Time to Rebuild?

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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I agree, and it's time we get trid of these quitters on the team.
There you go giving up again. These quitters on the team can be given a little tough love so that they never quit again on the field. And when I say tough love, I mean tough. If they don’t get on board, then play someone who will.


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And what has Lamb, Parsons, Ferguson and Smith brought us in the post-season? If you're content with a winning regular season and nothing in the post-season, then let's keep these guys and hope for the best.
You have to be able to win in the regular season to get a chance to win in the post season. Even the mighty Patriots went 8 years between super bowl wins at one point.


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Quitters quit. It’s just what they do because it’s easier to give up and just start whining.
And dummies keep repeating the same mistakes. It's difficult to make the decision to trade, sell or cut your best players, it's not something whiners do, typically. But sometimes it's the best thing to do for the future of the team.

Simple math: 60 is 25% of 240. Way too much to build a championship team, with all the other guys who want to be paid also.


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The problem is that those fans haven't moved on, they're still here and they have NO say in the matter. Just hot air and wishful thinking
The extension is coming and for fans that believe that is just an extension of no chance at deep playoff runs is kinda demoralizing. A change at QB would mean the possibility of lots of change-for good or bad. Anything to defibrillate this franchise. Lol

All we do here is hot air either way. We’ll see man, I’m no seer. Just will hope for the best either way.


Captain Catfish
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I asked what HE would do.....thought that was clear, and I really don't care if anyone thinks I was a coach or not. Nothing to do with being a fan. We didn't have free agency, contracts or salary caps in Texas HS football.
Then dont bother commenting on on bad contracts.


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Best way to rebuild and take advantage of a rookie QB contract is to have the core built first then get the QB.

If you get the QB first and the team sucks, by the time you get the team you will be on the second contract of the QB.

That is why I have no idea why teams that are so bad draft a QB. If you have the number 1 pick, trade back and accumulate drift picks. Build your a OLine first.
The owners give these GM’s like 3 seasons to work magic and then clean house lots of times. So the GM feels pressured to pull a rabbit out of the hat and draft the next Brady cause they have no time to build the infrastructure.

Dan Campbell used their high picks to build better lines of scrimmage and now Goff looks far better.


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Why rebuild? I want these Dak supporters and that idiot GM to get 4 more years of misery. Things are just starting to get real interesting because the fan base is turning against Dak. I'm really enjoying this.
They are turning against jerry and his selling of false hope too.
I saw / see the GB loss as huge in that it was so bad it woke up the fans, the media, and some players.

Most are not going to buy into jerry's yearly BS any more.

Jerry made a huge mistake bringing MM back, and then when he extends dak to 55 -60 mil, then makes cd the highest paid wr,
more fans and media are going to jump off the wagon, as these are all guys that got the beat down from GB, and now are being rewarded for that.

MM was a huge mistake, as most expected and wanted a new HC, someone good like BB, or harbaugh, Vrabel, but the jones boys didnt
even talk to those guys lol.

Fans are tired of the crap and BS we get from jones boys.


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The owners give these GM’s like 3 seasons to work magic and then clean house lots of times. So the GM feels pressured to pull a rabbit out of the hat and draft the next Brady cause they have no time to build the infrastructure.

Dan Campbell used their high picks to build better lines of scrimmage and now Goff looks far better.
It is amazing how good,,,,,,,,,,,, QB's look when they have a clean pocket and time to throw the ball.


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After 29 years, what is the big picture?
There's a point where doing the same thing over and over makes no sense. Ibthink we're at the point. The mindset and mentality of this team is broken...it's obvious that a change is in order.
That’s the mistake…you guys keep talking about the last 29 years. The last 29 years means something to us the fans, but you can’t penalize this group of players for the last 29 years. The players are responsible for this era of cowboys football, the McCarthy era. They don’t get credit for aikman’s era or staubach’s or the failures of the era before them. This is their own time.

If McCarthy wins a Super Bowl here, he doesn’t suddenly have 7 rings as a head coach- he doesn’t get the glory of years past. The last 29 years has nothing to do with this group of players. Most of this core wasn’t even born for the run we are discussing. If you wanna blame Jerry Jones for the last 30 years- that’s a fair criticism and he has tons of stuff he’s done wrong but separate Jerry’s 25 year run from the majority of this group of guys.

