The Wade Phillips Bandwagon?

chinch;3071367 said:
most of us don't see JJ as having made many "great" moves that translate to the game/field. Wish he was a "great move" machine. LOL

every fan i know would GLADLY praise JJ... unfortunately his football mistakes are numerous starting with the day-1 landry dismissal (how it was handled), to banishing jimmy to switzer and his other puppet coach hires, nevermind terrible roster/draft moves. and his overpaying JAGs creating comfy comfines for lazy/dumb athletes wearing the star.

jerry needs to learn from the franchise owner he seems to emulate & shadow but fails to achieve the same success... George Steinbrenner... in how to pass the reigns to others, more competent than himself. George did it by failing health. Jerry would serve cowboy fans and his legacy passing it along by free-will.

I am enjoying you revisionist history, but you are wrong on several points. Jimmy had as much to do with the parting of ways as Jones did. As far as overpaying mediocre talent, it's his damn money. let him spend it. The cap has not been an issue for years since the Deion days (which by the way was a Jerry deal that helped us earn another ring). On the coaching front he hired Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells. Do you consider those bad moves also?

I really believe Cowboys fans are extremely spoiled and have no idea how bad it really is on other teams. Watching the hapless, hopeless Chiefs for years, I know what a true disaster of a football team looks like. We are fortunate to have Jerry Jones. At least he cares about wining which is more than can be said about many NFL owners.


Stephen Jones
Jerry purchased America's Team and profit-machine. DID NOT BUILD IT. Not small market or an afterthought in sports.

no one says jerry doesn't care or spend.

but that is nothing special in and of itself.

he cares too much relative to his total lack of skillset as GM & President of Football operations. a control freak who cares too much to let others with said prerequisite skillset step in & run the show.

Plus in regard to jimmy a CEO/Owner who DOES NOT VALUE his prized earner/worker is doomed to failure & misery. See Jerry's string of coaching hire failures (switzer, gailey, campo, wade). Tuna was a "hit rock bottom" (and public relations) moment and he went to Miami since Jerry doesn't need a "football expert" between owner & GM.

bang-up job Jerry, now step down and stick to marketing!

JBond;3071386 said:
I am enjoying you revisionist history, but you are wrong on several points. Jimmy had as much to do with the parting of ways as Jones did. As far as overpaying mediocre talent, it's his damn money. let him spend it. The cap has not been an issue for years since the Deion days (which by the way was a Jerry deal that helped us earn another ring). On the coaching front he hired Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells. Do you consider those bad moves also?

I really believe Cowboys fans are extremely spoiled and have no idea how bad it really is on other teams. Watching the hapless, hopeless Chiefs for years, I know what a true disaster of a football team looks like. We are fortunate to have Jerry Jones. At least he cares about wining which is more than can be said about many NFL owners.


Stephen Jones
Alexander;3071357 said:
Who isn't giving him a "fair chance"?

The facts are pretty plain. He hasn't bought himself the benefit of the doubt unless you are impressed by shiny regular season records and no postseason success.

I'll be quite happy for him if we do win something, because he seems like a nice person who deserves it. But that's where I draw the line. Nice person, but if the results aren't there with plenty of talent at his disposal, so sorry.

He's hasn't even won anything that matters yet. When he does, then someone can cry about him not being treated fairly. I think he has gotten off light for what happened last season. That was a leaderless rudderless ship. Mostly not his fault but moreso the environment he had little to do to create and due to his nature was nearly powerless to stop. It is not as much about what he does or did, but what he is. I don't have much reason to have overwhelming confidence nor do I feel the "chance" has been earned. I might as well wish he could sprout wings and fly. He'll have to prove it.

He's got the same sort of "chance" any coach we've ever had has. Our standards are high, but that comes with the territory.

He's gotten a chance to have more influence this year than any other. And if he is successful, he deserves a great deal of credit. Were it not for him, two of our biggest ingredients were ones he added (DeCamillis and Brooking). Other ingredients were already there. He just has to make sure he doesn't spoil the stew and finishes it out.

