The Wade Phillips Bandwagon?

This summer, I had problems with the GM, Romo, Roy W, Austin, Garrett, but not Wade, although I'm not sure if he's a Super Bowl caliber coach or not.

But since then, Romo has done the things I've asked (not that he cares what I think)

Garrett has done the things I've asked.
Austin has started to actually run great routes.
Roy is still up in the air.
The GM still annoys me.

I would still say I'm a Wade supporter, not a fan, but a supporter. I'll become a fan when he does something in the play offs.
Dave_in-NC;3071103 said:
Not because he says so, because he knew it. It's just that simple.

And yet without BP Romo is still growing and working on improving as player. I like the fact BP was here but that is now 3 years removed and this team has seen many changes since then and if Wade can finish the job he deserve a lot of credit for doing the job something no HC has done since 1996. If that is too hard to understand then sorry.
Doomsday101;3071115 said:
And yet without BP Romo is still growing and working on improving as player. I like the fact BP was here but that is now 3 years removed and this team has seen many changes since then and if Wade can finish the job he deserve a lot of credit for doing the job something no HC has done since 1996. If that is too hard to understand then sorry.

Yup, agreed. I just doubt he can, from the fact he never has.
Dave_in-NC;3071122 said:
Yup, agreed. I just doubt he can, from the fact he never has.

He would not be the 1st HC to taste failure in post season before winning in post season. Because you have not done something in the past does not mean he can't in the future. I never broke 70 in golf until one day I did.
RXP;3069963 said:
Wade is an excellent DC but not a HC IMO. I watched Mike Tomlin's press conference after last nights game in Denver and was almost in tears. "Now THERES a HC" was all I could think of.

After the presser, a guy on NFL Network relayed the story where on the last day of training camp, Tomlin had buses pulled up to the field shortly after practice started. As the players looked longingly at the buses hoping that the last day of TC would be cut short, Tomlin yells out something like "if you guys want to defend your championship, there are no short cuts!! Get out there and finish your practice!!"

Many will roll their eyes at mind games like that. I love that kind of stuff. And Tomlin gets nothing but respect from his players.

Wade would never think of doing something like that. It's not his style. I much prefer a firmer hand, because I believe that in crunch time, that firmer hand is often needed. Wade's post-season record shows his easy going ways hasn't worked yet. I hope it will this year.

As Hostile said, I support him only because he is the current HC. As for joining the bandwagon, I'll walk, thank you.

There aren't many successful coaches who don't employ gimmicks like this from time to time. And it tends to trickle down to the message being bought and sold in the locker room. Proper team leadership and chemistry are paramount. Having that leader at head coach is also important, because when things go wrong, that is the person who has to ultimately rally everyone. That coach should be feared and respected at the same time. If the team is rolling, the flaws aren't as evident provided the team is mature in their own right.

"Winning cures everything" is all encompassing. But it cannot mask the deep underlying issues. We went 13-3 and still got exposed by the Giants because despite the talent we weren't a team. The offense and defense still did their separate things. I get a different feeling from this team and I give most of that credit to the players leading as opposed to Phillips being the unified force.

Unless the team is immensely talented and self-governing, it is next to impossible to be elite. We had that with the Switzer teams as there was more than enough residual leadership from players like Irvin to overcome Switzer's handicaps. The addition of Brooking and some maturity from the Romos and Ratliffs of this team are what's getting us going right now. Having a great head coach would be a bonus. We are still capable of getting it done provided we don't have much adversity the rest of the year. But give us a few losses, then we will be right back with Phillips on the hot seat.

Wade Phillips is still what he's always been and always will be. An excellent coordinator who really isn't able to deliver what the great head coaches do. That's not his fault, some are cut out to play the game and others aren't.
Alexander;3071141 said:
There aren't many successful coaches who don't employ gimmicks like this from time to time. And it tends to trickle down to the message being bought and sold in the locker room. Proper team leadership and chemistry are paramount. Having that leader at head coach is also important, because when things go wrong, that is the person who has to ultimately rally everyone. That coach should be feared and respected at the same time. If the team is rolling, the flaws aren't as evident provided the team is mature in their own right.

Unless the team is immensely talented and self-governing, it is next to impossible to be elite. We had that with the Switzer teams as there was more than enough residual leadership from players like Irvin to overcome Switzer's handicaps. The addition of Brooking and some maturity from the Romos and Ratliffs of this team are what's getting us going right now. Having a great head coach would be a bonus. We are still capable of getting it done provided we don't have much adversity the rest of the year. But give us a few losses, then we will be right back with Phillips on the hot seat.

