Thinking about an Ipad... need some info

Jenky;3828839 said:
I could care less about the developers and the apps they release. That's a completely separate issue which no one in thread has brought up.

I don't own ps3, wii, or xbox. And I won't buy the iPad until it completely dominates every tablet for its price range.

Point I'm trying to make: You can go along with Apple, buy an iPad, and be happy as a mainstream consumer. But there are other players joining the table, who may or may not release products that are suitable for your needs.

I would personally find this more useful for myself, but that's just me.


I like the attached keyboard and the fact it's not apple, but like the ipad, it's too big IMO.
nyc;3828955 said:
iPhone sold 16.2 million iPhone, not 17 million.
Actually, according to their SEC filings, they sold 17.15 million iPhones in the 6 months ended June 26, 2010.

I assume you're admitting that you were wrong about the numbers including iPods, etc. now correct?

That said, Android is now king of the hill as it toppled Symbian as the top selling smartphone in the 4th quarter of 2010.
  1. Android: 33.2 million (market share grew to 32.9% up 8.7%)
  2. Symnian: 31 million (market share dropped to 30.6% from 44.1%)
  3. Apple: 16.2 million (market share dropped to 16% from 16.2%)
  4. RIM: 14.6 million (market share dropped to 14.4% from 20%)
  5. Microsoft: Not enough to even register
Again, you're comparing operating systems, not phones. Android isn't a phone, it's an operating system. No other phone has comparable sales figures. If you want to include every single device that the Apple operating system ships on, then the numbers are different. On top of that, if Apple started giving away their operating system for free, the numbers would be vastly different.
theogt;3829044 said:
Actually, according to their SEC filings, they sold 17.15 million iPhones in the 6 months ended June 26, 2010.

I assume you're admitting that you were wrong about the numbers including iPods, etc. now correct?

Again, you're comparing operating systems, not phones. Android isn't a phone, it's an operating system. No other phone has comparable sales figures. If you want to include every single device that the Apple operating system ships on, then the numbers are different. On top of that, if Apple started giving away their operating system for free, the numbers would be vastly different.

Dude, you're just pissed off that your phone (iOS) is getting *****slapped!

We have some Apple fanboys here, and most of them are becoming less and less happy with their iPhones and both are talking about switching to Android.

Lets face it, iOS is a nice OS, but Steve Jobs while built it, is also ruining it. Not only that, Android is getting better and better at probably twice the rate of iOS. It's inevitable, iOS will be relegated to a niche OS, just like Mac is.

...and no I admit no such thing!
nyc;3829067 said:
Dude, you're just pissed off that your phone (iOS) is getting *****slapped!

We have some Apple fanboys here, and most of them are becoming less and less happy with their iPhones and both are talking about switching to Android.

Lets face it, iOS is a nice OS, but Steve Jobs while built it, is also ruining it. Not only that, Android is getting better and better at probably twice the rate of iOS. It's inevitable, iOS will be relegated to a niche OS, just like Mac is.

...and no I admit no such thing!
No, I just like pointing out when you're embarrassingly wrong. Nice try claiming those numbers included iPods, etc., though. For most people, your ignorance would have gone unnoticed.

Next time, if you're going to interject yourself into the conversation, make sure you actually know what you're talking about first.
theogt;3829102 said:
No, I just like pointing out when you're embarrassingly wrong. Nice try claiming those numbers included iPods, etc., though. For most people, your ignorance would have gone unnoticed.

Next time, if you're going to interject yourself into the conversation, make sure you actually know what you're talking about first.

They just said it included Macs too. :eek: ;)
nyc;3829108 said:
They just said it included Macs too. :eek: ;)
What on earth are you talking about? Who is "they"? I pointed out to you that the first chart included only iPhones.
theogt;3829113 said:
What on earth are you talking about? Who is "they"? I pointed out to you that the first chart included only iPhones.

Your momma!
theogt;3829044 said:
Actually, according to their SEC filings, they sold 17.15 million iPhones in the 6 months ended June 26, 2010.

I assume you're admitting that you were wrong about the numbers including iPods, etc. now correct?

Again, you're comparing operating systems, not phones. Android isn't a phone, it's an operating system. No other phone has comparable sales figures. If you want to include every single device that the Apple operating system ships on, then the numbers are different. On top of that, if Apple started giving away their operating system for free, the numbers would be vastly different.

Do you think most smartphone buyers choose the phone with no thought to the OS or do they choose the OS then the phone?

Pretty much everyone I know that has an Iphone bought one when they were really the only player in the high end smartphone game. Now that there is a choice of comparable Andorid phones available the tide is most certainly turning as that chart shows.

I wanted Android and then picked the phone.

You yourself admit that second chart is useless as we don't know exatly what it consists of and is an estimate.

Question for you. You say that if Applee gave away its OS it would kill Android. What is it that makes Apples OS so much better than Android?
Vtwin;3829144 said:
Do you think most smartphone buyers choose the phone with no thought to the OS or do they choose the OS then the phone?

Pretty much everyone I know that has an Iphone bought one when they were really the only player in the high end smartphone game. Now that there is a choice of comparable Andorid phones available the tide is most certainly turning as that chart shows.

I wanted Android and then picked the phone.

You yourself admit that second chart is useless as we don't know exatly what it consists of and is an estimate.

