The Walking Dead Season 6-Episodes 9-16 *SPOILERS*

Not heard back on mania so just committing to dead now
lol dudes gossiping like a bunch old maids. What happens, happens. I'm not going to whine about it if I don't like the outcome as many of you will do. It's just a TV show, folks. Football season can't get here fast enough.
I just cant wait for the reactions...Twitter, Facebook, Talking Dead are all gonna be epic tonight after the show....
lol dudes gossiping like a bunch old maids. What happens, happens. I'm not going to whine about it if I don't like the outcome as many of you will do. It's just a TV show, folks. Football season can't get here fast enough.

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    a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
lol dudes gossiping like a bunch old maids. What happens, happens. I'm not going to whine about it if I don't like the outcome as many of you will do. It's just a TV show, folks. Football season can't get here fast enough.
Why are you doing this to yourself?
As a side-show to tonight's Negan-has-arrived flavor, I think the Carol/Morgan sideshow should prove to be interesting.
One aspect of the graphic novel I'd like to see in the TV show at some point is– snow.
ok that really ticks me off, I didnt believe theyd actually leave us hangin for 6 months on who it was that got chosen.....I seriously havent been this mad since football season......I'll get over it but as of right now, I wanna just say to hell with this show and never watch it again....these next 6 months are gonna be worse than Game of Thrones wonderin if Jon Snow is comin back to life lol.....
There's some analysis of the audio on the web that draws a conclusion. I couldn't hear it myself but whatever.

I think we can rule out Eugene since the bat didn't break.
I had a feeling they were going to do that to us. They want every one talking about who it could be.

I am going to guess Glenn or Abraham.
Could be, but I'm going with Aaron.

The gay guy? As good a guess as any, I suppose. I bet most folks think it was Glenn. I figured the season would end this way so I told myself a few weeks ago to just get ready for it and then I wouldn't be so mad (as some are) when it goes down. Now I think its funny that some are saying they'll never watch the show again. LOL, yes you will.
noun: forum; plural noun: forums; plural noun: fora
  1. 1.
    a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

:facepalm: justify your gab session however you wish ladies. Good night.
2 words for you producers/writers/directors.

**** YOU!

The entire episode was set up perfectly. The entire season was set up perfectly. Then they had to go and screw it up by putting a 6 month cliff hanger on what I believe is the single most impactful moment in the series. Just completely screwed the pooch. Of course people will talk about it for a few days. Then what? They can't recreate that initial feeling from that scene. And of course as tight lipped as they may try to be, rumors will start flying when filming starts and someone isn't around. It is going to get figured out. What a ****** way to end this season.

Could be, but I'm going with Aaron.

I doubt it's Aaron. They already killed off one gay person recently. Killing off another one so soon is going to cause a lot of complaints. A show on CW called the 100 killed a gay person and the fan complaints were so bad the producer had to issue a statement explaining his reasoning.

Btw, this statement is not meant to be political. Just an opinion based on a somewhat similar situation and possible similar reactions. Feel free to delete the above paragraph if it doesn't fit with the rules or causes any complaints.
I thought the episode was meh. A bunch of driving around, Morgan shoots a guy, we see Negan in the last 5 minutes. The end. It felt drawn out and rushed at the same time. The next 2 seasons will be identical, and I'll watch it until can't any longer. Lol

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