Thinking about an Ipad... need some info

nyc;3829394 said:
Ahh, so you admit that the OS makes the phone! :lmao2:
Of course the operating system is part of what makes up a phone. It's not all, though.
theogt;3829360 said:
Are you trying to be this dense or does it just come naturally?

Then it wouldn't be an iPhone. It would be something else.

And you call me dense? :)

I get that you are hanging on to the ever weakening branch of comparing specific android phones against the Iphone.

What you don't understand... (or do you because you have written comments that show you do, it's hard to tell really)... is that at the high end the phones all do the same thing. Consumers are buying the OS and Android is owning that market as far as smartphones are concerned.

The other consideration is that high end android phones are relatively new and you can expect an explosion of new and better devices to hit the marketplace.

Apple has owned this market place until now. They have built a brand that is recognizable everywhere. The fact that Android device sales have done so well in just the last six months is very telling and if not for thier jumpstart on the competition and their well known brand the Iphone would already be a niche instead of just destined to become one.
Vtwin;3829510 said:
I get that you are hanging on to the ever weakening branch of comparing specific android phones against the Iphone.
Yes, the weak branch that prefers not to compare a single phone with a single operating system from a single manufacturer on a single wireless provider to an operating system which gives itself away for free to dozens of manufacturers on multiple wireless providers. What a weak argument that is.


Apple has owned this market place until now. They have built a brand that is recognizable everywhere. The fact that Android device sales have done so well in just the last six months is very telling and if not for thier jumpstart on the competition and their well known brand the Iphone would already be a niche instead of just destined to become one.
Looks like they still "own" it -- at least, you know, the profit-making part of it.

theogt;3829547 said:
Yes, the weak branch that prefers not to compare a single phone with a single operating system from a single manufacturer on a single wireless provider to an operating system which gives itself away for free to dozens of manufacturers on multiple wireless providers. What a weak argument that is.


Looks like they still "own" it -- at least, you know, the profit-making part of it.

That's funny. Like comparing oranges to mangos. Profit margin means nothing more than managing your business more effectively. Has nothing to do with adoption rates.
Anjinsan;3829591 said:
That's funny. Like comparing oranges to mangos. Profit margin means nothing more than managing your business more effectively. Has nothing to do with adoption rates.
It has everything to do with making a better product that people are willing to pay a premium for.

Apple doesn't literally give away their phones like Android phones.
theogt;3829595 said:
It has everything to do with making a better product that people are willing to pay a premium for.

No honestly it says...

"Im not the smartest geek on the planet and need assistance w/ most of my life...please send help."

Steve Jobs is peeling off his office attire as I write this.

to the Apple mobile....... SCHWIIIINGGGGG !!!!

theogt;3829595 said:
It has everything to do with making a better product that people are willing to pay a premium for.

You're insulting your own intelligence.
Vtwin;3829280 said:
You brought it into the discussion and talk more about it after this post?

These are your words:


Them's some pretty strong words when one has nothing to back them up with.

What makes Apple's OS so much better than Android?
Pretty hard to argue against the fact that if the iPhone were more widely available it would crush Android phones, I would think.

No chance you'll ever have an Android phone with sales like that.
Just because millions of hipster ******* want whatever product apple sells next in a white glossy package doesn't mean they're great products. The itunes model was ****, the ipod is **** compared to many other mp3 players. They just developed an easy to use store that people would like to click on.

The iphone is a great device, but I have friends with them and I wouldn't trade my HTC Evo for it, period. I have a problem with the way apple treats their customers like dip****s who shouldn't be allowed to modify their products. I guess the fact that most of them are means they're justified, but whatever. :lmao2:
Dallas;3829306 said:
You are FLAT OUT in denial if you think for 1 second it's GOOD BUSINESS to lock your technology down so much as Apple has done.

Such a weak argument. The sale's numbers of the iPhone should speak for itself.

But, I'll humor myself and explain why it's a good business decision.

It guarantees that all apps will work on the device. If you have a million different devices that you have to potentially code for you can have problems. That's why some apps that aren't optimized for some platforms behave/look like crap.

It allows speedy transitions to OS updates. How long have people had to wait for OS updates on Android phones? Some people will never get updates to their phones because they have to wait for the manufacturer of the phone to release an update.