Who isn't giving him a fair chance? we have posters who have claimed it is the players as to why they are playing well Wade has nothing to do with it. Sorry I don't consider that a fair chance. He has been the HC for 2 full season now in his 3rd. My posting were not directed at you, you seem at least to be of the mindset that it is on Wade to prove himself others are not interested in that and have made that pretty clear.
Doomsday101;3071256 said:
Barry did not take over a team that still had many holes in it and Barry did not take over a team who has not seen a playoff win in 13 years.

I see a team stepping up and responding to this coach and his staff and playing team ball something they have not done in years currently this team is putting it together on offense, defense and special teams yes Wade Phillips has a hell of alot to do with that.

He is not here to entertain you, your more interested in a coach who looks good on the sideline I could careless about that this team is playing hard for Wade and playing very well for him right now.

Rat " It's my fault they are able to run the ball"

Phillips " No it's not"

Rat "yes it is"

Who is stepping up here?

The one thing I am surely glad about at this moment is we are able to discuss
this stuff while we are 6-2. No matter how we arrived here.
Dave_in-NC;3071426 said:
Rat " It's my fault they are able to run the ball"

Phillips " No it's not"

Rat "yes it is"

Who is stepping up here?

The one thing I am surely glad about at this moment is we are able to discuss
this stuff while we are 6-2. No matter how we arrived here.

Both it is the players job to execute and the coaches job to put them in the position to make the plays. I read the same artical as you did and I'm glad Rat took it upon himself I also know that calling adjustments to help the players make plays lays with the coach.
Chocolate Lab;3071319 said:
Wasn't going to jump back into this, but can't help it...

Speaking of track records, as someone did a few posts ago, Wade is now 57-31 in his last two coaching stops covering five and a half years. And no, he didn't have a great quarterback like Romo at the last job.

Also, this is his eighth year coaching in the NFL. In that time, he's only had one losing season, and that was a 7-9 year. How many other coaches can say that?

Does anyone think that's all luck, or that teams are winning in spite of him? Seriously?

Someone once said "You are what your record says you are", did they not? Or does that apply only when it's convenient?

Now, there's no need for bickering. Don't worry, you non-believers don't have to repent, and you won't be harrassed when you join up. Everyone's welcome to get on and enjoy the ride. :)

You conveniently left off an important stat. 0 play off wins.
Wining regular season games is great and fun, it gets you nothing in the end with Phillips at the helm.
Doomsday101;3071423 said:
Who isn't giving him a fair chance? we have posters who have claimed it is the players as to why they are playing well Wade has nothing to do with it. Sorry I don't consider that a fair chance. He has been the HC for 2 full season now in his 3rd. My posting were not directed at you, you seem at least to be of the mindset that it is on Wade to prove himself others are not interested in that and have made that pretty clear.

Let's not foget, the legendary HOF-bound Parcells failed to win a Super Bowl here, too. I think we've got a great match with WP as HC. I want him back next year.
Chocolate Lab;3071319 said:
Someone once said "You are what your record says you are", did they not? Or does that apply only when it's convenient?

Its not meant as the catch all phrase its used for here either. Was Bill a better coach when his then crappy 2003 team went 10-6, or a much worse coach when the slightly more talented 2004 team went 6-10?

Or was he the same coach both seasons?

The phrase was meant to convey that a talented 8-8 team is no better than an untalented 8-8 team, not into this strange referendum on Parcell's (or Wade's or anyone else's) individual abilities to coach a football team. Its ballooned way beyond that to somehow justify that Parcells didn't turn a moribund, talent wasteland of a franchise into something that Wade Phillips could take to the playoffs.
CowboyMcCoy;3071575 said:
Let's not foget, the legendary HOF-bound Parcells failed to win a Super Bowl here, too. I think we've got a great match with WP as HC. I want him back next year.

I like Wade and have no issue with him returning but I do think for that to happen he has to get this team over the hump and deep into the playoffs. Not sure one and done will do it or should do it. I disagree with much of what the doubters of Phillips has to say but I agree with at least the ones who have an open mind that Wade has to prove himself in terms of post season success.
Doomsday101;3071592 said:
I like Wade and have no issue with him returning but I do think for that to happen he has to get this team over the hump and deep into the playoffs. Not sure one and done will do it or should do it. I disagree with much of what the doubters of Phillips has to say but I agree with at least the ones who have an open mind that Wade has to prove himself in terms of post season success.

