Yeah, right, OK..................
You STILL jumped on board the "Slam Lewpac Express" tonight, all the while offering no opinion about the subject except for the "entertainment" value you got a thrill over.
Also, I defended myself against all comers, not just YOU. And YOU even pointed that out by quoting that I called another the same name you called me. So, erase that lame whining as well.
Bottom line, is that YOU know not what you speak of, and are simply sitting on the sidelines and playing "drive-by" at your victim of choice. And I nailed YOU at that game.
You don't know 1/100th of what I know about the industry, and I'm keeping this ALL ABOUT THE SUBJECT, lest I GET BANNED again for some minor, stupid, little nothing that I got bulls-eyed for before.
Yeah, I'll admit that I've been waiting for this for weeks now. You piped into a conversation and a field that you know nothing about, except to throw daggers at whatever you find wanting. Any coward can do THAT! If you don't have the courage to offer WHAT YOU BELIEVE (because, God forbid you open yourself to criticism), then just sit back and enjoy the ride.
I'll take it that you have no answer to all my above listed questions. Therefore, you have no "real time" experience in the field, and no NOTHING about it.
So, GET OFF MY BACK and listen. Maybe you'll learn something.