Video: Troy Aikman on accuracy: You either have it or you don't

Gangsta Spanksta

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Applying that principle to football is funny.

The principle that the more effort you put into something -- more carries -- will eventual result in you getting less of a return -- from those carries -- which in this case would give you a lower YPC than you would've had if you didn't have so many carries? This isn't logical? It is pretty much a law that any running back who after a certain point keeps increasing his carriers will have lower Yards per Carry. That pretty much is the law of diminishing returns. However, football is a team sport and not a sport of an individual player stacking up their individual stats. So if the team's game plan is to run out the clock, to keep the opposing offense off the field and let the defense rest, and to throw off the opposing offense rhythm by having them sit and get frustrated, then you sacrifice your running back's YPC. That's a hallmark of power football right there. So saying that Zeek doesn't have the best YPC in the league isn't telling the whole story in other words, because you fail to mention why that might be the case other than "Zeek isn't that great"


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I didn't read the 18 pages of this thread. I taped the game and haven't watched yet. The topic, I assume, is accuracy. Dak threw 20 completions in 25 attempts. Seems pretty accurate to me :huh:

I didn't watch Aikman's comments on accuracy. But, pretty much any NFL QB could have been accurate behind the Great Wall, especially when you throw in Irvin, Smith, Novachek, and excellent coaching and play calling. My opinion is that Dak would have at least 3 SBs if he were given the players Aikman had. Aikman was good but he absolutely hit the powerball with the team he was on.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Aikman also said that there are things you can do through your footwork to improve accuracy, why isn't this mentioned?

Romo said himself that he wasn't a very accurate thrower early on and that he needed to constantly work. I've never really remember a more dissected QB in his 3rd year.

Actually, Khiladi mentioned it, and explained it quite well I think.

Gangsta Spanksta

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If you watch the hour special on Romo, he said he was not ready for the NFL and although he could read everything, he could not throw the ball in the first 3 seasons as he sat on the bench. He worked on that and developed the skill that he eventually demonstrated.

I heard Aikman say that and I laughed because good coaching and constant work will improve upon that skill. To say that you have it or you don't could be a characteristic early in a player's life but to say that you can't develop it is really short-sighted. And that is why Aikman sucks at his job as an analyst.

Now you can tell me that Romo sucked and that Aikman was the cat's ***. Just remember, although Aikman was money on short and intermediate passing, his long ball was horrible.

Actually, this is something I've mentioned before. From observation, it seems that Quarterbacks do tend to improve, if you redshirt them and let them develop their skills. But once you throw them out to the wolves, they don't seem to improve, because throwing them out to the wolves when they are not ready seems like it has a negative psychological impact on a player. I mean how many first round quarterbacks have been ruined by the worst NFL team for that year drafting them? How many quarterbacks have the Browns ruined? Having Dak come in from Romo was good short term but maybe was bad long term, because Dak may have been a better quarterback learning under romo, and not just from what romo personally teaches him but also from watching what a good quarterback does. I think Romo would've been trash if you would've put him out his first year and then never develop further. I'm afraid that this might be the case for Dak.


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The principle that the more effort you put into something -- more carries -- will eventual result in you getting less of a return -- from those carries -- which in this case would give you a lower YPC than you would've had if you didn't have so many carries? This isn't logical? It is pretty much a law that any running back who after a certain point keeps increasing his carriers will have lower Yards per Carry. That pretty much is the law of diminishing returns. However, football is a team sport and not a sport of an individual player stacking up their individual stats. So if the team's game plan is to run out the clock, to keep the opposing offense off the field and let the defense rest, and to throw off the opposing offense rhythm by having them sit and get frustrated, then you sacrifice your running back's YPC. That's a hallmark of power football right there. So saying that Zeek doesn't have the best YPC in the league isn't telling the whole story in other words, because you fail to mention why that might be the case other than "Zeek isn't that great"
No. How would you explain Zeke getting more carries (322) and higher YPC (5.1) in 2016 if more carries should result in diminishing returns?

Gangsta Spanksta

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True , much like Dak.

Criticism of Daks passing abilities doesn’t discount his winning attitude and leadership. The kid has some game , he’s just an inconsistent passer.

