I understand BP's point. Negan keeps being put in places where he could very well die, but does not.
I doubt that many truly thought Jadis was going to follow through and kill him.
I was of the greater belief that he was going to kill her in escaping. But he did not.
At this point of the show I find Negan to be a more honorable character than Rick. You can take Negan at his word... Rick obviously you can not.
But I think we're going to have a Rick "face-turn" here soon.
The oddball thing is when they were having the episodes where it was showing Rick as an older man and it flashed and you seen Negan working in the garden.
Thought that was weird and I hope they don't go that angle where they become ok with each other all because Carl wrote a few letters to people.
And you are right...I do not tire of Negan or JDM as I think they are interesting characters and JDM does a good job.
I tire of them putting him in situations where others have the ability to kill him after him treating others badly while he acts like a complete tool while holding his advantage over them.
So they make him the bad guy of all bad guys (while trying to balance a LITTLE good in him) to the point even some of his own people don't like him...BUT...They make sure that no matter how many precarious positions they put him in, he seems to walk out a ok.
It is almost...almost...getting as bad as Glenn under the dumpster.