Walking Dead Season 7 **merged**

I will find you Maggie!

Now we know why there was that shot of Maggie's ring on the ground.

Maggie's like "Oooh...get away."
Sure thing bro. I'll really worry about your flawed thought on the shows.

You're another typical online tough guy. Puff out your chest and going all wanna be bad *** because I laughed at your post.

The only person here who took anything personal was you because no one wanted to take your thoughts seriously. That's not my problem that's yours.

Your take is wrong. It doesn't make you a bad person it just means the thoughts you had on what will happen are going to prove to be wrong.

Just like if the TV show decides to go completely opposite of the comic my thoughts on the show will be wrong.

The difference is I'll be able to admit it when that happens. You'll still be here calling people names, making personal comments, and acting like the little online ***** you are.

You want to take cheap shots and then run away....it doesn't work like that

Man up or keep your insults to yourself.....others commented without being prissy

Now go read some comics
You want to take cheap shots and then run away....it doesn't work like that

Man up or keep your insults to yourself.....others commented without being prissy

Now go read some comics

lmao!!! Sure thing tough guy.

I wasn't pissy until you got your shorts in a bunch that I laughed.

Either way you have yourself a great day. I'm done with this hilarious interaction with you.
Glad the walking dead is back on because I gave up on fear the walking dead. Just csnt get into it. Started off strong but went to crap mid way.
Glad the walking dead is back on because I gave up on fear the walking dead. Just csnt get into it. Started off strong but went to crap mid way.

I just watched the final two episodes of the season for "Fear" and I was underwhelmed. Very not exciting.
What's Darabont up to? They need someone to fix it.

Don't think Frank would have anything to do with AMC at this point– the parting was ugly.

The writing for both shows is the weak link.

"TWD" thrives due to the strong writing presence the show had at the beginning.

"Fear" never had that.
Glad the walking dead is back on because I gave up on fear the walking dead. Just csnt get into it. Started off strong but went to crap mid way.

I watch. Not sure why at this point? Lol

It's unexpicable that they didn't stay with the apocalyptic beginnings. There is so much meat there.

It's irresponsible. IMO.
I watch. Not sure why at this point? Lol

It's unexpicable that they didn't stay with the apocalyptic beginnings. There is so much meat there.

It's irresponsible. IMO.

yea, its like now all we have is Walking Dead "Lite" lol.....or a Walking Dead "West Coast" version.......could of had at least another season or two of the beginning of the apocalypse....

They could have gone farther.
5-6 seasons of the "breakdown" in society.

One of these days I'll learn not to reply until I've gone through the whole thread.

I agree, I was really disappointed in the lack of any depth on the subject of how this took place and how chaos slowly took over, I was thinking the could have covered that issue for several seasons as well.

I dont feel like it was ever really addressed
Are they feeding the walkers to the pigs to kill Negan and company?
Does that even work? Ingesting them through the pig?
Pretty slow episode, but that was expected after last week.

It was OK. Nothing to write home about.

I'm thinking the Negan/Saviors will be terrorizing other groups all season, and then maybe a tide change for a season-ender.
I don't think that'll work.

Agreed. But are they trying anyways? Or simply just trying to keep Negan happy?

Pretty slow episode, but that was expected after last week.

It was OK. Nothing to write home about.

I'm thinking the Negan/Saviors will be terrorizing other groups all season, and then maybe a tide change for a season-ender.

Yeah, episode was really only about who/group is in the negan pay-to-live network.
Are they feeding the walkers to the pigs to kill Negan and company?
Does that even work? Ingesting them through the pig?

They've never given any indication that this would work other than the one time that Bob told Garreth that they were eating tainted meat. I think people are still scared what it might do.

So yeah they fed the pigs walkers cause it's the pigs they're giving Negan's people. Most likely they're hoping it will at the very least make them very ill.
I didn't mind last nights episode at all. I expected a lot slower episode and it was good to have them introduce the kingdom and the King.

I think people are going to have to get more used to the idea of the show not putting Rick's people in them for longer periods of time, more often, going forward.

With the addition of the Hilltop, The Saviors, and now The Kingdom there is simply going to be a lot of communities, people, and stories to build on that it's going to start being more often that we go 2-3 episodes with no Rick and company. This is some what sad on one hand but at the same time very necessary.

Next week we get a Saviors episode and I'd imagine that unless they throw Tara and Heath's stuff into this episode that the week after that you're going to get one from them before they get back to Alexandria.

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