Walking Dead Season 7 **merged**

Kirkman will never dive into "the how/what/why" of the event... He's said right along he doesn't care.

Darabont had an interest in it and hence that's why the CDC part was there, but after he was gone... Well.

Understood. I don't think they "dived" into anything in that episode. For me anyways I thought it was a *** you get nothing and like it. Lol

The Quote in the bottom picture was the title of the episode. It's said in the season finale of season 1 as Rick and his group are trying to escape from the CDC.

And nobody was going to be shocked if Glenn was "it". We all knew someone was dying and everyone already knew Glenn was at the receiving end in the comics so it had no surprise value other than actually seeing it. Killing Abe or any other character was the only way to shock everyone about Glenn since people unaware of the spoilers that came out wouldn't be expecting two deaths. Thus the first death was just a bridge to make sure people were indeed shocked at Glenns death.

Ahhhh I see. Thanks.

I never said shocked. I thought it was effective in the grand Negan scheme.
Disagree on bridge.
Since I'm not getting enough attention to my earlier post, I'm going to keep reposting until somebody pats me on the back, here. What's wrong with you people? I nailed this like I had a vampire bat or something.

"If it's me writing the show, I'm taking out more than one main character on the season opener. Maybe start with it having been Abraham in the cliffhanger, get everybody to breath a sigh of relieve for Glenn, and then take Glenn out, too. And maybe a minor character too, just for fun.

The case for it being Abraham: one, he's to the Negan's left of Rick if we're to believe the head jerk when he suggests feeding Carl's eye to Rick. The other candidates are Michonne and Maggie, and it's less likely Negan takes out the women. Abraham makes a point of challenging him with a stare, so perhaps he takes him out to make a point and to weaken Rick, thinking Abraham is a chief lieutenant. Plus, if you're doing a cliffhanger, it would give the audience that 'oh, you blew it by not having the guts to take out Glenn' moment....right before you then take out Glenn.

The made the character connection between Abraham/Sasha and Glenn/Maggie this episode. Taking out both men would be a nice way of saying 'that's what you get for being hopeful in the zombie apocalypse' to the audience. Maybe as a bonus you have Sasha react to the bashing and take her out, too.

The best way to come out of the sour note of the cliffhanger is to up the body count with key characters. We've got a couple actors already who've outlived their character arcs from the comic book. I think I'd take them out and just leave the audience stunned and sad in week one next season."

Okay smart guy, it would have been a lot more impressive if you had mentioned Rick jumping off a Winnebago onto a hanging Walker cuz he doesn't do axes, only to slowly, squishilly slide down, taking an oozing decaying torso with him, all while a bunch of Walkers were sort of licking his boots. THAT would have been impressive.

But still, you did okay.:thumbup:
I was somewhat surprised by the number of people that have expressed a lot of dissatisfaction with the premier episode because of the level of violence... Many are calling it "torture porn". Probably going to cost them viewers.

Hey I'm a "SAW"/"Hostel" fan but I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea. You've got a lot of ladies watching because of the Daryl Dixon and I can see where that point of the audience would be turned off by that episode. Yeah, you can say "Game of Thrones" has an equal (if not more so) level of violence, but that's HBO and not a more readily accessed channel like AMC.

Yea, I was surfing the web yesterday to get a feel for what the consensus was regarding the premier, and boy was there a TON of butt hurt. Saw the "torture porn" thing thrown around a lot, and I can't say I agree. The show has ALWAYS been graphic and violent. Someone else listed a bunch of good examples a few posts ago.

Either viewers are forgetting what they're watching (or have selective memories), or they're being sensitive this time because the violence was inflicted upon characters they care for.
Yea, I was surfing the web yesterday to get a feel for what the consensus was regarding the premier, and boy was there a TON of butt hurt. Saw the "torture porn" thing thrown around a lot, and I can't say I agree. The show has ALWAYS been graphic and violent. Someone else listed a bunch of good examples a few posts ago.

Either viewers are forgetting what they're watching (or have selective memories), or they're being sensitive this time because the violence was inflicted upon characters they care for.

