Tip your waiters!!!!

WoodysGirl;2815929 said:
So I need to respond to YOUR posts in order to participate in the thread? Oh please, somebody thinks highly of themselves.

Like any other MEMBER on this board, I can respond to whatever, whenever. You don't get to dictate that.

Besides, I didn't call you anything more than what you called theogt by suggesting he was your "whatever" for a night when trying to diss his supposed bartender status.

*bawk* *bawk* chicken, chicken *bawk* *bawk*
lewpac;2815932 said:
My particular beef at this time is with folks like WoodsGirl who offer nothing of substance, and come around calling names and being "all entertained" by the conversation.

You should be ashamed of yourself WG. I mean really, how dare you?
Faerluna;2815936 said:
Simply stated, what the **** are you talking about? I haven't stated my opinion in this thread?!

*YOU* need the course in reading.
Yes, he does.

It doesn't matter that you've posted throughout the thread. It's important that you respond specifically to his posts in order for your post to be relevant.
WoodysGirl;2815929 said:
So I need to respond to YOUR posts in order to participate in the thread? Oh please, somebody thinks highly of themselves.

Like any other MEMBER on this board, I can respond to whatever, whenever. You don't get to dictate that.

Besides, I didn't call you anything more than what you called theogt by suggesting he was your "whatever" for a night when trying to diss his supposed bartender status.


Then tell us, what do you know about the food and beverage world? Did you ever bartend? Were you a waitress? Did you work at a restaurant, a night-club, a bar??? Did you ever work for tips? What do you know about the politics between bar tenders and servers first hand? Ever own or manage a food and beverage facility? Did you ever work until 2:00 in the morning serving drunks, dancers and folks looking to get laid?

Answer those questions, and then maybe I'll tolerate your name calling and condescension toward my opinion. Until then, I'm just gonna' chalk this all up to the bulls-eye you got on my back that got me BANNED a month ago for NOTHING.

So tell us all, what do you know, first hand, from experience, about the "thread" that your so involved in........................


Anyone out there?

(cue the Jeopardy song right about ........................NOW)
Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock.............

Don't lie now..............Tell the truth. You don't know anything about this world, do you?

I'm waiting.................
lewpac;2815946 said:

Then tell us, what do you know about the food and beverage world? Did you ever bartend? Were you a waitress? Did you work at a restaurant, a night-club, a bar??? Did you ever work for tips? What do you know about the politics between bar tenders and servers first hand? Ever own or manage a food and beverage facility? Did you ever work until 2:00 in the morning serving drunks, dancers and folks looking to get laid?

Answer those questions, and then maybe I'll tolerate your name calling and condescension toward my opinion. Until then, I'm just gonna' chalk this all up to the bulls-eye you got on my back that got me BANNED a month ago for NOTHING.

So tell us all, what do you know, first hand, from experience, about the "thread" that your so involved in........................

Someone who had experience responded by agreeing with my reply to your assertion. We both had very different experiences in the service industry, especially concerning the relationships between bartenders and the waitstaff.

You chose to reply by completely dismissing our experiences.

lewpac;2815831 said:
Well that's sounds all goody-goody, 1950's Happy Days-like and all.

Everyone having each others back, all "Friends-like", a cabal of best-buddies who are friends for life..............

But in the real world, any time money pass's hands theirs usually trouble. Also, who ever heard of such a work place where it was like the Brady Bunch you described? The work-place is a petri dish for all kinds of drama and back-stabbing and soap opera in every other case but yours it seems.

I ain't buyin' it. ESPECIALLY in the food and beverage industry! People are people are people. Whether in a law office, the local grade school, the police department, Radio Shack, the super market, etc...............where ever. Outside of the family, the workplace is right up there as a source of personality conflicts and sleepless nights for ALL people.

So what's the point exactly. Your opinion is the only one that counts and the TRUTH. You speak the TRUTH. You are the TRUTH bearer. Everyone else is delusional, losers, and cowards.
ethiostar;2815954 said:
Someone who had experience responded by agreeing with my reply to your assertion. We both had very different experiences in the service industry, especially concerning the relationships between bartenders and the waitstaff.

