Have you ever had a deer run to greet you when you come home?
Have you ever had a deer lay his head on your lap when you are sad?
Have you ever had a deer follow you around no matter where you go or how long you stay there?
Have you ever had a deer warn you from danger or protect you from trouble?
Have you ever had a deer choose to nap whereever you choose to nap, no matter where that happens to be in the house?
That is one of the differences. Dogs interact with man like no other animal.
Dogs are such an intelligent, rare animal, that centuries ago man invited them into their homes to live with their families!
Since then other animals have been domesticated as well, (cats, fish, hamsters, etc) but dogs are the No. 1 domesticated animal I am sure.
Whether all like it or not, or if they agree or not, dogs are very special and unique.
So comparing dogs to deer is a very weak argument. If some can't see or understand that, ... I suggest you get to know a dog.