Just as you posted I think the level of violence was perceived to be greater due to who was on the receiving end of it... Abe to a certain extend and most definitely Glenn. If you were a big fan of either you may have taken either death as being over the top- Glenn's could certainly be included in that even though it pretty much mimicked what was in the graphic novel. I found it interesting that several folks found Glenn's beating death "disrespectful" to the character.

Overall, I thought the episode was good, but it wasn't great by any stretch of the imagination. The special effects were superb (as usual), the story telling and pacing was weaker– But that's been the way of the TV show for at least a couple seasons now.
Just as you posted I think the level of violence was perceived to be greater due to who was on the receiving end of it... Abe to a certain extend and most definitely Glenn. If you were a big fan of either you may have taken either death as being over the top- Glenn's could certainly be included in that even though it pretty much mimicked what was in the graphic novel. I found it interesting that several folks found Glenn's beating death "disrespectful" to the character.

Overall, I thought the episode was good, but it wasn't great by any stretch of the imagination. The special effects were superb (as usual), the story telling and pacing was weaker– But that's been the way of the TV show for at least a couple seasons now.

I think that's probably why it was perceived as being so much more violent. Glenn was absolutely a fan favorite and one of the real good people on the show. That's why his brutal death had so much meaning in the comic. It really set the tone for Negan and imo was necessary for the character.
Ahhhh. Thank you. I will have to check it out.

So, with that info.

A high school coach:
- suck it up
- there's no crying in...
- rub some dirt on it

I gotta say. The "event" that is "Career day" which spanned the hours of the darknesss before dawn then the dawning light of day are some of the most powerful tv ever.

Negan: You see, Rick, whatever you do, no matter what, you don't mess with the new world order. And the new world order is this, and it's really very simple. So, even if you're stupid, which you very may well be, you can understand it. You ready? Here goes. Pay attention. Give me your ****... or I will kill you. Today was career day. We invested a lot so you would know who I am and what I can do. You work for me now. You have ****, you give it to me. That's your job. Now, I know that is a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you most certainly will. You ruled the roost. You built something. You thought you were safe. I get it. But the word is out. You are not safe. Not even close. In fact, you are pegged, more pegged if you don't do what I want. And what I want is half your ****. And if that's too much, you can make, find, or steal more, and it'll even out sooner or later. This is your way of life now. The more you fight back, the harder it will be. So, if someone knocks on your door... (chuckles) ...you let us in. We own that door. You try to stop us and we will knock it down. You understand?

Negan explained it.
Negan did a "show and tell".

It is clearly understood.

Now, how does one become that powerful?
It's not just killing people. It has to be known that if you do kill me(Negan)... you and everyone you love are in jeopardy. "We are all Negan"... on of them will kill you or probably just your loved ones.... IN FRONT OF YOU.... just like last night.

So, how do you beat him? Heh heh

Excellent post and excellent question. To that question there has never been an explanation as to how he became so powerful. I believe it will be fleshed out in the little Negan mini-series but from the comic you never know he became that powerful of so many other than he was able to just bully, intimidate, and scare a few who then were willing to help him.

It's pretty amazing what he is able to accomplish and control with there not being any real structure for him to actually enforce his leadership. At any given time (This is the comic of course) his people could easily revolt against him and take him out. He has not real authority or way to stop it. But the fear he's produced in his people cause them to blindly follow him no matter what.
Negan is the most dangerous adversary they have faced because he is truly a psychopath. It isn't like PTSD changed him like the Governor, Negan likes killing people.

The logical move under the circumstances would have been to kill Rick, cut the head off the snake, but he preferred to torture them. The whole picking the victim was just for fear, he was gonna kill Abraham from the moment Abraham gave him the F-off stare. The taunting of Rosita was meant to cause another reaction because he wanted to kill Glenn too.

Good points. I like the thought process.

And it definitely could be how they go with displaying him in the TV show as it's another avenue for the character to go a totally different direction from the comic.

The comic version of him isn't this way because he likes to kill. He doesn't mind killing. But he does it all for simple fear and show. The only way to make people do what he wants, and not question him, is to make them fear him completely.

