There is hope for Randy Gregory


Regular Joe....
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No its actually is not And thats facts not no hear say... do your research a little bit more before you talk like you know Ive done my research id advise you do yours..

Because thats a false statement period. not opinion

I dont debate facts.

Keep this about football.


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I'm wondering why they can't transition Randy off the weed and onto the NFL approved pain medication.
I mean, yeah, it's far worse than smoking an organic plant but at least he can play football, right? :cool:

The Quest for Six

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This is not necessarily true. There are many people that are successful in rehab and continue to stay sober / drug free.
People need to get over this..once an addict, they will always fail...syndrome....

Not saying he has not failed a test. But chance are he has passed his test also. As he and his agent decided not to apply for reinstatement until the league year starts. He was eligible to apply on December 6th. But they did not want to disrupt the team.

First off Gregory has failed 7 different tests since he arrived in the league and numerous suspensions and hence why he is serving a year suspension now so he's already "failed" numerous times.........and Second, don't you think the reason his agent hasn't applied for reinstatement is because he's still failing league drug tests, not because he didn't want to disrupt the team nonsense!

I sure hope he can break his addiction problem but the chances are great that he can't......unfortunately


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Again, I have no problem with medical marijuana. It serves a purpose. That purpose is not the same as smoking marijuana. Randy Gregory knew and acknowledged what he did was wrong. We seem to have many on here who believe the ends justifies the means. Gregory's choice was plain and simply wrong. If you want to look up what "treatment" he could have used, if his concern was controlling bipolar disease that we don't even know if he has, there are all kinds of sites for that.

I perfer natural herb over deadly addictive perscription


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Keep this about football.

Football players get suspended because of marijuana I didnt make the headline nor start the conversation.

Anytime Randy is mentioned it is not just gonna be about football.

Lets at least be realistic about the topic

To much suger coating.. whats the truth?

The Quest for Six

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Yep, just because we haven't heard of any other failed tests doesn't mean they haven't occurred. That being said, his suspension is done and he is eligible to apply for reinstatement, if I'm not mistaken. Would the league not have already announced his next (lifetime?) ban if he had failed another test? I don't know the league's policy there...

The red flag to me is that he was eligible in December for reinstatement but his agent hasn't applied to do so, that indicates to me there's an issue reading between the lines.. and until he applies for reinstatement, you wont hear from the league about failed tests because he's not in the league at this point....


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If marijuana use is against company policy or illegal, then it is wrong. That's not making it a "moral bad."

If my boss told me that I was not allowed to be on this site at work, then I wouldn't be on this site. If it was illegal for me to be on this site, then I wouldn't be on this site.

Your question is not a good one because A) we don't know if Gregory even has a problem that he needs treatment for and B) we can't know if any of those other treatments work unless he tries them. There's no information out there, no attempt that has been made that we know of, that says Gregory is smoking dope for medicinal purposes.

If smoking marijuana, which exposes you to the THC that causes you to get high, can serve the same purpose as the "strictly medicinal" marijuana in some instances, then why smoke it when you can take the drug that serves that purpose?

Again, the ends do not justify the means. The effects that Gregory needs to achieve if he has a mental illness can be accomplished through both legal means and ways that adhere to NFL policy. It's not about relief, because relief can be achieved without doing something that costs him his NFL career. Relief is a weak excuse for those who don't have a problem with Gregory's poor choices.

Your moral compass is seriously controlled by what your employer or the government tell you?

You do know THC is used for medicinal purposes, right? And that medicinal is not available everywhere?

You are right, I don't know what conditions Grwgory has, or the treatments he may have tried. And neither do you. The difference is, I am not making assumptions about it.

The Quest for Six

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Again, I don't see this as an addiction. He smokes because it relieves him from the mental stress of his so called bipolar issues. He just needs to find another way to treat his bipolar frame of mind.

Gregory has a clear addiction, you are making excuses for him....more and more studies are showing weed is the root cause of some of these bi-polar disorders.....especially among the youth...this isn't your 1960's weed, the plant has been re-engineered to have much higher THC levels( up to 30%) while removing CBD which counters the THC.....


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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I perfer natural herb over deadly addictive perscription

The natural herb only bears a resemblance to what is being bred and used today. The level of THC is the problem because it is what causes the psychoactive effects. In fact, breeding marijuana for more THC has lessened the ability of the plant to make other cannbinoids and terpenoids like cannabidiol, which is what is actually needed for medicinal purposes.

A good read on this is

If you prefer natural herbs to handle your ills, there are much better ways to go about it than getting high. If your goal is to get high, then marijuana is the product for you and Randy Gregory.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Your moral compass is seriously controlled by what your employer or the government tell you?

You do know THC is used for medicinal purposes, right? And that medicinal is not available everywhere?