Question for you. You say that if Applee gave away its OS it would kill Android. What is it that makes Apples OS so much better than Android?

iOS only having a single handset is his *only* argument since without it, he loses the battle without a fight. He doesn't get that if there were only 1 Android phone, by a single maker, then odds are he would still lose as that manufacturer would have sold 30+ million phones!
Vtwin;3829144 said:
Do you think most smartphone buyers choose the phone with no thought to the OS or do they choose the OS then the phone?
Of course people choose phones based on the operating system. But that in itself doesn't make comparing operating systems worthwhile. Other factors preclude making such a direct comparison.

You yourself admit that second chart is useless as we don't know exatly what it consists of and is an estimate.
No, I don't admit that. I admit that the information isn't independently verifiable. In life, many things aren't independently verifiable. But that, in itself, doesn't make them useless or incorrect. And my point was that nyc didn't know what comprised the numbers, which he claimed to know at the time.

Question for you. You say that if Applee gave away its OS it would kill Android. What is it that makes Apples OS so much better than Android?
This is a subjective discussion that I'm not going to get into.
nyc;3829154 said:
iOS only having a single handset is his *only* argument since without it, he loses the battle without a fight. He doesn't get that if there were only 1 Android phone, by a single maker, then odds are he would still lose as that manufacturer would have sold 30+ million phones!
It may be the "only" argument but it's a damn good one.

Take Android and limit its sales to one device. Take iOS and put it on 20+ different devices. See which outperforms the other -- by a wide margin. It would make comparing them completely useless.
theogt;3829163 said:
It may be the "only" argument but it's a damn good one.

Take Android and limit its sales to one device. Take iOS and put it on 20+ different devices. See which outperforms the other -- by a wide margin.

Android still wins. It's 16.2M devices to 33M devices. Android sells handsets 2-1 over the iPhone.
nyc;3829166 said:
Android still wins. It's 16.2M devices to 33M devices. Android sells handsets 2-1 over the iPhone.
I think you're completely misreading what I just wrote. I'll give you a chance to re-read and edit your post, then delete this post.
theogt;3829169 said:
I think you're completely misreading what I just wrote. I'll give you a chance to re-read and edit your post, then delete this post.

No. iOS sucks, Android wins. Answer this question. Do you HONESTLY think that people buying Androids 2-1 over iOS has everything to do with iOS only being on one phone?

It doesn't Theo. It has to do with Android being comparable phone AND it doesn't hurt that you can now get them free.

Call me when Jobs actually gives away iPhones for free. If a shop like Verizon or AT&T tried to completely subsidized the iPhone, Steve Jobs would either A. ban it from happening, or B. raise the price of the phone where they couldn't afford to do it.

Tie that all in with the fact that Android is improving as a mobile OS faster than iOS and all signs point to iOS becoming a niche OS. Go ahead, everyone knows it. Niche means what? Yeah, a *small*, but profitable segment of a market. (ie it won't be selling more handsets than Android, even if it were on 3k different handsets)
nyc;3829179 said:
No. iOS sucks, Android wins. Answer this question. Do you HONESTLY think that people buying Androids 2-1 over iOS has everything to do with iOS only being on one phone?

It doesn't Theo. It has to do with Android being comparable phone AND it doesn't hurt that you can now get them free.

Call me when Jobs actually gives away iPhones for free. If a shop like Verizon or AT&T tried to completely subsidized the iPhone, Steve Jobs would either A. ban it from happening, or B. raise the price of the phone where they couldn't afford to do it.

Tie that all in with the fact that Android is improving as a mobile OS faster than iOS and all signs point to iOS becoming a niche OS. Go ahead, everyone knows it. Niche means what? Yeah, a *small*, but profitable segment of a market. (ie it won't be selling more handsets than Android, even if it were on 3k different handsets)

So very similar to say ummmmmm Macintosh's market in the personal computer world?

Ohhhhhhhhh.....Im here all day....try the fish and be sure to tip your waitress. :D
nyc;3829179 said:
No. iOS sucks, Android wins. Answer this question. Do you HONESTLY think that people buying Androids 2-1 over iOS has everything to do with iOS only being on one phone?

It doesn't Theo. It has to do with Android being comparable phone AND it doesn't hurt that you can now get them free.

Call me when Jobs actually gives away iPhones for free. If a shop like Verizon or AT&T tried to completely subsidized the iPhone, Steve Jobs would either A. ban it from happening, or B. raise the price of the phone where they couldn't afford to do it.

Tie that all in with the fact that Android is improving as a mobile OS faster than iOS and all signs point to iOS becoming a niche OS. Go ahead, everyone knows it. Niche means what? Yeah, a *small*, but profitable segment of a market. (ie it won't be selling more handsets than Android, even if it were on 3k different handsets)
Yes, the best selling phone of all time is a "niche" market.

Good one.
theogt;3829157 said:
This is a subjective discussion that I'm not going to get into.

You brought it into the discussion and talk more about it after this post?

These are your words:

If Apple gave its OS away to other phone makers, it would absolutely crush Android

Them's some pretty strong words when one has nothing to back them up with.

What makes Apple's OS so much better than Android?
theogt;3829279 said:
Yes, the best selling phone of all time is a "niche" market.

Good one.

I said it is going to become a niche market, just like always have been.
nyc;3829292 said:
I said it is going to become a niche market, just like always have been.
Sure it will. When do you expect another phone to outsell the iPhone? 2011? 2012? 2015?

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