Twitter: Tony Romo #71 and Tyron Smith #78 on the NFLN Top 100


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Trent Dilfer says hello. He was carried by the Ravens defense the year he got his ring. One of the worst QBs ever to win a superbowl.

The NFL has changed since then. The worst qb to win a Super Bowl in the last decade would be Eli manning. 7 out of the last 10 SB winners had a qb that was picked in the first round. If brees wouldve went in the first itd be 8. The only other is brady. Gotta have a qb to win in this league.


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The NFL has changed since then. The worst qb to win a Super Bowl in the last decade would be Eli manning. 7 out of the last 10 SB winners had a qb that was picked in the first round. If brees wouldve went in the first itd be 8. The only other is brady. Gotta have a qb to win in this league.

Add Joe Flacco to that list. 83.7 career passer rating. His team just got hot at the right time and Denver basically gift wrapped them a win.


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The NFL has changed since then. The worst qb to win a Super Bowl in the last decade would be Eli manning. 7 out of the last 10 SB winners had a qb that was picked in the first round. If brees wouldve went in the first itd be 8. The only other is brady. Gotta have a qb to win in this league.

And a rb, a few good wr's, an oline, a DT, some De's and lb's, lob in some dB's... You know, a team.


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I respectfully disagree. This isn't a negligible talent gap like the gap between Ryan, Rivers, and Romo. These are guys that have ONLY had it easy.

Kaepernick has a better argument than Wilson in my opinion, but with comparable talent he's done less than Romo. (Crabtree, Vernon Davis, strong OL not much different than Dez, Witten, strong OL)... but Kaepernick also has a defense that is going to have his back unless it's up to him to win the game in waning moments... then you run into the same problem because he decided to test Sherman with "a sorry receiver like Crabtree".

Wilson, I've never looked at and said, wow that's talent. He just has the benefit of not having to play outside of himself. If he were asked to win games consistently without the backing of that defense, the Seahawks wouldn't be in the playoffs.

Put it like this. Russell Wilson on the Cowboys last year would've been a 4-12 season at best.

All three of these guys can make all the throws that are required of an NFL QB. In the Super Bowl, Wilson played very well. Super effecient and doesn't turn the ball over.

Come on, 4-12?
Orton almost put us in the playoffs. Our oline was pretty good. I don't think Dallas does any worse than 8-8 with Wilson at qb. Or kap. I think your not giving them enough credit. It's hard to win in this league, and you have to be good in all facets to win. Especially QB. IMO, if you want a definitive answer one way or the other, you gotta put side by side and work them out. It's the best way to get an accurate evaluation.


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And a rb, a few good wr's, an oline, a DT, some De's and lb's, lob in some dB's... You know, a team.

The qb is the most important piece to that puzzle. Which is my point.

The amount of money paid to QB's prove that point.


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Add Joe Flacco to that list. 83.7 career passer rating. His team just got hot at the right time and Denver basically gift wrapped them a win.

Flacco got hot as well. But yeah he wasn't too impressive last year without boldin.


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All three of these guys can make all the throws that are required of an NFL QB. In the Super Bowl, Wilson played very well. Super effecient and doesn't turn the ball over.

Come on, 4-12?
Orton almost put us in the playoffs. Our oline was pretty good. I don't think Dallas does any worse than 8-8 with Wilson at qb. Or kap. I think your not giving them enough credit. It's hard to win in this league, and you have to be good in all facets to win. Especially QB. IMO, if you want a definitive answer one way or the other, you gotta put side by side and work them out. It's the best way to get an accurate evaluation.

Sorry man. I'm sticking around 4-12. I don't think we win @WAS, @NYG, and Minny at home with Wilson. So maybe 5-11?

I like Russell Wilson. I just don't think he's that good. He's a smart quarterback, but he's not a very talented one. I would have more confidence in him than Kaepernick with the Cowboys, just because I think he's a much more mature young man than Kaep and a smarter player.

But I just think both Kaep and Wilson are a notch down in a jumbled mess of similar QBs.


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Flacco got hot as well. But yeah he wasn't too impressive last year without boldin.

I think it was less Flacco getting hot and more Boldin catching anything within spitting distance. Flacco's location on his passes during that SB run were terrible.


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All three of these guys can make all the throws that are required of an NFL QB. In the Super Bowl, Wilson played very well. Super effecient and doesn't turn the ball
I like Wilson a lot.

