Toys From Your Childhood That Today's Kids Would Probably Not Want

Faerluna;4484055 said:

Oh yeah, these remind me of Lincoln Logs.


Of course Kinex too!

Dallas;4484104 said:
Where are your Barbies? :eek: I'm tellin mom! :mad:


I think I had 1 Barbie doll. I totally loved all the "boy" toys. I also had the electric racecar track, Stretch Armstrong, Lincoln Logs, Spirograph, etc.

I remember going to my friends house and she always wanted to play Barbies, which I thought was crap. I always tried to get her to play board games instead. :D
A kid down the street used to have model rockets. He used to fire them off at the TCJC South Campus.

Damn, has anyone mentioned Legos yet? They were one of the best toys ever invented back then.

Sam I Am;4484138 said:
Damn, has anyone mentioned Legos yet? They were one of the best toys ever invented back then.

Legos were awesome, especially when there was one stray one in the middle of the floor where someone could step on it with bare feet and curse a blue streak.

Sam I Am;4484138 said:
Damn, has anyone mentioned Legos yet? They were one of the best toys ever invented back then.

<a href="" target="_blank">

I didn't mention Legos because I hate legos. My son has been a lego super hero since about the age of 4. I spent farrrr to much $$ on them. I blame myself of course but inside, inside I hope Lego steps on 1000 legos in a row.

We have about 50 lbs of legos in bins at the house. I told him the other day they were going to get donated this summer.

He's cool w/ that.
iceberg;4484110 said:

That thing was a blast, but rated one notch below yard darts for danger...

I took that thing in the eye well more than one time... :D

You would pump it up until you couldn't pump it any more, then hold it between your legs because the release was to hard to do with one hand...

Rocket between knees, head bent over watching, suddenly snap the release, experience temporary blindness for a while and subsequent black eye...

But it was all worth it... ;)
trickblue;4484212 said:
That thing was a blast, but rated one notch below yard darts for danger...

I took that thing in the eye well more than one time... :D

You would pump it up until you couldn't pump it any more, then hold it between your legs because the release was to hard to do with one hand...

Rocket between knees, head bent over watching, suddenly snap the release, experience temporary blindness for a while and subsequent black eye...

But it was all worth it... ;)

with all the dangerous toys we had as kids, i'm amazed so many of us survived.
trickblue;4484212 said:
That thing was a blast, but rated one notch below yard darts for danger...

I took that thing in the eye well more than one time... :D

You would pump it up until you couldn't pump it any more, then hold it between your legs because the release was to hard to do with one hand...

Rocket between knees, head bent over watching, suddenly snap the release, experience temporary blindness for a while and subsequent black eye...

But it was all worth it... ;)

Yeah. Just like the multi-pump air rifles. :laugh2:
trickblue;4484212 said:
Rocket between knees, head bent over watching, suddenly snap the release, experience temporary blindness for a while and subsequent black eye...

My brother had one of those never forget the time he held it between his knees pumping it until he couldn't pump it anymore and almost ended up with a high powered suppository.

Faerluna;4484141 said:
Legos were awesome, especially when there was one stray one in the middle of the floor where someone could step on it with bare feet and curse a blue streak.


Wasn't as bad as stepping on Jacks. We had a shag carpet. You could not see them when they were buried in the carpet. My sister used to leave them everywhere.

I don't remember having one of these...

Ooooh, that's your signature, doh.

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