EASY and Dak’s production could be replaced by a three legged jackass coming off a bender. QB in the NFL..... pfffffttttttttt....... it’s no big deal finding a QB and HOPE alone will lead us to the promised land lol.


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If you’re expecting 100% success rate on last minute drives. You’re kidding yourself. The defense needs to make a play. That’s the point. The guys who we already have invested in. Have to make a play. They don’t. They never do.

They live in a self indulgent fantasy land.


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If you’re expecting 100% success rate on last minute drives. You’re kidding yourself. The defense needs to make a play. That’s the point. The guys who we already have invested in. Have to make a play. They don’t. They never do.

I don't expect 100% success rate infact here is my exact quote again for you to read "For 40m a season i would expect to have at least won one of those games with the ball in his hands at the end and be 2-1 at this point, instead of being very very lucky to be 1-2


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They live in a self indulgent fantasy land.

Meanwhile if Seattle’s defense doesn’t make plays on the last drive and sack Dak and force a turnover. Russell Wilson who is the second best QB in the league. Would have failed on a 2 minute drive yesterday.

His defense actually got pressure (3 man rush no less). On the prior drive our defensive line put zero pressure on Russ.


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Sure. Ignore the falcons game.

Also ignore that he had the ball in his hands and gave the team the lead yesterday with 4 minutes to go. And guys making over 30 million combined (Crawford, Lawrence and Jaylon) and none of them made a single play. Not one. Just one play to stop the Seahawks and the game was won. And they made NONE

but you’re right. He didn’t give the team the lead with less than 2 minutes to go. So it doesn’t count right? It has to be less than 2 minutes Because the defense sucks and has overpaid players who suck
Dak can have credit for the Atl game but let's be realistic that type of comeback in a similar situation might not ever happen while we are alive. I'm not beating my chest on that sorry because until yesterday that scenario happened like dang near 450 times with no losses for the team in Atl position. I'm not acting like,that's normal at all but he can have credit for that.

We know the. D isn't good but the offense did have the ball with a chance so that I think falls back onto Dak. I hear you about the D but Dak for better or worse will get too much praise and with that too much blame. That's how it goes. When the Atl game was won nobody said the D slowed down Atl it was all Dak so he has to take both the good and bad IMO. That's being a leader.

I’ve said in other threads. If they do move on from Dak. I do want a highly drafted QB. I don’t want a retread scrub. If you’re going to move on from Dak. Go for the gold. Don’t settle for some guy off the street.
I'm ok with a guy off the street as a stop gap because unless they are bottom tier I think the drop off from Dak won't be as bad y'all think.


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wassup uva.. been awhile..!

Valid points. They all make ridiculous money. I think the only fair way to gauge it is, comparing them to others in the league in their era. Is Dak one of the top 5 QB's in the league..? If not, why should he be compensated as if he is..?
What’s up man? I don’t get on too often.

Dak looks better than a lot of the QBs this year. Seems to be having the same issues Romo had though. Get a late lead and the defense can’t hold it.


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I don't expect 100% success rate infact here is my exact quote again for you to read "For 40m a season i would expect to have at least won one of those games with the ball in his hands at the end and be 2-1 at this point, instead of being very very lucky to be 1-2

But again you ignore that the OTHER HIGHLY PAID PLAYERS could have made plays. And that record changes. You think winning a game on the “final” drive comes down only to the QB? That’s laughable.

Russell Wilson wouldn’t have a “last minute drive win” yesterday if his defense doesn’t make plays. Meanwhile Dak would have had a 4th quarter comeback for a win, if his defense gets a stop on 4th and 3. Instead of allowing the tight end to get a clean release and catch an easy ball for a first down in the middle. Or if demarcus Lawrence the 20 mil DE actually gets a sack or pressures Wilson into a mistake. Rather than disappearing.

that’s how football works. The entire “last second drive for a win” nonsense rhetoric is just that. Nonsense. The end of football games are decided BY TEAMS. Not one player.


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If the defenses don't slack off like they did the past 2 weeks, does Dak get 400 plus yards in each game? I'm thinking not. Having to overcome huge deficits where the run game has to be abandoned is only going to lead to one thing - inflated stats for the QB.

Now I'm not putting this loss on Dak's shoulders, but he had his chance to shine the last drive yesterday and he failed miserably.

When was Seattle’s defense slacking off?

with a 15 point lead at the start of the second half?

8 point lead?

When lol?


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Dak looked good except for 2 turnovers and a fumble.

Should we buckle and pay him more than Wilson?