But, he did turn the ball over at a higher rate than Romo last year and under far, FAR less stressful circumstances.
31/10 > 26/9


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I think it was less Flacco getting hot and more Boldin catching anything within spitting distance. Flacco's location on his passes during that SB run were terrible.

That throw that led to overtime vs Denver was so ad it could have been fair caught.
But the DB made a huge misjudgment and a game for sure in hand somehow ended Denver's season.

I did think Flacco got on a roll in the playoffs. He's a career, slightly better than JAG QB whose team (and him) caught lightening in a bottle


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The qb is the most important piece to that puzzle. Which is my point.

The amount of money paid to QB's prove that point.

QB is important and they have always been paid more but does not change the fact without other parts the QB becomes worthless. You can't protect him he is going to have a rough time, WR not making the big catches the plays go no where.
Also you may want to add Wilson who was not a 1st heck he had the fewest passing attempts of any starting QB but he had a running attack and a big time defense he could lean on. Where i do agree is the one position that can cost you games more so than any other is the QB, he can't win by himself but he can do a lot to cause his team to lose.


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I am not the biggest fan of these lists.....but Tyron Smith should be higher in my opinion. Based on his age, performance, and position he plays. Didn't he make All Pro this past year?

Age doesn't factor in, only their performance the past season is *supposed* to be weighed. Now we know Peyton Manning made the list with out playing 2 years ago, but how young a player is almost certainly doesn't factor in.

As far being an All Pro, if you're on the second team, it can be a bit over rated. For example, Peyton Manning received all the All-Pro votes and thus there was no second team all pro QB. Had one writer voted for Romo as a joke, he would've been the second team QB, since he received the second most votes. If 5 QBs had 1 vote each, all 5 would be second team all pro since there is only 1 vote.

I'm not sure the vote numbers, and I think Smith deserved it, but second team all pro can be a bit over rated at times.


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Sorry man. I'm sticking around 4-12. I don't think we win @WAS, @NYG, and Minny at home with Wilson. So maybe 5-11?

I like Russell Wilson. I just don't think he's that good. He's a smart quarterback, but he's not a very talented one. I would have more confidence in him than Kaepernick with the Cowboys, just because I think he's a much more mature young man than Kaep and a smarter player.

But I just think both Kaep and Wilson are a notch down in a jumbled mess of similar QBs.

Fair enough


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QB is important and they have always been paid more but does not change the fact without other parts the QB becomes worthless. You can't protect him he is going to have a rough time, WR not making the big catches the plays go no where.
Also you may want to add Wilson who was not a 1st heck he had the fewest passing attempts of any starting QB but he had a running attack and a big time defense he could lean on. Where i do agree is the one position that can cost you games more so than any other is the QB, he can't win by himself but he can do a lot to cause his team to lose.

Yeah you have to help your qb out. But it's still the most important position on the team. For example, Dallas would be done if romo went down.


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Yeah you have to help your qb out. But it's still the most important position on the team. For example, Dallas would be done if romo went down.

I will not as far as saying done it would require alot of players stepping up and the team leaning a lot more on the run game. Tim Tebow is not a good QB yet did enough to help Denver make it to post season and take down Pitt in the playoffs. Was nothing magic about it, it was a full team effort to get it done. Again what I will say because the QB touches the ball on every offensive play he can do more to lose a game for you than any position.


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I like Wilson a lot.

But, he did turn the ball over at a higher rate than Romo last year and under far, FAR less stressful circumstances.
31/10 > 26/9

Romo was reluctant to take chances down the field last year too.


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That's BS about Smith. Tell me any team wouldn't trade multiple 1st rounders for a 23 year old who is already the best LT in the league. He might be one of the 5 most valuable players in the NFL along with Andrew Luck and JJ Watt.

Joe Thomas is better now but Tyron will be there for sure.

CT Dal Fan

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Romo was reluctant to take chances down the field last year too.

Romo wasn't reluctant, Bill Callahan was. That's why the Cowboys hired Scott Linehan to take over as the playcaller. Romo was really efficient last year, but I could live with a few more interceptions if he goes back to averaging 3 to 4 touchdown passes a game like earlier in his career. From 2006-09, Romo's big plays largely outweighed his mistakes.


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Your "fact" maybe. Many very bright people and great football minds would not agree with you.
But you're certainly entitled...

So winning one playoff game in what... 8 YEARS? is considered a success? Are you people kidding me?

Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Mannings, Drew Brees, etc... would be FAILURES if they had one playoff win.