I just want to compete with the best. So far, we're doing that and I love it. I think Wade can prove his doubters wrong.
CowboyMcCoy;3071662 said:
I just want to compete with the best. So far, we're doing that and I love it. I think Wade can prove his doubters wrong.

I'm pulling for him. I would rather win then have to go through yet another HC and a rebuilding process with the team learning a whole new system both offense and defensively.
CowboyMcCoy;3071575 said:
Let's not foget, the legendary HOF-bound Parcells failed to win a Super Bowl here, too. I think we've got a great match with WP as HC. I want him back next year.

Please, don't embarrass yourself here. Parcells took a talentless 15-33 team into a 2 time playoff contender over 4 years. He rebuilt this team and set up a framework for success. Wade just stepped in **** inheriting one of the most talented teams in the NFL and couldn't get them ready for one home playoff game. I'm not a huge Parcells fan personally, but to compare the two without regard to the circumstances that they inherited is disingenuous.
Doomsay;3071737 said:
Please, don't embarrass yourself here. Parcells took a talentless 15-33 team into a 2 time playoff contender over 4 years. He rebuilt this team and set up a framework for success. Wade just stepped in **** inheriting one of the most talented teams in the NFL and couldn't get them ready for one home playoff game. I'm not a huge Parcells fan personally, but to compare the two without regard to the circumstances that they inherited is disingenuous.

Statements like this pust you in no position to tell anyone not to embarass themselves. You can disagree without being disagreeable.
Even though we're on a roll, I've always said I would prefer to have a fiery type individual in as head coach. I think Wade is better suited as a defensive Coord. type.

But you can't argue with success and I was very surprised to find out that he's 28 - 12 as head honcho of the Cowboys. Until that changes, I'll support him in his current role and keep my yap shut.
I'll hop on Wade Phillips' bandwagon when he proves he can coach a team that doesnt fold in December and January. In 20 years of coaching he has yet to do so. Will this year be different? I think the player's have a better mindset than in years past, but I'm not sure Wade does. He still looks completely lost on the sidelines at times, gets way too down when it goes bad and way too excited when it goes right.
5Stars;3071351 said:
A real HC does not flinch and look at his hurt hand when he gets a "high-five" from his QB.

A real HC does not throw a red flag with all his might that lands a foot and a half in front of him.

A real HC does not stare into la-la land everytime his oline jumps offsides or a player commits some other dumb penality.

A real HC does not stand at the podium after a game and drone on and on about really nothing at all.

No, I'm not on some bandwagon of his, but, I am following the wagon about 100 yards back driving my VW waiting to dodge any horse droppings that are surley/maybe going to happen.

Until I see that Wade has finally guided so called wagon into the depot...I'm not going to ride with that driver.

Here's to hoping Wade finally gets to his destination...until then, I'll stay in my beat up VW and just follow along.


All superficial opinions of what a "real" head coach is or is not.....nothing whatsoever to with coaching.
But good to hear you are at least in shouting distance.
Maikeru-sama;3071295 said:
I wouldn't label 4 attempts as "few".

Losing 4 Playoff Games, which happens to be all of them for Wade Phillips is a "trend".

Also, some of the teams Wade Phillips took to the Playoffs were pretty good teams.

I am on Wade Phillips' bandwagon as far as doing great this year. However, as Head Coach for the next several season, I am not on that bandwagon.

Kind of like Payton Manning's long list of losses before breaking through...or Dean Smith for god's sake...maybe John Elway or Dan Reeves. Wade did not personally lose any of those games, just like Parcels did not personally win a one of his Super Bowls after the opposing teams kicker missed an fairly easy winning field goal.

Dean Smith always said that he was the EXACT same coach before he won a title that he was after. That may not always be the case, but usually, it is.
I have great respect for posters like my friends Chocolate Lab and Adbutcher and their consistent support for Wade.

But I just don't believe he's the guy that can push them over the top. I'll wave to my buddies as the bandwagon goes by.
Chief;3072630 said:
I have great respect for posters like my friends Chocolate Lab and Adbutcher and their consistent support for Wade.

But I just don't believe he's the guy that can push them over the top. I'll wave to my buddies as the bandwagon goes by.

Fair enough. Now if when the time comes and if Wade doesn't deliver, I reserve the right to shoot the coach, the horse, and burn the wagon. :)

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