Norman Reedus is already in a new show on AMC.
Greg Nicotero one of the executive producers and the special effects whiz of the show was recently interviewed about the end of season 6 and he used the word "deaths".
If it's one death... Or two = no imagination.
Killing Eugene after catching him in van and saying, "you can save the others with your death, if you tell us where they are" = that's creative.
He gets to die a Nobel, honorable death.
The trouble is Eugene has been seen a lot in filming.
Two other characters have not.
And NO, Daryl isn't one of them.
I have heard its gonna be Glenn& Abraham.
Me too.That's a pretty strong rumour at this point.
If it's anyone but them, I'd be shocked.
I think its Daryl........
But the spoiler indicates "Right Hand Man", and Daryl is Rick's "Right Hand Man"Hmm.
Theres alot of talk about it bein Maggie, because supposedly you can see her engagement ring amongst the pool of blood/pieces of skull & Brain.....but what I wonder is, why would her engagement ring come off her finger while getting clubbed to death? Some other people of said this means it was Glenn and Maggie took the ring off because Glenn was killed....but thats just as dumb, as if she's that technical that she says "welp, Im not engaged anymore, better take this off and throw it away!" lol......
See, this thread is exactly why the show runners are complete and utter morons. They honestly thought they could keep this under wraps for 6 months? It wasn't even kept a secret for 3. And now they are cheesing it by doing 2 people at once? Really shocking there TWD. People are going to be caught completely off guard by that as long as they watched the episode and ignored any and every bit of news thats come out since the finale. What a joke. It takes a special breed of stupid to screw up the defining moment of the series, that was already laid out perfectly mind you, this horribly.
Yeah that wouldn't fit with negan's "or did I already" statement as he holds up lucille in reference to whether Rick has a right hand man. Not unless Maggie is one of multiple kills.No... Not Maggie.
Yeah that wouldn't fit with negan's "or did I already" statement as he holds up lucille in reference to whether Rick has a right hand man. Not unless Maggie is one of multiple kills.