no. I never said they would. and I clearly said, yes, Daniels would lead them to more wins. its not hard to get from 4 wins to higher wins. you have to suck really bad to continuously win 4 games only. by default, you draft higher and you get better players.
but would they be in NFCCG if Snyder was still owning the team? well his 25 years showed they couldn't. I would say, they wouldn't.
our 30 years shows we can't. right now anger towards Dak. I get it. prior it was Romo. never able to get over the hump and according to you and many here, we had some loaded teams.
and there have been teams, with about same level QBs as Dak or Romo who have made it. heck Eagles won with Foles and nobody wanted foles afterwards, even with his performance and ring.
if you don't think company, organization culture has any impact to how that company does, then you have never worked in a corporate world in your life.