You chose to reply by completely dismissing our experiences.

So what's the point exactly. Your opinion is the only one that counts and the TRUTH. You speak the TRUTH. You are the TRUTH bearer. Everyone else is delusional, losers, and cowards.


Now where's WoodysGirl?
lewpac;2815946 said:

Then tell us, what do you know about the food and beverage world? Did you ever bartend? Were you a waitress? Did you work at a restaurant, a night-club, a bar??? Did you ever work for tips? What do you know about the politics between bar tenders and servers first hand? Ever own or manage a food and beverage facility? Did you ever work until 2:00 in the morning serving drunks, dancers and folks looking to get laid?

Answer those questions, and then maybe I'll tolerate your name calling and condescension toward my opinion. Until then, I'm just gonna' chalk this all up to the bulls-eye you got on my back that got me BANNED a month ago for NOTHING.

So tell us all, what do you know, first hand, from experience, about the "thread" that your so involved in........................

And the reason why is I don't care enough about your opinion or what you choose to tolerate about me to indulge your questions about my employment background.

My initial response was to theogt, not you...and it wasn't solely because of his dialogue with you. This WAS a funny thread. So no, I ain't telling you ****.

I find it interesting that out of all the people that have tagged you in this thread, you've chosen to attack me. All because you're mad about being banned for violating the guidelines? Wow. Get over it. If you want to talk about that, then take it to PM, the forums aren't the place for it.
First, Springs1 was the standard-bearer. Now, it's Lewpac.

I'm in no way exaggerating when I propose that this may be the greatest thread in the storied history of threads...on any message board.

In fact, when message boards were first conceived, it was with the goal of bringing forth a thread of such majesty and prestige as this one. And now, here it is -- on our own Cowboyszone.com, no less!

I feel I am first-hand witness to the birth of something truly paradigm-defining. This thread should be enshrined and made available to the general public so they all may bathe in its transcendent and ethereal greatness.
ethiostar;2815954 said:
Someone who had experience responded by agreeing with my reply to your assertion. We both had very different experiences in the service industry, especially concerning the relationships between bartenders and the waitstaff.

You chose to reply by completely dismissing our experiences.

So what's the point exactly. Your opinion is the only one that counts and the TRUTH. You speak the TRUTH. You are the TRUTH bearer. Everyone else is delusional, losers, and cowards.
That's exactly what he thinks. His mind is as closed as a rock.

I'm not one to entertain such things. Especially since his beef with me isn't even about this thread.
ScipioCowboy;2815959 said:
First, Springs1 was the standard-bearer. Now, it's Lewpac.

I'm in no way exaggerating when I propose that this may be the greatest thread in the storied history of threads...on any message board.

In fact, when message boards were first conceived, it was with the goal of bringing forth a thread of such majesty and prestige as this one. And now, here it is -- on our own Cowboyszone.com, no less!

I feel I am first-hand witness to the birth of something truly paradigm-defining. This thread should be enshrined and made available to the general public so they all may bathe in its transcendent and ethereal greatness.
Because of this thread, I'm going to start tipping the Sonic server when they bring out my happy hour slushes.
bbgun;2815810 said:
And to think you wasted three years of your life at law school instead of bartending school. Sucker.


You're beneath that.
ScipioCowboy;2815959 said:
First, Springs1 was the standard-bearer. Now, it's Lewpac.

I'm in no way exaggerating when I propose that this may be the greatest thread in the storied history of threads...on any message board.

It has produced a surprising amount of insane rage, has it not? Note to self: do not discuss politics, religion, or the internal culture of the food service industry.
WoodysGirl;2815957 said:

And the reason why is I don't care enough about your opinion or what you choose to tolerate about me to indulge your questions about my employment background.

My initial response was to theogt, not you...and it wasn't solely because of his dialogue with you. This WAS a funny thread. So no, I ain't telling you ****.

