Video: Troy Aikman on accuracy: You either have it or you don't


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Troy will make a statement this week that dak is playing better. "Dak has the heart of Rudy and gives his all" reports Troy Aikman.

Dak does have heart and has leadership qualities for sure... He just can't pass unless his target has 5 yards of clear space and he stands back in the pocket until that happens which too often never happens in the NFL. That's why he's being sacked at historic rates. Dak is a wonderful guy but, not a functional NFL QB for sure!!!


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Romo lost games because he had Garrett as his play-caller the majority of his career and Garrett couldn’t field a running game to save his life.

Dak loses games while having the best RB in the league and defenses stacking the boxes all Day, daring Dak to beat them on the outside and over the top.


Taco Engineer
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Aikman also said that there are things you can do through your footwork to improve accuracy, why isn't this mentioned?

Romo said himself that he wasn't a very accurate thrower early on and that he needed to constantly work. I've never really remember a more dissected QB in his 3rd year.


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Oh I think he will, but not a dramatic amount. And even that's if he doesn't get better coaching. Romo was an interception machine his first few years, but he got better. I think Dak is both trying to hard and afraid to make a mistake, he got so much praise for his 4 int first year that I believe he thinks that's the only way he can win.

Romo lost some games because he tried a bit too hard to make plays/win games by himself (of course he seldom if ever had a defense like the Cowboys have this year).

Dak has to learn when to let 'er rip and when to protect the ball. He's sort of like a man I knew who was talking about teaching his son to drive - sometimes when turning left he'd wait for a vehicle nowhere near him to pass before turning, other times he'd turn left almost in front of somebody! But he figured it out eventually.

Dak may not, but I think he can and will get better. We see flashes of much better play, like the passes to Gallup in this last game, there's just too few of them and too many missed throws....

Look, there is no question that the Cowboys are trying to make Dak into Russell Wilson and give him credit he's trying hard. An NFL QB can function or he can't. The NFL QB grave yard is filled with past potential SB QB's who just could not function. Dak is a wonderful person but, not an NFL QB and we are not Seattle and will not win a SB with Dak at the helm...just the facts!


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Why are people acting surprised?

Aikman is confirming what the pre-draft scouting profiles said of Dak. These are his inherent traits.

People mention Gallup TD. Well, besides the fact it was wide open, it was his FIRST PROGRESSION.

I say it all the time. Dak will throw it well when he knows where he is going and he doesn’t have to process the field and anticipate. It’s like Witten said, Dak isn’t a progression QB.


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I say it all the time. Dak will throw it well when he knows where he is going and he doesn’t have to process the field and anticipate. It’s like Witten said, Dak isn’t a progression QB.
I agree, if the first guy is open he does okay, if not he panic and see's ghosts and wants to take off.


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What does he know? Obviously not more than people on this board know.

If you watch the hour special on Romo, he said he was not ready for the NFL and although he could read everything, he could not throw the ball in the first 3 seasons as he sat on the bench. He worked on that and developed the skill that he eventually demonstrated.

I heard Aikman say that and I laughed because good coaching and constant work will improve upon that skill. To say that you have it or you don't could be a characteristic early in a player's life but to say that you can't develop it is really short-sighted. And that is why Aikman sucks at his job as an analyst.

Now you can tell me that Romo sucked and that Aikman was the cat's ***. Just remember, although Aikman was money on short and intermediate passing, his long ball was horrible.


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If you watch Darren Woodson, he actually says about the HUMBLE Romo, he was the best QB on the team as soon as he stepped on the field. And he also said that Romo acted shocked and surprised when Woodson told him that. Pretty much everybody recognized his talent from the beginning.

Romo saying he couldn’t throw well is in terms of Romo’s OWN PERCEPTION of not throwing well. It isn’t Dak not throwing well type of garbage.

When people talk about Dak, they say “he doesn’t practice well” and isn’t a “pocket passer” and “lacks accuracy” but then they say things like, “he has intangibles” and “IT”.

And Aikman didn’t say a guy can’t work on his accuracy to a degree, but coaching can only take one so far. You still need the talent.


