You know Rick wasn't going to actually hit Negan with any of those bullets he was spraying but I had to laugh... I mean he couldn't hit Negan with a single bullet yet he thinks he's going to hit him by throwing the hatchet at him? LOL!
I like the Negan character more when he's in wobbly state and not all bluster.
Some people have voiced how Rick and crew could have ended Negan and his lieutenants back at the compound standoff. Rick could have easily shot Negan right there. End of storyline.
That non-event does not bother me not nearly as much as how badly Rick shoots at Negan during any given faceoff between the two characters. Sure, Negan makes himself a moving target (he has skills dodging bullets
) but Grimes has demonstrated his law enforcement/sheriff firearm accuracy a number of times over the past eight seasons. Close range. Long range. Rick aims. Shoots. You're out of the game. Walkers. People. Does not matter. He has hit too many targets with one bullet over the years but with Negan..? Rick cannot hit the broad side of a barn with that guy.
I loved psycho Negan's affection with his bat. Negan is right. Rick is psychotic but Rick is Batman crazy. Negan? He is full out The Joker/Heath Ledger insane. They are two sides of the same coin but Rick's side is the one you want to land on the ground face up.