Wade Phillips is still what he's always been and always will be. An excellent coordinator who really isn't able to deliver what the great head coaches do. That's not his fault, some are cut out to play the game and others aren't.

Dallas was 2-2, Wade went into the bye talking about what they needed to do to get it turned around and now they are on a 4 game win streak the players alone did not do that. This team hit a early bump in the road and could have caved in they didn't and Wade plays a big part in that.
Doomsday101;3071145 said:
Dallas was 2-2, Wade went into the bye talking about what they needed to do to get it turned around and now they are on a 4 game win streak the players alone did not do that. This team hit a early bump in the road and could have caved in they didn't and Wade plays a big part in that.

It is just as conceiveable that Phillips was stating the obvious. I haven't seen much of an example of where he's changed much of anything at all. It isn't like he is some imbecile who can't coach. It is whether or not he leads. Is having Ratliff challenge him to not make excuses for him an example of outstanding leadership?

I am sure many of you have watched America's Game on the NFL Network. On nearly every Super Bowl champion, there is one story about how the head coach took some personal responsibility in the team's fortunes. Maybe there is something that changed that simply has not be revealed yet. But from what I see, Phillips has coached the devil out of the defense, but I don't see a lot different from a head coaching perspective. We'll just have to see.

I will state with confidence that he's done this kind of thing before and his teams have always failed at the end. And that is because he's missing that little something.
Chocolate Lab;3069874 said:
In the front seat if not driving.

Plenty of time for everyone else to hop on.

Could ya scoot over just a smidge, CL. My leg is falling asleep. :D
Alexander;3071154 said:
It is just as conceiveable that Phillips was stating the obvious. I haven't seen much of an example of where he's changed much of anything at all. It isn't like he is some imbecile who can't coach. It is whether or not he leads. Is having Ratliff challenge him to not make excuses for him an example of outstanding leadership?

I am sure many of you have watched America's Game on the NFL Network. On nearly every Super Bowl champion, there is one story about how the head coach took some personal responsibility in the team's fortunes. Maybe there is something that changed that simply has not be revealed yet. But from what I see, Phillips has coached the devil out of the defense, but I don't see a lot different from a head coaching perspective. We'll just have to see.

I will state with confidence that he's done this kind of thing before and his teams have always failed at the end. And that is because he's missing that little something.

Would it be fair to say if that changes so will your view of his ability as a HC. Face it many HC have lost in post season before ever achieving major success.

I do agree Wade has a lot to prove my only objection is the notion that if things improve and this team does achieve success that it has nothing to do with the HC.

Sorry I think that is just a cheap argument from those who would rather cut off their own nose than to give Phillips any credit for doing the job.

I'm not claiming that is your view I'm only asking would this team having post season success change your view of Phillips?

sometimes talent and bounces of the ball overrides coaching. Heck, even the best of them (ie. belichick) needed the help of a brady/tuck rule and McNabb puking in the huddle to win superbowls.

Lets get real bandwagoners, Wade is not a good head coach, nor should he be the head coach next year if we want to maximize our team's performance. Nice enough guy, just not a leader of grown men.

Hostile;3069945 said:
I am pulling for him, but I am not on his bandwagon. I like Wade just fine, but I won't pretend to believe I think he is the best possible Head Coach for this team. I want him to succeed here. I want that very badly.

Agreed. I'd wager most fans fans fit into this category.
chinch;3071186 said:

sometimes talent and bounces of the ball overrides coaching. Heck, even the best of them (ie. belichick) needed the help of a brady/tuck rule and McNabb puking in the huddle to win superbowls.

Lets get real bandwagoners, Wade is not a good head coach, nor should he be the head coach next year if we want to maximize our team's performance. Nice enough guy, just not a leader of grown men.

Agreed. I'd wager most fans fans fit into this category.

Wade did not inherit a 2 time defending Super Bowl winning team with all the key parts in place both on offense and defense. Wade inherited a team that was 9-7 and still had holes in it. BP did a very good job filling some of those hole but others still remained.
Doomsday101;3070906 said:
And you know this how? Certainly they don't look to him? Wade is well respected, coaches like Dan Reeves has spoken very highly about Wade ability as a coach. Brooking came to Dallas in large part because of Phillips. Yet you sit there and say he is not looked to for leadership? Prove it

Old Vets that he is helping get contracts for speak highly of him? What a revelation. I can't seem to find a lot testimonials from players or NFL peers lauding Wade's leadership credentials. They all say that he is a great guy and the players seemed to be happy about not practicing as much, but I don't recall the voluminous leadership plaudits that you imply here.
Doomsay;3071240 said:
Old Vets that he is helping get contracts for speak highly of him? What a revelation. I can't seem to find a lot testimonials from players or NFL peers lauding Wade's leadership credentials. They all say that he is a great guy and the players seemed to be happy about not practicing as much, but I don't recall the voluminous leadership plaudits that you imply here.

