Look, even if Frederick didn't improve at all from what he is right now, he would still be light years better than what Dallas had last season. Right now he has a great anchor and can stop bull rushes in their tracks. Right now his power opens up run lanes inside that we haven't seen around here since Gurode was in his prime in 2007. Right now he makes all the correct calls and has everyone on the same page. Right now he is a rock in the center of the line that changes the entire line for the better. Right now he is quick to the second level and is a huge boost to the run game.
All of this he does right now.
If he doesn't improve at all, and I mean not one little bit more than he already is... then he was easily worth the 31 overall pick. With just about 3 weeks practice in his first NFL camp, he already is a damn good center.
So yes, we can say right now that he was worth the pick.
The great thing is though, by the mid point of this year, he should be playing at an even higher level than he is right now. I mean, he's already playing at a high level. That isn't a projection. He's doing it. The improvement is expected for him just like it is for all rookies... the only difference is that most rookies don't start out playing at such a high level.
Yes, he was definitely worth the 31st pick, and it is easy to see, even right now.