He doesn't have the PTSD in the way the Governor does...but he does. You just don't know it in the comic at the time. It wasn't until their little Negan series that they've began running that you learn it truly is this world and the way it is that has turned him into the person he is.
Does he like killing or is he simply sold on "that's the way it works"... you kill my people and I gotta kill one of yours.

Yeah, Abraham was chosen before I agree.

He gave Negan the look.
He stood tall on his knees.
Then the facial hair... I got shave this ship!

Daryl killed Glenn. But maybe Negan was gonna do it anyway.

Interesting. But if they did that then started season 7 still on their knees then people would have suspected something was up.

Definitely Abraham was picked right away. Because he's the one who stands up to him basically with his look. The rest was for show. He definitely (I believe this is how they're going to go with it anyway) does this all for the show of this is how it works. I have to be completely feared and you have to know that if you cross me there are serious consequences.

Daryl deciding to hit him is what got Glenn killed. It would have been only Abraham but Daryl did not bow to Negan the way he needed and wanted him to. He chose to strike and that showed that he wasn't afraid enough. Negan is on point with what he says when he says "I don't know what kind of lying *******s you've been dealing with." He's letting them know. He doesn't mess around. If he says something he means it.

Glenn's death was to show that he wasn't playing about not screwing with him.
I loved that they called the Episode "The Day Will Come When you Won't Be".

It's the perfect name to this episode because they've finally found that day that Jenner warned Rick about all the way back in season one. That there would come a day when Rick wouldn't be grateful that he was giving them that chance to survive.

Now they're faced with, by far, the worst that the world can throw at them to this point. Maybe the worst they'll ever have thrown at them. Rick has absolutely had to see the dream of keeping all his people safe and protected crushed.

I love the title name.
Excellent post and excellent question. To that question there has never been an explanation as to how he became so powerful. I believe it will be fleshed out in the little Negan mini-series but from the comic you never know he became that powerful of so many other than he was able to just bully, intimidate, and scare a few who then were willing to help him.

It's pretty amazing what he is able to accomplish and control with there not being any real structure for him to actually enforce his leadership. At any given time (This is the comic of course) his people could easily revolt against him and take him out. He has not real authority or way to stop it. But the fear he's produced in his people cause them to blindly follow him no matter what.

Yup, Sometimes people just want a leader. And will follow anywhere.

Definitely Abraham was picked right away. Because he's the one who stands up to him basically with his look. The rest was for show. He definitely (I believe this is how they're going to go with it anyway) does this all for the show of this is how it works. I have to be completely feared and you have to know that if you cross me there are serious consequences.

Daryl deciding to hit him is what got Glenn killed. It would have been only Abraham but Daryl did not bow to Negan the way he needed and wanted him to. He chose to strike and that showed that he wasn't afraid enough. Negan is on point with what he says when he says "I don't know what kind of lying *******s you've been dealing with." He's letting them know. He doesn't mess around. If he says something he means it.

Glenn's death was to show that he wasn't playing about not screwing with him.

There was no way he would give warning and then let a second retaliation go.
Like someone mentioned he was making it so there would be a second retaliation.
His letting Glenn off the first time was a setup.

He planned it. Devious.

I loved that they called the Episode "The Day Will Come When you Won't Be".

It's the perfect name to this episode because they've finally found that day that Jenner warned Rick about all the way back in season one. That there would come a day when Rick wouldn't be grateful that he was giving them that chance to survive.

Now they're faced with, by far, the worst that the world can throw at them to this point. Maybe the worst they'll ever have thrown at them. Rick has absolutely had to see the dream of keeping all his people safe and protected crushed.

I love the title name.

That is a GREAT tie in. Absolutely.

Did Jenner really mean people turning on people? Or was it something else?
Yup, Sometimes people just want a leader. And will follow anywhere.

There was no way he would give warning and then let a second retaliation go.
Like someone mentioned he was making it so there would be a second retaliation.
His letting Glenn off the first time was a setup.

He planned it. Devious.

That is a GREAT tie in. Absolutely.

Did Jenner really mean people turning on people? Or was it something else?

