There is hope for Randy Gregory


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True but marijuana is like the dark side of The Force to Gregory.

The Dark side is The NFL Commisioner. Everyone knows it. Gregory uses it to see the Light side per say. Don't see anything dark about marijuana.


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Guys come on. He has not played football in 2 years. Forget about him. He wont be a factor. Enough with these pipe dreams . Its part of whats wrong with this team. Stop drafting these projects. We are not good enough to waste picks ( no matter what round it is )

Uhhh He played last season its only been a year and a few days... So 2 years is incorrect that does make a difference and hes still the best pass rusher on this team.. at home on the coach right now and I didnt stutter


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He uses marijuana because that's what has been effective for him in dealing with his mental issues. He's likely been using it for years as it gave relief. Many people with mental health problems have to try numerous medications to find the one that works for them. This isn't a simple "take this instead" deal.

More generally, it is pretty bizarre that I (living in CA) can walk to a store and buy marijuana legally but NFL players can't enjoy the medicinal benefits.

Now off to the dispensary.

You can still get in trouble with your employer, if applicable, if you have Marijuana in your system when drug tested.

Voters approved Proposition 64 by a healthy margin on Nov. 8. That means Californians are free to consume cannabis on private property, carry up to an ounce and grow up to six plants at home.

But Prop. 64 also states that employers remain free to test workers for marijuana use before hiring them, or at any point during their careers. And if workers test positive, the law says companies can choose to let them go – even if there’s no indication they were actually high on the job.

Employers who uphold strict drug-free policies even as Prop. 64 is rolled out risk limiting their pool of potential workers. Other companies that relax their rules might face increased liability or reputations as being “stoner friendly.”

Eventually it'll change, but until then every player knows the consequences of getting caught smoking MJ while employed by a team.

Uhhh He played last season its only been a year and a few days... So 2 years is incorrect that does make a difference and hes still the best pass rusher on this team.. at home on the coach right now and I didnt stutter


Bleu Star

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Dion Jordan hadn't played a meaningful down in 3 years, but goes on to record 4 sacks for the Seahawks this year.

I just don't see it bud. At this point, Randy Gregory is a pipe dream and unless you live in Colorado, Washington State, or California, that pipe dream isn't coming true.


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I think issues regarding drug use are precarious ground for the NFL. PED's are one thing because they arguably injure athletes, cause potential harm to other players and give a player a competitive advantage.

If Gregory does have bipolar disorder and probably other diagnosed disorders, it is arguable that they may be able to file suit against the league under federal law, including the Americans With Disabilities Act ("ADA").

That's not my area of legal expertise, but at some point this "policing" by the NFL is probably going to be tested and it may end up opening up the NFL for significant liability. It just has to be framed the right way and has to be pursued to the end. The NFL may have an exemption under antitrust law but that's not a blanket exemption from all federal laws.


The Dog that Saved Charleston
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I have no problem with MJ and think it should be legal considering nicotine and caffeine are addicting and can have debilitating effects when used excessively. Heck, legal drugs are worse than the illegal drugs.

That being said, it's the NFL's policy and as an employee, you have to subscribe to that policy just like I would need to at my employer.


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People we are talking about weed plant that is proven to heal not kill but heal... Marijuana is not a drug! Acting like marijuana is crack or something... I bet he plays 10 times better after smoking too..

Im just saying Lets be real about it and not sugar coat it.. is a natural herb that heals multiple issues that goes on in the human body especially us Melenated people it actually have a purporse its a reason its here on earth to fight the bs...

Plus If people are healed how will dr's make there money

just though Id bring some insight into waht we are discussing and acting like is a drug addiction or harmful lets state facts while we hope the league stop the bs on the benefits for the ones that do use it.

Dont judge that man not you but the others
It actually is a drug. Personally I could care less if people smoke weed but it’s banned by the league which is a problem
I’d love to see the league not suspend players but till that’s done it’s an issue


Cowboys 24/7/365
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The Dark side is The NFL Commisioner. Everyone knows it. Gregory uses it to see the Light side per say. Don't see anything dark about marijuana.

Marijuana is a punishable temptation, whether anyone believes it is addictive or not, until the following is amended or erased from the league's substance abuse policy:

1.3 Testing for Substances of Abuse

All testing for Substances of Abuse of Players is to be conducted under the direction of the Medical Advisor pursuant to this Intervention Program. Before entering an Intervention Stage, Players shall be tested only for the following substances, which collectively shall be termed the “NFL Drug Panel”:<snip>

Delta 9-THC-carboxylic acid (marijuana) ≥ 35 ng/mL <snip>



A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.

Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.


There may come the time when Gregory commits 100% to his career (and not simply try) by learning how to transfer his want from marijuana to an alternative that is permissible under NFL policy in helping himself deal with whatever inner demons plague him. Me? I will side with the little green man about what is light or dark about The Force if-and-until that time comes.


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In the past the media reported when he had failed another test while on suspension. I think they would know if he failed on this time but I can't say that with 100% certainty.

They could have him completely drugged up with legal prescription drugs at this point if he is really bipolar.

My gut feelng is he will be available for training camp but is a high risk to fail during camp due to the pressure.

gregory is done my man. The last thing we want is Jones feeling like he can depend on him and passing on good players in the draft and FA because he thinks Gregory is coming back.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I have no problem with MJ and think it should be legal considering nicotine and caffeine are addicting and can have debilitating effects when used excessively. Heck, legal drugs are worse than the illegal drugs.

That being said, it's the NFL's policy and as an employee, you have to subscribe to that policy just like I would need to at my employer.
Essentially, that is the base issue any player faces whenever, voluntarily or involuntarily, they take a substance banned by league policy.


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The pressures of preparing and playing in the NFL will drive him back to the weed pretty quickly so anyone thinking he would be around long is nuts.
Way to have faith in someone kicking a habit. I work in sales and I am surrounded by temptation every day. Doesn't mean I go back and relapse because of it. The amount of people on this board alone who don't understand addiction is actually funny,

Redball Express

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Again, I don't see this as an addiction. He smokes because it relieves him from the mental stress of his so called bipolar issues. He just needs to find another way to treat his bipolar frame of mind.
The bipolar issues are tough.

Had a girlfriend who had this.

Mood swings galore.

Pot did smooth it out.

But she had other meds but she complained they slowed her down too much..

so she did not take them regularly.

We finally split up when she took money without asking.

She got very unstable and reliance was not a word to her.

So Randy has issues to go still.

Forget about the football.?

that's a pipe dream.


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The Cowboys need to enter the offseason and the upcoming season as if Randy Gregory is not and will not be a part of the team. Same goes for Rico Gathers. Anything that you get from either player is gravy.


Regular Joe....
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Bob, I want you to understand and remember that you are doing this to yourself. There is no hope for the guy. Football is not important enough to him, to have any chance to get right. It's better for you if you just accept and move on Brother.



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If Gregory does have bipolar disorder and probably other diagnosed disorders, it is arguable that they may be able to file suit against the league under federal law, including the Americans With Disabilities Act ("ADA").

Doubtful. He signed an employment contract, had legal representation and knowingly violated the terms of it.