they spend an hour to develop something they could do in 10 minutes. everything between the 1st show and last week could have been 1 episode but they drag things out to the most painful of degrees.
the "cliffhanger" was what, 8 months?
7.5 billion people in the world today
55 million people die each year.
so what, .8% of the population dies yearly
now walking dead - they average 19.9 million viewers per episode.
if we go .8% of these people die, factor in 8 months vs. 12, we still have approximately 107k people who died never knowing who negan whacked, much less he whacked 2 people.
the sad part is those of us who remain to keep watching.
this season started out maybe too harsh and they could never match it. instead they simply dragged everything out and went into 70 minute long self discoveries these days to setup something no one will give a damn about in 2 more seasons at this rate.