I think Jenner just meant in a more general sense. I don't think he meant it as it would be people that would make them regret it as much as he just meant that at some point, somewhere down the line, there's going to come a point when you won't be grateful.

It just so turns out that it turns out to be in the form of Negan when Rick hits his moment of not necessarily being grateful.

And the Glenn thing for the show...absolutely I could see it being planned and devious as hell if that was the case. But the thing we will find, I believe, is that he will often (Each time he interacts with Rick and his group) say and do things that are meant to provoke them to see if they're able to stay in line or if they're going to have to be reminded.

That's why I think Glenn wasn't necessarily a set up plan all along but one where he'd already decided that if someone else did get out of line, after he'd already shown them what he was about, that he'd show them even more brutally.

I say that only because from the comic version there is only 1 death but in the comic no one challenges him in that way after he beats Glenn to death. No one strikes out or anything despite the fact that he's mocking them and saying all sorts of things. In the comic it's actually a source of anger (For a short bit anyway) for Maggie toward Rick because she's genuinely pissed that Rick didn't try and do anything.

The only real defiance that is shown in the comic is when Rick tells him, afterwards, that he's going to kill. That line Rick said in the show comes right out of the comic the only difference is there is no RV scene. Negan tells him he better do it right then and there, as it's his best shot (As he did in the show) but he knows Rick isn't going to because he'd get everyone killed. Negan beats Rick up a little there just to show that he can and will.

That all that other stuff was added for the show to make it different and also, I believe, to find a way to write Daryl into an interesting story and part of this next arc as he's not in the comic to be around for any of this stuff.
Refresh my memory... what does Jenner whisper into Ricks ear?

- everyone is infected?
- Lori is pregnant?
Or both?

That everyone is infected. He's the first to tell Rick that no matter how you die you come back.

Lori actually admits the pregnancy to Rick but only after he finds the morning after pills that she initially took and then threw them up.
That everyone is infected. He's the first to tell Rick that no matter how you die you come back.

Lori actually admits the pregnancy to Rick but only after he finds the morning after pills that she initially took and then threw them up.

Oh yeah on Lori.
That everyone is infected. He's the first to tell Rick that no matter how you die you come back.


Here's a thought/question... there's no way of checking but... who were the last humans to die and stay dead?

That wouldn't give the "what" but it would give a time frame.
Just as you posted I think the level of violence was perceived to be greater due to who was on the receiving end of it... Abe to a certain extend and most definitely Glenn. If you were a big fan of either you may have taken either death as being over the top- Glenn's could certainly be included in that even though it pretty much mimicked what was in the graphic novel. I found it interesting that several folks found Glenn's beating death "disrespectful" to the character.

Overall, I thought the episode was good, but it wasn't great by any stretch of the imagination. The special effects were superb (as usual), the story telling and pacing was weaker– But that's been the way of the TV show for at least a couple seasons now.

Agreed- the episode was good, not great. But I do think that in the grand scheme of things it accomplished what they wanted it to; they cashed in on the cliffhanger, and established that Rick is beyond broken now. The stage is set, if you will.

While the episode itself wasn't great, this is the most excitement I've had for a season in awhile. I don't think it's going to be same old same old.
Agreed- the episode was good, not great. But I do think that in the grand scheme of things it accomplished what they wanted it to; they cashed in on the cliffhanger, and established that Rick is beyond broken now. The stage is set, if you will.

While the episode itself wasn't great, this is the most excitement I've had for a season in awhile. I don't think it's going to be same old same old.

The challenge is we won't even see Rick & Co for another 3 episodes. Tough to maintain excitement when they only focus on the main group in two of out of the first four episodes.
The challenge is we won't even see Rick & Co for another 3 episodes. Tough to maintain excitement when they only focus on the main group in two of out of the first four episodes.

Where did you hear that?

I'm torn on the flipping back and forth when they have multiple storylines. On one hand, I don't want to not see main characters for episodes at a time, but then again the episodes are only one hour (41ish minutes of content) and flipping back and forth a lot within episodes could be worse.

Me personally, I'm sure my level of excitement will maintain, unless the season somehow utterly disappoints.

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