I'm a software engineer. We never let the enduser inject code or models into our real-time applications. Why? Because we can not guarantee that it will work with our other applications. If a user wants new functionality we provide it with our next release.

That is the problem that faces the many different Android platforms. The phone manufacturer adds layers to the onion. I.E. Motorola Blur etc. You add more crap to it and change the base code. Multiply that by all the different manufacturers and you run into the problems outlined above.

The iOS does absolutely NOTHING better than the Android OS does. Let's stick that lil iPhone 4 up against my Dell Streak as far as processing power and even memory?

I got 16 applications running atm w/ 44% CPU used and 254 MB of memory used. That is TRUE MT people, let's not kid ourselves.

I'm sorry you got snookered into buying that piece of crap. It was rushed to market with an OS that isn't even made to run on a tablet. It was DOA. Support for it is minuscule. Apps for it are horrible. In fact, the last I've read you will never get an OS update. How do you like them Apples?

I can't even believe you mentioned that turd.

I could care less about music applications. When is the last time theo spun some 50 cent Self Destruct?

100 million itunes accounts on record with Apple would like to refute your assertion.

The iPhone would be crushing the market even moreso if it were offered on more carriers. It would sell millions upon millions more if Apple would crank out products. Apple doesn't do that. They concentrate on making a few products that operate flawlessly.

I would also like to add that you can Jailbreak your phone. I've been doing it since my 3G. I can everything that an Android phone can do and much more. I can theme. I can tether for free. I can hotspot for free. Hell, I can even code on it now if I wanted to.

Don't get me wrong. I love Google. I use google products (apps) everyday. My Google account is fully integrated with my phone. I love the competition this breeds. The consumer wins.
nyc;3829329 said:
iPhone sold 16.2 million phones last quarter, Android sold 33 million. Thats better than 2 to 1 ratio buddy.

You lose.

Let's see what happens when Verizon releases its numbers.

In case you haven't heard, it's the best selling phone they have ever had.

I'm sorry Stevie boy pissed in your wheaties.

Why don't you show us on the teddy bear where the bad man touched you?
nyc;3829347 said:
Dude, just face the fact. The iPhone isn't the most popular phone type.

Verizon would like to have a word with you...
theogt;3829547 said:
Yes, the weak branch that prefers not to compare a single phone with a single operating system from a single manufacturer on a single wireless provider to an operating system which gives itself away for free to dozens of manufacturers on multiple wireless providers. What a weak argument that is.


So the world is full of mindless sheep drawn to the shiny objects. What does that prove.

At the end of the day (figuratively speaking of course) sales of Android devices will crush sales of the Iphone. No doubt about that whatsoever.

I can everything that an Android phone can do and much more. I can theme. I can tether for free.

Much more? Really.

Like what?
ChldsPlay;3833729 said:
Way to completely not answer the all.

People are sheep, we get it, I don't think anyone disputes that.
My original statement was that if the iPhone (or iOS) was opened up to more a broader sales base like Android phones, it would obliterate them.

He asked me why I thought iOS was better, to which I replied that it was a subjective discussion that I don't want to get into. I want to avoid the "your personal subjective opinion is wrong because I disagree with it" BS.

What I linked to didn't avoid the topic. It actually backed up my original statement. So, if there's an attempt to take the conversation off-topic or to avoid the topic, it sure as hell ain't by me.
Joshmvii;3833735 said:
Just because millions of hipster ******* want whatever product apple sells next in a white glossy package doesn't mean they're great products. The itunes model was ****, the ipod is **** compared to many other mp3 players. They just developed an easy to use store that people would like to click on.

The iphone is a great device, but I have friends with them and I wouldn't trade my HTC Evo for it, period. I have a problem with the way apple treats their customers like dip****s who shouldn't be allowed to modify their products. I guess the fact that most of them are means they're justified, but whatever. :lmao2:
Anti-Apple Argument: "YAY the iPhone isn't the most popular phone anymore!!!"

Rational Human: "Hey, look, the iPhone on Verizon sold out in two hours, crushing Verizon's previous launch numbers, eclipsing demand for any other phone in history."

Anti-Apple Argument: "Who cares if it's extremely popular!!!!!"


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