Obviously we can still have some success with him. How much is yet to be seen.

True. But I would say: we can win regular seasons games with him, but to see if that translates into the post season is another story. Playoffs are a totally different game from the regular season.

Gangsta Spanksta

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11 pages of stupidity because our qb missed 5 passes, got sacked once and had 161 yards passing.

You would think it would be because he just won the division or something.

This is what you Dak fanatics like to do: obfuscate reality by leaving out parts of the story. In this case, to make your point you mention 161 yards pass, 5 missed passes, as if that is all the opposing side is *****ing about. The reality is that the opposing side is talking about the trend that spans two seasons worth of games versus the one game you try to paint the picture with.

Gangsta Spanksta

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I didn't read the 18 pages of this thread. I taped the game and haven't watched yet. The topic, I assume, is accuracy. Dak threw 20 completions in 25 attempts. Seems pretty accurate to me :huh:

I didn't watch Aikman's comments on accuracy. But, pretty much any NFL QB could have been accurate behind the Great Wall, especially when you throw in Irvin, Smith, Novachek, and excellent coaching and play calling. My opinion is that Dak would have at least 3 SBs if he were given the players Aikman had. Aikman was good but he absolutely hit the powerball with the team he was on.

"I didn't watch anything, but I'm going to say something"

Gangsta Spanksta

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No. How would you explain Zeke getting more carries (322) and higher YPC (5.1) in 2016 if more carries should result in diminishing returns?

Why are you doing this, if you know you going to hate the answer and what it would be? 2016 - Dak not figured out yet, defensive coordinators not stacking the boxes? Today, Coordinators game plan to stop dallas you stop Zeek, because Dak isn't going to light it up? XD I mean isn't this stuff pretty obvious? Cooper has helped Dak somewhat, but both on TV and on the Radio I keep hearing the commentators mentioned that even though Coop is here that defenses are still stacking the boxes, or focusing on stopping Zeek. If we had a better quarterback out there one of two things would happen. 1) the quarterback would light it up, because the defenses are focusing in on Zeek or 2) Zeek would light it up, because the defenses are focusing in on the passing game. Or to put it more simple: we don't have a balanced attack because of the Quarterback possition, whereas if we did the offense would be better.


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No. How would you explain Zeke getting more carries (322) and higher YPC (5.1) in 2016 if more carries should result in diminishing returns?
To me it's more about usage. If you're running on 3rd and short, or around the goal line, those renters tend to have lower ypc. A runner on a passing team who gets a lot of spread looks and such might have higher ypc.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Yeah, I'm not interested with either extreme take, especially from a troll.

He made a valid point, even if you think of him as a troll. What you are doing in effect, is what is termed as "Poisoning the Well" in where you discount anything he says, because of something he may have said in the past which you label as trolling. It's a fallacy of logic.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Why are you doing this, if you know you going to hate the answer and what it would be? 2016 - Dak not figured out yet, defensive coordinators not stacking the boxes? Today, Coordinators game plan to stop dallas you stop Zeek, because Dak isn't going to light it up? XD I mean isn't this stuff pretty obvious? Cooper has helped Dak somewhat, but both on TV and on the Radio I keep hearing the commentators mentioned that even though Coop is here that defenses are still stacking the boxes, or focusing on stopping Zeek. If we had a better quarterback out there one of two things would happen. 1) the quarterback would light it up, because the defenses are focusing in on Zeek or 2) Zeek would light it up, because the defenses are focusing in on the passing game. Or to put it more simple: we don't have a balanced attack because of the Quarterback possition, whereas if we did the offense would be better.
None of that has anything to do with the law of diminishing returns. You're bringing in all kinds of other factors. I get it, you want to hate on Dak. You do that and I am going to hate on overrated Zeke.


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dink. dunk.

Most NFL quarterbacks throw mostly shorter passes, the days of Daryle Lamonica chunking the ball 40 yards 20 times a game is over. Does Dak throw a bit more shorter passes than some? Sure, but that is a relative number, and the plan is to "feed Zeke", so whoever is the quarterback, he's not going to have a ton of deep throws with the Cowboys. If Dak can hit a few more of the shorter routes, where receivers are open, the offense will be better. Again, I don't see he needs to get a ton better, just some better...