I find it interesting that out of all the people that have tagged you in this thread, you've chosen to attack me. All because you're mad about being banned for violating the guidelines? Wow. Get over it. If you want to talk about that, then take it to PM, the forums aren't the place for it.

Yeah, right, OK..................

You STILL jumped on board the "Slam Lewpac Express" tonight, all the while offering no opinion about the subject except for the "entertainment" value you got a thrill over.

Also, I defended myself against all comers, not just YOU. And YOU even pointed that out by quoting that I called another the same name you called me. So, erase that lame whining as well.

Bottom line, is that YOU know not what you speak of, and are simply sitting on the sidelines and playing "drive-by" at your victim of choice. And I nailed YOU at that game.

You don't know 1/100th of what I know about the industry, and I'm keeping this ALL ABOUT THE SUBJECT, lest I GET BANNED again for some minor, stupid, little nothing that I got bulls-eyed for before.

Yeah, I'll admit that I've been waiting for this for weeks now. You piped into a conversation and a field that you know nothing about, except to throw daggers at whatever you find wanting. Any coward can do THAT! If you don't have the courage to offer WHAT YOU BELIEVE (because, God forbid you open yourself to criticism), then just sit back and enjoy the ride.

I'll take it that you have no answer to all my above listed questions. Therefore, you have no "real time" experience in the field, and no NOTHING about it.

So, GET OFF MY BACK and listen. Maybe you'll learn something.
lewpac;2815972 said:
Yeah, right, OK..................

You STILL jumped on board the "Slam Lewpac Express" tonight, all the while offering no opinion about the subject except for the "entertainment" value you got a thrill over.

Also, I defended myself against all comers, not just YOU. And YOU even pointed that out by quoting that I called another the same name you called me. So, erase that lame whining as well.

Bottom line, is that YOU know not what you speak of, and are simply sitting on the sidelines and playing "drive-by" at your victim of choice. And I nailed YOU at that game.

You don't know 1/100th of what I know about the industry, and I'm keeping this ALL ABOUT THE SUBJECT, lest I GET BANNED again for some minor, stupid, little nothing that I got bulls-eyed for before.

Yeah, I'll admit that I've been waiting for this for weeks now. You piped into a conversation and a field that you know nothing about, except to throw daggers at whatever you find wanting. Any coward can do THAT! If you don't have the courage to offer WHAT YOU BELIEVE (because, God forbid you open yourself to criticism), then just sit back and enjoy the ride.

I'll take it that you have no answer to all my above listed questions. Therefore, you have no "real time" experience in the field, and no NOTHING about it.

So, GET OFF MY BACK and listen. Maybe you'll learn something.
This whole post: Wah wah.. Wah, wah, wah...
lewpac;2815972 said:
Yeah, right, OK..................

You STILL jumped on board the "Slam Lewpac Express" tonight, all the while offering no opinion about the subject except for the "entertainment" value you got a thrill over.

Also, I defended myself against all comers, not just YOU. And YOU even pointed that out by quoting that I called another the same name you called me. So, erase that lame whining as well.

Bottom line, is that YOU know not what you speak of, and are simply sitting on the sidelines and playing "drive-by" at your victim of choice. And I nailed YOU at that game.

You don't know 1/100th of what I know about the industry, and I'm keeping this ALL ABOUT THE SUBJECT, lest I GET BANNED again for some minor, stupid, little nothing that I got bulls-eyed for before.

Yeah, I'll admit that I've been waiting for this for weeks now. You piped into a conversation and a field that you know nothing about, except to throw daggers at whatever you find wanting. Any coward can do THAT! If you don't have the courage to offer WHAT YOU BELIEVE (because, God forbid you open yourself to criticism), then just sit back and enjoy the ride.

I'll take it that you have no answer to all my above listed questions. Therefore, you have no "real time" experience in the field, and no NOTHING about it.

So, GET OFF MY BACK and listen. Maybe you'll learn something.


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