We made the Dallas News and Bleacher Report...

All fans rather casual or homer or haters or true fans as you put it, should feel sick to their stomachs after a loss.
So a homer can't be a "true fan"?. There are many haters that call themselves true fans....they may be fans, but they hate the team and everything it does or does not do.

There are people who will see this team get blown out, the same crappy player starting ect...and still clap their hands, and say disgusting things like "we will get it next year!" or "I'm sure he will soon develop into a great player, besides who else is there?"

MO is a prime example. Bum
:) And many of us thank you, Sir...isn't Reality strange.
Do you have any proof of this? I've been around a while and while I know about many people having beef with him, I've never seen a circumstance where he was treated with more leniency.

Can you pull up some threads that show this?

He'll have a difficult time because Hos has not been involved in the management of the forum for a long time.
Rather be a true fan that gets sick to their stomach when our team loses than a homer cheerleader that just waves pom poms no matter what they do. THAT would be embarrassing. That is a "casual fan". I do envy it to a point because it has to be a way less stressful existence. Just don't have that in me.

I think those so called "homers" probably get more upset after a loss than those always complaining. In fact the latter seem to enjoy it when the team loses.
Exactly. It's not a free speech issue, in any event. This is a private forum, and people simply don't have the right to say whatever it is they want. It's a content curation issue. If you cultivate weeds in every garden, you get weeds in every garden. If you want very specific types of conversations in some places and allow what occurs naturally to happen in other places, you have to actively cultivate that.

People will complain about their 'rights' to say 'blarrrggh! Jerry Sucks!' in every thread whether it's relevant or not, but the reality is, unless you want a couple dozen threads about 'Jerry sucks' at the top of every board in every forum, you have to provide direction for the discussions.

Similar things happen with the content on every single successful community on the internet, everywhere.

I respect you...

But you know damn well that is not how the power is being directed.

It's not about controlling the posters who walk around saying the same thing in every thread. It's about stopping anyone from saying anything negative about the team, that maybe some sensitive posters can't handle.

Some can't handle the truth.

If it was about saying the same thing over and over. I Bet you, if I walked into every thread saying Romo is the best, and the cowboys are the best. Even if the topic is about Ham and Cheese, you all would not have a problem with it. It would be ignored.

That is all.
I think those so called "homers" probably get more upset after a loss than those always complaining. In fact the latter seem to enjoy it when the team loses.

Yeah, because fans negative or not. Spend time on here, just to be happy to see the team lose.

It sounds like you trying to make an excuse, and cover up what really is going on. It's funny how everyone outside of this forum, and a few that exist in here can see what really is what.

I always wondered how some people of North Korea actually enjoy or are ok with the way they are treated and policed. Now I can see why.
When it's good I say it's good. When it's bad I say it's bad. Problem is some posters see the Cowboys thru rose colored glasses. So if you say something negative about Romo, Garrett or Jerry.. They power up like a superhero and get all uptight.

I respect you...

But you know damn well that is not how the power is being directed.

It's not about controlling the posters who walk around saying the same thing in every thread. It's about stopping anyone from saying anything negative about the team, that maybe some sensitive posters can't handle.

Some can't handle the truth.

If it was about saying the same thing over and over. I Bet you, if I walked into every thread saying Romo is the best, and the cowboys are the best. Even if the topic is about Ham and Cheese, you all would not have a problem with it. It would be ignored.

That is all.

100%. That's the way it's been for YEARS around here.
Some posters and admin wearing this as a badge of honor is interesting.... It's very telling really.

If Moderators were to have to be re-voted in every year...I think you would see a very different attitude from the moderators. I could use an analogy to prove my point....but that would be political....and I'd end up being banned for life. It's hard to even have a conversation in this thread for fear of being banned...that's how bad it's gotten here.
Too much whining about Romo not being considered in the rest of the world what he is considered around here.

It's like Reality needs to start a grief counselling room for the guys who cannot get past the fact that if you win, this all goes away.

Maybe there is too much of that but it pales in comparison to some of the other "themes" folks choose to voice their displeasure over.
Yikes. Not a good look.

The problem with the overt censorship and threats of benching (and actual benching), as I see it (I'm a First Amendment lawyer) is that it creates what are called "chilling effects" in the first amendment lexicon. In an open debate, you don't want people "pulling punches" so to speak. But that I believe is exactly what happens routinely in situations where people believe they can be punished for speech, whether that happens in the universities, or on Cowboys' message boards. The solution, as I see it, is something Justice Brandeis said in his concurring opinion in Whitney v. California: “If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence [emphasis added].”

Heavens knows we have the time to expose the fallacies through more speech here. That would be my suggested approach.

This is above my posting pay grade . . . . . . . :huh:
Honestly, I hate banning or suspending anyone. I know some users think otherwise, but I really really hate doing it. I've been attacked by some users saying i'm too strict on users and attacked by other users who say I'm too lenient on other users. I post warning threads like the one mentioned in this article because I want to avoid banning users.

One thing I don't think some of you realize is that it is very easy to just ban a user and be done with it. For example, if I banned Floaty, he would be gone and not around to complain. Instead, I warn and then the user gets several suspensions before an outright permanent banning which means they get to keep coming back to make snarky comments about the staff, the site, etc. never realizing that they are back because we chose to not simply ban them.

Trust me, it's much easier to ban. If I had just banned some users years ago, there would be a lot less hate toward the staff, the site and myself because there wouldn't be a group of users around to complain. I've been on the other side of that situation many times on other forum sites over the years, where you might not even know what you did wrong. You just login one day and are told you're account is permanently banned and that's it. From the staff's side, it would eliminate a lot of headaches and work by getting rid of users permanently, but we don't do that.