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Dak is a wonderful person but, not an NFL QB and we are not Seattle and will not win a SB with Dak at the helm...just the facts!

1. Saying we will not win a SB with Dak is an opinion. If he retires or is cut and never plays again and hasn't won a SB, that will then be a fact.
2. We are not Seattle yet, but I do think the defense can be. That's also an opinion, of course.

Jerry isn't giving up on Dak, he will be here at least a couple more years, it seems. Just gotta keep our fingers crossed...


Cowboys 24/7/365
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The same people that are congratulatory to this are the same that are dismissive when Troy says positive things about him. Call it a wash and be done trying to use him to prove a case on both sides.
Good post.


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You know, Linehan catches a lot of flack around here, and rightfully so. Im no fanboy of Linehan. But tell me, exactly what kind of offense or play calls would you like him to draw up for a QB who is inaccurate, has ZERO anticipation, doesnt/cant read the field, holds the ball too long and refuses to get it out on time, oh... and for good measure likes to run right into sacks? There are no playcalls for that because you cant make chicken salad otta chickenscish..

I like Dak, I really do. The kid tries hard and seems to be a half way decent leader. He simply does not process the field as fast as it needs to be, he cant, he doesnt have the mental ability to do so. He should be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy farther along by now than he is,.. but he's not. He's not because this is where he tops off. He REALLY hamstrings this offense in a big way and is very much holding this team back. Hate to say it but its the truth. Championships arent won with good intentions they are won with REAL talent. He simply does not have THAT KIND of talent.


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1. Saying we will not win a SB with Dak is an opinion. If he retires or is cut and never plays again and hasn't won a SB, that will then be a fact.
2. We are not Seattle yet, but I do think the defense can be. That's also an opinion, of course.

Jerry isn't giving up on Dak, he will be here at least a couple more years, it seems. Just gotta keep our fingers crossed...

You are certainly right about two things... Everything said on the zone is an opinion... and, Jerry is going to live or die with Dak at this point. Just like he's never going to give up on Garrett.
Those are just the facts, man.


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Troy has also been laudatory of Dak in the past. Troy runs hot and cold.
True , much like Dak.

Criticism of Daks passing abilities doesn’t discount his winning attitude and leadership. The kid has some game , he’s just an inconsistent passer.

Obviously we can still have some success with him. How much is yet to be seen.


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I have never seen an inaccurate QB in the NFL suddenly become accurate.

This is not a "scheming the receiver open" thing.

He misses open receivers too often.
I have never seen and innacurate qb complete over 68% of his passes for a season either.



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You know, Linehan catches a lot of flack around here, and rightfully so. Im no fanboy of Linehan. But tell me, exactly what kind of offense or play calls would you like him to draw up for a QB who is inaccurate, has ZERO anticipation, doesnt/cant read the field, holds the ball too long and refuses to get it out on time, oh... and for good measure likes to run right into sacks? There are no playcalls for that because you cant make chicken salad otta chickenscish..

I like Dak, I really do. The kid tries hard and seems to be a half way decent leader. He simply does not process the field as fast as it needs to be, he cant, he doesnt have the mental ability to do so. He should be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy farther along by now than he is,.. but he's not. He's not because this is where he tops off. He REALLY hamstrings this offense in a big way and is very much holding this team back. Hate to say it but its the truth. Championships arent won with good intentions they are won with REAL talent. He simply does not have THAT KIND of talent.

So he's won 31 of 47 games but can't do a darn thing right, as far as playing quarterback?

NO quarterback that's that bad wins 31 games solely on the running game.

That's your opinion, fine, I'm just tired of the all or nothing comments...


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Dak keeps trying to replicate the Romo spin move to avoid sacks. Something we have all seen Tony do a hundred times. Only problem is,... when Dak does it he runs right into a sack most times. Know why?....No anticipation. It doesnt work with him like it did with Romo, in fact most of the time he actually ends up in an even worse position! LOL. Really wish he would stop trying it, makes himself look foolish .