You are right, I don't know what conditions Grwgory has, or the treatments he may have tried. And neither do you. The difference is, I am not making assumptions about it.

How is this about my moral compass?

Are you telling me that if your boss says you can't do something, you do it anyway? If the government says something is illegal, you do it anyway? If so, I'm glad you do not work for me, and you need to avoid the police.

My moral standards do not matter. In areas where pot is legal, I have no problem with people legally using it. In areas where it is illegal, people shouldn't use it. (Frankly, it is still against federal law, so I don't believe it should be used anywhere in the U.S. except for medicinal purposes.)

If the NFL has a policy against using marijuana (which it does), then I believe players on my team shouldn't use it.

Seems like a pretty straightforward standard to me.


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How is this about my moral compass?

Are you telling me that if your boss says you can't do something, you do it anyway? If the government says something is illegal, you do it anyway? If so, I'm glad you do not work for me, and you need to avoid the police.

My moral standards do not matter. In areas where pot is legal, I have no problem with people legally using it. In areas where it is illegal, people shouldn't use it. (Frankly, it is still against federal law, so I don't believe it should be used anywhere in the U.S. except for medicinal purposes.)

If the NFL has a policy against using marijuana (which it does), then I believe players on my team shouldn't use it.

Seems like a pretty straightforward standard to me.

You are moving goalposts and changing arguments now.

You said it's wrong and based that on your employer and government. Saying it is wrong is a moral statement.


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Did you also see Gordon had a few 100yd games

He didn't. Gordon had one 100 yard game this year in the season finale. He had games of 85, 69, 47, 19 and 115 yards this season while catching only 42.9% of the passes targeted at him.


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Are you telling me that if your boss says you can't do something, you do it anyway? If the government says something is illegal, you do it anyway? If so, I'm glad you do not work for me, and you need to avoid the police.
That depends on what it is. It depends on how important my current job is to me, and how important whatever it is to me to do whatever this thing is.

As for the government, that also depends on what they say is illegal. It is certainly not absolute. If they did some crazy stuff (which they have a tendency to do) and somehow made it illegal for me to have sex with my wife...uh yeah, not going to care, going to do it anyway. If they make it illegal to try certain medical care for my kid...yeah, gonna do it anyway (this was the case for a friend of mine whose daughter suffers from seizures).

Even if I 100% chose not to do it, it would still not be a matter of "right" and "wrong" based on those two authorities. It's not moral to smoke marijuana in Colorado, but suddenly immoral if I take a step across the state line into Kansas. Morality and legality are very separate and distinct things.
My moral standards do not matter. In areas where pot is legal, I have no problem with people legally using it. In areas where it is illegal, people shouldn't use it. (Frankly, it is still against federal law, so I don't believe it should be used anywhere in the U.S. except for medicinal purposes.)
I suggest you read the 10th amendment on the legality of that federal law.

If the NFL has a policy against using marijuana (which it does), then I believe players on my team shouldn't use it.

Seems like a pretty straightforward standard to me.

If the NFL has this policy, and they have every right to (even if I think it's stupid), then yes, players shouldn't use it, *IF* playing in the league is more important to them than whatever benefit they feel they are getting. That's his choice to make. Not yours. Not mine. If he chooses marijuana over football, he's the one that will miss out on the money, and if he's okay with it, then that's his call. It's not what I would do, but I am not in a position to make that call, and I don't know what he deals with in life either.


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Gregory has a clear addiction, you are making excuses for him....more and more studies are showing weed is the root cause of some of these bi-polar disorders.....especially among the youth...this isn't your 1960's weed, the plant has been re-engineered to have much higher THC levels( up to 30%) while removing CBD which counters the THC.....

Weed is about as physically addicting as your morning cup of coffee...probably less actually. It’s 100% a mental health issue with Gregory. And I’d love to see these studies, because I can assure they are 100% BS. The idea of narrowing down what causes something like bi-polar disorder is laughable.


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He uses marijuana because he likes it. As you say, there are other ways to treat mental issues that do not violate his work policy so if he wanted to give up the drug and play, he would.

I don't want to excuse his marijuana use by saying he uses it for medical purposes. He uses it because he wants to.

From the combine:
What you wrote and what you quoted are two different things.

You said: "He uses it because he likes it"

The article you posted said: "He turned to weed because of anxiety"


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Bob, I want you to understand and remember that you are doing this to yourself. There is no hope for the guy. Football is not important enough to him, to have any chance to get right. It's better for you if you just accept and move on Brother.


The smart money is betting with your point of view.


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Way to have faith in someone kicking a habit. I work in sales and I am surrounded by temptation every day. Doesn't mean I go back and relapse because of it. The amount of people on this board alone who don't understand addiction is actually funny,

Addition is one thing. It has its own set of issues. But when you combine mental health issues and addiction it opens up a whole new Pandora's box of issues.