This is not a commercial site nor was it put online to make me rich. I put it online because I wanted a safe place for Cowboys fans to talk about their team. When people post the same negative comments and snide remarks over and over and over, at that point they stop being unhappy fans and instead become hard to distinguish among the trolls from other teams. You don't know how many times the staff has had conversations about a user with a lot of posts trying to figure out if they are just an angry fan or instead a fan from another team just here to fan the flames.

What it comes down to is moderators are evil, unless you happen to agree with them about something. Then they are the best moderators on any site you've ever visited. If they ban your enemies and leave you alone, they are awesome. If they give you a warning though, they are the worst moderators ever. Moderators know this and part of the process of selecting moderators is making sure they have thick skin.

In the end, I don't care what people think of me. I hope they like me or at least appreciate what I have done and mostly for (minus the donations) over the last 12 years, but I accept that some people prefer to be angry and insulting. I could have easily put CZ on low-end servers, cheap hosting, etc. to make money, but I have always kept CZ on enterprise level servers in high-end data centers for maximum speed and performance. The users who do appreciate what I have done and continue to do for Cowboys fans over the years make this all worth it, attacks, insults and all.

So now I'm a complainer. Awesome....Just awesome:rolleyes:

Thanks for the lable.:thumbdown:

Amazes me how out of my thousands of posts....a few get cherry picked...and now I'm being labled a complainer by the sight administrator.

Hahahaha...You just can't make this stuff up.

I'd bet my posts get as many likes as anybodies. Yet...I'm being targeted as a problem for the board. Oh brother:huh:
I respect you...

But you know damn well that is not how the power is being directed.

It's not about controlling the posters who walk around saying the same thing in every thread. It's about stopping anyone from saying anything negative about the team, that maybe some sensitive posters can't handle.

Some can't handle the truth.

If it was about saying the same thing over and over. I Bet you, if I walked into every thread saying Romo is the best, and the cowboys are the best. Even if the topic is about Ham and Cheese, you all would not have a problem with it. It would be ignored.

That is all.

That's not true Frozen.

There are many people that are quite often unhappy with the direction of the team and voice there displeasure.

They just do it in a way that doesn't become...

"20 years of failure-Jerry sucks!" in post after post.

And consequently aren't bothered by staff.

If you had the same number of people doing the "Go Cowboys" thing in post after post, those folks would get the attention of staff... I find that type of posting behavior just as tedious as "Garrett sucks!" in post after post.
I remember the days when Hostile could literally do and say anything (sometimes breaking the rules) and if anyone remotely challenged anything he said they'd get in trouble.

Yeah, but the mods have never been more lenient with some posters. :rolleyes:
Good job outing yourself as a former banned member back with a new identity.

You joined in August of 2015. I haven't posted here, except to report sonnyboy's death, in almost a year, and I have not posted here regularly since 2012.

Oh, and for the record, I got in trouble here the same as anyone else. I have been benched one more than one occasion. cbz40 ripped me a new one in the Mod Forums on more than one occasion. Juke99, jterrell, brainpaint, and several others set me straight on multiple occasions. We all have bad days.

I am not on this staff any more. I have no reason to defend them. They are a great group of people who bend over backwards for a lot of fans who don't appreciate the work they do...for free. I said above we all have bad days, I am telling you from personal experience these Mods are good people.

99 times out of 100 the people who get banned, suspended, benched, or infractions have crossed personal lines. Naturally they don't see it that way. Therein lies the rub. In all my time on this site I never saw a Mod go after someone. I saw plenty go after the Mods. At some point enough is enough, but what Reality said about how much he hates to ban people is true. We all hate it. I hated it. I am thrilled I don't have to do that any more.

Good luck. I'll fade back into the shadows again.
So now I'm a complainer. Awesome....Just awesome:rolleyes:

Thanks for the lable.:thumbdown:

Amazes me how out of my thousands of posts....a few get cherry picked...and now I'm being labled a complainer by the sight administrator.

Hahahaha...You just can't make this stuff up.

I'd bet my posts get as many likes as anybodies. Yet...I'm being targeted as a problem for the board. Oh brother:huh:

I think you were singled out because you were in the comments of the article being critical.
Good job outing yourself as a former banned member back with a new identity.

You joined in August of 2015. I haven't posted here, except to report sonnyboy's death, in almost a year, and I have not posted here regularly since 2012.

Oh, and for the record, I got in trouble here the same as anyone else. I have been benched one more than one occasion. cbz40 ripped me a new one in the Mod Forums on more than one occasion. Juke99, jterrell, brainpaint, and several others set me straight on multiple occasions. We all have bad days.

I am not on this staff any more. I have no reason to defend them. They are a great group of people who bend over backwards for a lot of fans who don't appreciate the work they do...for free. I said above we all have bad days, I am telling you from personal experience these Mods are good people.

99 times out of 100 the people who get banned, suspended, benched, or infractions have crossed personal lines. Naturally they don't see it that way. Therein lies the rub. In all my time on this site I never saw a Mod go after someone. I saw plenty go after the Mods. At some point enough is enough, but what Reality said about how much he hates to ban people is true. We all hate it. I hated it. I am thrilled I don't have to do that any more.

Good luck. I'll fade back into the shadows again.

Too long, didn't read.
Maybe there is too much of that but it pales in comparison to some of the other "themes" folks choose to voice their displeasure over.

That is subjective at best.

Michael, where is the section of the board that those threads about Romo are relegated to?.

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