Big picture for this group of guys is building off the sustained regular season success they’ve had in the McCarthy era. They have to do it in the post season that’s indisputable but they shouldn’t be penalized for 2 decades of failures before them. THIS group of players has a chance in front of them to be really good. it’s not guaranteed but they have a lot of talent and they need to translate regular season wins into post season wins and that’s still in FRONT of them and now it’s up to the front office to make the right moves to bridge that gap.

If you don’t trust Jerry to do that that’s more than fair but you can’t just gloss over the fact that the team is becoming a consistent contender.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
And dummies keep repeating the same mistakes. It's difficult to make the decision to trade, sell or cut your best players, it's not something whiners do, typically. But sometimes it's the best thing to do for the future of the team.

Simple math: 60 is 25% of 240. Way too much to build a championship team, with all the other guys who want to be paid also.
You do realize that Dak’s not going to count anywhere near $60 mil a year don’t you? That’s a rhetorical question. Schooled another hater.


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Eventually a team must break through. It sounds logical, but teams have much different probabilities to break through once the playoffs begin (otherwise there would not be outliers like Mahomes and Brady making deep playoff runs all the time). The only real outliers of the bus driving QB going all the way is Dilfer, Foles, Flacco, and Brad Johnson (I suppose Eli). Flash in the pans with fantastic defenses for four of those wins.

Those defenses were not built overnight either and were extremely aggressive. Lots of high picks across the high end defense lineup.

8-8 is also very stable and can occasionally get you into the playoffs. I guess 8-8-1 now.
All good points and more than fair. I do think winning 12 games every year is much different than going 8-8 or 9-8 and just squeezing into the post season. Now, they need to advance in the post season or eventually you get to a point where serious changes or directional decisions need to be made but I don’t think the time for that is right now- it could be in a season or 2.


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Except in the post-season.
Both have been taken out of games against good teams and a good game plane. This is an indicator that we don't have a good team or depth.

When teams commit to taking away your best player, you have to respond from somewhere else.

I one trick pony is not going to get you deep in the playoffs.

Now how do you we respond when we have all our money tied it up in CD and Micah,
when they both are neutralized by a good team and game plan.

Best way to negate Micah is run the ball effectively. Not very hard to focus on CD, when we can't run the ball.


Captain Catfish
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Says the yahoo who says the QB who was 2nd in NFL MVP voting sucks. Now who got schooled?
eye test, please apologize if you are incapable of doing so and I will forgive your lack of basic observation skills.


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After reading Lamb's comment, Dak's situation, and Parsons wanting to get paid, is it logical to pay these guys as the top players of their positions if we can not win in the post season. Why pay this much to only continue to fail in the post season? Let's face it, the team is stuck and needs a face lift in a hurry. "Going all in" is just a joke. What is the difference between 12-5 and 5-12 if we flame out every post season? Finishing 5-12 gets us a high 1st rd pick. 12-5 gets us nothing but false hopes.
Well cowboys dont need a rebuild, what they needed was BB as HC.

With mm it is going to be the same or similar team, with same results.
Dak should take a pay cut not get a pay raise
, and you need to bring in some competition , like kirk cousins. let them compete for
starting role, or play both .

CD should get about 18 mil a year or move on parsons about the same, stop giving these guys top pay for doing nothing in playoffs.
This whole each guy resets the market deal is crazy.
Pay them reasonably for what they have done.

Have more contracts with bonus pay, not for the season, but what they do in playoffs.
you want your big bonus?? win in the playoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Rebuilding doesn't happen in a hurry. It takes time. Most are crying about winning 12 games a year, imagine winning 3 or 4.
Teams have proven you can nearly completely rebuild in 2 seasons. That is with a full-time, intelligent and active GM though. We don't have that. But be honest here. It's not the 12 wins people are crying about. It's getting dominated in the playoffs because the players simply don't care. It's the culture of mediocrity the current regime has. To them, making the playoffs is enough. And it's fans thinking that's enough that allows that culture to flourish.

12 wins is good. But what good is 12 wins when you don't even show up to play post-season? Come on man, you were a coach. How would you handle the players and the rest of your staff if they came in and played like the Cowboys did 3 years in a row in the playoffs? They didn't play their butts off and just get beat. They just rolled over. That is a huge difference.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
The extension is coming and for fans that believe that is just an extension of no chance at deep playoff runs is kinda demoralizing. A change at QB would mean the possibility of lots of change-for good or bad. Anything to defibrillate this franchise. Lol

All we do here is hot air either way. We’ll see man, I’m no seer. Just will hope for the best either way.
Hope for the best is all we can do.
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