Well, that's not true. Wade is known for his very intense practices. This team seems to think he works 'em pretty hard.
Doomsday101;3071176 said:
I'm not claiming that is your view I'm only asking would this team having post season success change your view of Phillips?

Your faulty argument through this entire thread is that the team's record decides whether Wade is a good coach or not.

As has been said, we had two 12-4 seasons and a Superbowl with Switzer. I don't think any better of Barry for that, or worse for his final 6-10. He was guy who was only going to go as far as his players took him.

Wade has always been given at least competitive teams, and a couple of playoffs teams. He's never taken them anywhere.

I don't buy for a minute that at age 62 Wade Phillips has reversed his entire coaching career, when the much more obvious and simpler explanation is that the team made a concerted effort in the offseason to change the atmosphere in the locker room and bring in high character players. And I think they really keyed off that win in KC.

Hell if anything I'm closer to the Jerry bandwagon than I am Wade's, who provided him with the only possible atmosphere and situation that Wade could succeed in. Roy Williams debate aside, looks like Jerry hit all the right buttons this offseason.
wileedog;3071249 said:
Your faulty argument through this entire thread is that the team's record decides whether Wade is a good coach or not.

As has been said, we had two 12-4 seasons and a Superbowl with Switzer. I don't think any better of Barry for that, or worse for his final 6-10. He was guy who was only going to go as far as his player took him.

Wade has always been given at least competitive teams, and a couple of playoffs teams. He's never taken them anywhere.

I don't buy for a minute that at age 62 Wade Phillips has reversed his entire coaching career, when the much more obvious and simpler explanation is that the team made a concerted effort in the offseason to change the atmosphere in the locker room and bring in high character players. And I think they really keyed off that win in KC.

Hell if anything I'm closer to the Jerry bandwagon than I am Wade's, who provided him with the only possible atmosphere and situation that Wade could succeed in. Roy Williams debate aside, looks like Jerry hit all the right buttons this offseason.

Barry did not take over a team that still had many holes in it and Barry did not take over a team who has not seen a playoff win in 13 years.

I see a team stepping up and responding to this coach and his staff and playing team ball something they have not done in years currently this team is putting it together on offense, defense and special teams yes Wade Phillips has a hell of alot to do with that.

He is not here to entertain you, your more interested in a coach who looks good on the sideline I could careless about that this team is playing hard for Wade and playing very well for him right now.
Doomsay;3071240 said:
Old Vets that he is helping get contracts for speak highly of him? What a revelation. I can't seem to find a lot testimonials from players or NFL peers lauding Wade's leadership credentials. They all say that he is a great guy and the players seemed to be happy about not practicing as much, but I don't recall the voluminous leadership plaudits that you imply here.

No a team playing hard for him says a lot. This team did start off slow and could have easily fell apart but heading into the Bye Phillips made clear of things they needed to improve on and work on and they have come out of the bye playing quality football. Phillips and his staff are playing a big role in what is going on.
Doomsday101;3071256 said:
Barry did not take over a team that still had many holes in it and Barry did not take over a team who has not seen a playoff win in 13 years. .

Who cares?

Wade hasn't gone 12-4 two years in a row and won the Superbowl.

He's muffed one playoff appearance and coached a team that self-destructed while he stood by helplessly.

No one is saying Barry > Wade, or that Barry's team wasn't vastly better. But Wade took a playoff caliber team over in a much more watered down league and has produced zilch so far. Just like many of his previous coaching stops. The light didn't just go on for him this season after 20 years of coaching.

That's the point.
Doomsday101;3071261 said:
Phillips and his staff are playing a big role in what is going on.

Complete assumption. His track record and reputation imply otherwise.
wileedog;3071280 said:
Complete assumption. His track record and reputation imply otherwise.

He is 0-4 in post season not the 1st coach who had not won in post season in their 1st few attempts. Hell if this team did make it all the way his post season record goes to 3-4 or 4-4. By your rational Tony Romo will never win because up to this point he hasn't.

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